
Pure adrenaline: discover the 10 most extreme rides in the world

Who doesn't love an amusement park, right? However, does the fun remain the same, even in front of the most radical toys in the world? Truth be told: only the brave see them as entertainment!


Who doesn't love an amusement park, right? However, does the fun remain the same, even in front of the most radical toys in the world? Truth be told: only the brave see them as entertainment!

If you ask someone if they like amusement parks, they are likely to say yes. However, will this same person have the same answer if asked about the most radical toys in the world?!

If you ask someone if they like amusement parks, they are likely to say yes. But will it have the same answer in the case of the most radical toys in the world?!

Well, it is very likely that the situation as a whole will change and the person will respond with a very short and thick “no” to you. After all, tackling the rides below is only for the very brave – and puts a lot into it!

Were you curious to know which are, then, the most radical toys in the world? If so, then be sure to read our text! Oh, and before we start, here's a spoiler for you: there is a toy on the list that is here in our national territory. But of course, to discover it, you have to read everything first! So, have fun (or be scared to death)!

10. Insanity – Las Vegas, USA

To start our list of the most extreme toys in the world on the right foot, we have Insanity, located at the top of the Stratosphere Casino Hotel tower in the city of Los Angeles, in the United States. As you can see, in this case, it is not an amusement park, but a huge building in the city known worldwide for its casinos.

To start our list of the most extreme rides in the world on the right foot, we have Insanity, located at the top of the Stratosphere Casino Hotel tower in the city of Los Angeles.

Of all the insane toys in the Stratosphere, the most feared by all is, without a doubt, Insanity. Located at a height of around 300 meters, it is a rotary that is suspended outside the tower. The attraction is an open construction, with passenger cabins, which rotates at a speed of 60 km/h, under an angle of 70°.

But the worst detail of all is yet to come: all passengers, while the toy rotates, are facing downwards. That is, they see nothing but the Las Vegas floor from an unexplained height. Who has acrophobia, you can't even dream of a toy like that!


09. X-Scream – Las Vegas, USA

Still at the Hotel Casino Stratosphere in the city of Los Angeles, we have another toy that only the strong face: the X-Scream. In this case, it is a kind of roller coaster that will take you out of the tower and leave you 300 meters above the ground.

Still at the Hotel Casino Stratosphere, we have another ride that only the strong face: the X-Scream, a kind of roller coaster that will leave you 300 meters high from the ground.

The biggest thrill in the X-Scream toy is precisely the unpredictability. That's because you sit in a cart, inside the tower, and, out of nowhere, the track it's on comes out of the Stratosphere Casino Hotel, tilting downwards and pointing towards the city of Las Vegas.

Still out of nowhere, the X-Scream thrusts forward as if heading towards the city and brakes with everything, making people panic. That is, whoever sits in that cart, all that's left is to pray not to have a heart attack, because this toy is the real meaning of adrenaline.

08. Big Shot – Las Vegas, USA

When a park has three of the most radical rides in the world, is it possible to ask for music at Fantástico? Jokes aside, we say this because the next one on our list also belongs to the Stratosphere Casino Hotel. So, who wants to feel the emotion on the skin, you already know where to go, huh?

Keeping company with Insanity and X-Scream is Big Shot. A little “lighter” than the others, this toy is nothing more than an “almost” elevator at 80 km per hour.

Keeping company with Insanity and X-Scream is Big Shot. A little “lighter” than the others, this toy is nothing more than an “almost” elevator at 80 km per hour, but with an interesting detail: it goes both up and down. Being in it is feeling the true meaning of butterflies in your stomach.

At the end of the day, Big Shot looks like a space launch pad, but it's no wonder! He, who is considered the tallest toy in the world, is located in the spire of the tower, that is, in the highest part of the building. Have no doubt that, on this attraction, you will really see Las Vegas from its highest point.

07. Giant Canyon Swing – Colorado, USA

Located in Colorado, United States, is the Giant Canyon Swing, one of the most extreme rides in the world. In the form of a huge swing, which can fit four passengers at a time, this attraction is installed on a hill that is 400 meters above the Colorado River.

Located in Colorado, United States, is the Giant Canyon Swing, one of the most extreme rides in the world.

To get an idea, the speed of the Giant Canyon Swing reaches a speed of 80 km/h and is 112° above the horizon. But wait, there's still more! When the toy reaches its highest point, passengers can observe the abyss below them, which seems to be endless. Have courage, huh?


06. EdgeWalk – Toronto, Canada

How about walking on an open-air platform? Putting it like that, it seems peaceful, but would you face it if you knew you were located on the 116th floor of a television tower and the “only” preventive measure to save your life was a seat belt?

