
Proof of titles: how does it work in the public tender?

The title test does not eliminate candidates, but helps them to achieve a higher score in the test and thus be better classified. See here how it works and how you can use it to add to your note!


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Veja como essa etapa ajuda você a ser melhor classificado! Fonte: Pexels.
See how this step helps you rank higher! Source: Pexels.

If you are thinking of taking a public tender, you need to know everything about this exam format and what it involves. And one of the points you need to know is proof of titles.

Many people still don't know it and may be afraid of the test making it difficult for them to pass the contest.

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However, the title test is just one more step in the contest that can increase your chances of being approved.

Therefore, to know everything about the title test and whether it can eliminate you or not, just continue with us in this article and leave it more prepared to face any contest!

What is title proof?

Entenda mais sobre essa etapa. Fonte: Pexels.
Understand more about this step. Source: Pexels.

In short, the title test consists of one more step in the contests applied to candidates approved in the discursive and objective tests.

Thus, proof of titles exists so that the candidate can prove his qualifications for the position by adding documents that prove his experience in the area.

In this way, by adding these titles, candidates can have additional points that will help them when qualifying for the contest.

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How does the title test work?

Basically, the operation of the title test is quite simple, but it is important to pay attention to the notice, as it will tell you how this step will work in your contest.

But, in summary, in the proof of titles, the candidate can add official documents that prove his qualification in the area, such as master's degrees, presentations at scientific events, doctorates, time of experience in the area, among others.

In this way, when presenting these documents, the candidate can receive more points according to the document presented.

Namely, in each competition, the public notice indicates the score that each title can give to the candidate at the end of the competition. That way, it's important to keep an eye on the edict to check how far your score can go up.

Which contests require this proof?

Namely, it is usually possible to see the proof of titles stage being applied in competitions for doctors, teachers and in the judiciary area.

But, you can also see its application in other public procurement models.

Currently, the boards organizing the contests see this need to add this step as a way to find the most qualified candidates for the position.

For example, in civil police or federal senate contests, it is possible to see the application of title tests.

Therefore, when holding a public tender, it is important that you check the public notice and see if it has the addition of the proof of titles as a classification stage.

What documents are accepted for the test?

In summary, in the vast majority of public tenders, it is possible to present the following documents to prove your qualification:

  • Graduate diplomas recognized by the MEC (doctorate, master, MBA and specializations);
  • Published books;
  • Open course certificates;
  • Publication of scientific articles.

In addition, you can also add proof of work experience in the area to your proof of title. But, the documentation used to prove this experience will depend on your contest.


What is the difference between the mid-level and higher-level title test?

Namely, evidence of titles are added in medium and higher level contests.

However, the main difference in each competition level is related to the types of titles that the candidate can add.

Therefore, in public tenders at a higher level, it is common for the number of titles added to be greater, since it is possible to prove postgraduate courses, publications, lectures, awards and several other titles.

However, for those who hold a mid-level public tender, the title test generally consists of proof of experience in the tender area.

In this way, the two competitions can apply proof of titles, but for the higher level there is an addition of more types of titles than the medium level.

How is the title test done?

In short, the title test seeks to analyze the qualification of candidates in relation to the intended position.

For this, the bank will analyze the documents delivered, verify that they are legitimate and add