How about walking on an open-air platform? Speaking like that, it even seems peaceful, but would you face it if you knew it was located on the 116th floor of a television tower?

Yeah, with this information, the scenario changes, doesn't it? Not by chance, the EdgeWalk, which is precisely the platform we just described, is on our list of the most extreme toys in the world. For those interested in having this experience that certainly makes your heart feel in your mouth, know that it is located in the CN Tower, in the city of Toronto, Canada. Detail: this construction is not just any one! It is considered the third tallest tower in the world. So, would you face it?

05. Takabisha, Japan

We've talked about several of the world's most extreme rides, but until now, there hasn't been a classic roller coaster to make the list. Well, know that the time for this attraction that makes the heads of lovers of amusement parks has arrived! In this case, the choice of our text is Takabisha, located in the Fuji-Q Highland theme park in Fujiyoshida, Japan.

About Takabisha, it is a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter steel roller coaster, where 1,000 meters are traversed in just over 1 minute and in 7 dizzying turns.

Regarding the Takabisha, it is a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter steel roller coaster, where 1,000 meters are traversed in just over 1 minute and in 7 dizzying turns. In addition, this toy is quite famous for having a fall angle of 121º and, because of that, it was once considered the steepest in the world. Today, he is second as this roller coaster was passed by the TMNT Shellraiser at the American Dream in New Jersey.

04. Velocity 2, Great Britain

In Snowdonia National Park, or Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri (in Welsh), a Welsh protected area established since 1951, we have one of the world's most extreme rides: Velocity 2, in the Zip World Penrhyn Quarry.

In Snowdonia National Park, we have one of the most extreme rides in the world: Velocity 2, in Zip World Penrhyn Quarry.

For those who don't know, Zip World Penrhyn Quarry is a place dedicated to adventure sports and has one of the most beautiful views in the region. As we have already mentioned, in this place is Velocity 2, considered the fastest zip line in the world and the longest in Europe. This 1.5 km ride over the beautiful blue waters of Penrhyn Quarry Lake reaches a speed of 161 km/h in just 2 minutes! Impressive, isn't it?

03. XLine zipline – Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Speaking of zip lines, how about we know more about the XLine, also considered one of the most extreme toys in the world? Located in Dubai, it is considered the longest urban zip line in the world thanks to its 1 kilometer length. Still: it reaches 80km/h and is 170 meters from the ground.

Located in Dubai, XLine is the longest urban zip line in the world thanks to its 1 kilometer length. Still: it reaches 80km/h and is 170 meters from the ground.

The XLine zip line starts at the 90-meter building on Emaar Boulevard and has a privileged view of the Burj Khalifa, voted the largest building on the planet. Along the way, you'll pass through the marina until you reach the Dubai Marina Mall. That is, it is an adventure toy, but it pays off even for the most fearful, as the landscape of the tour is indescribable.

02. Leap of Faith, UAE

In our list of the most extreme rides in the world, we talked about several types, but one was missing: slides. Considered the most radical of the water parks, we couldn't leave them out, could we? After all, they are practically a huge free-falling slide that leads straight into the water and only the bravest can face them.

Among all the toboggans in the world, the most radical of them is the Leap of Faith, which is located in the United Arab Emirates, and has a height of 27 meters.

Among all the toboggans in the world, the most radical of them is the Leap of Faith, which is in the United Arab Emirates. From a height of 27 meters, you slide down an almost vertical toboggan. Then, at high speed, it enters a transparent underwater tunnel 60 meters long, passing through a pool of sharks. Yes, that's exactly what you read, about sharks! Exciting, don't you think?

01. Insano – Ceará, Brazil

Anyway, we come to the last toy on our list and it couldn't be any other than a Brazilian 100%. In this case, the chosen one was Insano, located in the trendy Beach Park in Aquiraz, state of Ceará. With the height of a 14-story building (you want to know the toy to go up all this, huh?!), this water slide covers a length of 41 meters in 5 seconds with a speed of 105 kilometers per hour. That is, is it insane or is it not?

The last on our list of the most extreme rides in the world could not be any other than a Brazilian 100%: Insano, located in the trendy Beach Park in Aquiraz, state of Ceará.

So, did you like to know more about the most radical toys in the world? We hope so and that you had fun meeting them all! See you

About the author  /  Priscilla de Cassia

Graduated in business administration and tax auditor, she has been a freelance writer since 2016 to cultivate her hobby for writing and to earn extra income. Currently, he writes about financial life, credit cards, air miles and travel, as well as curiosities in general.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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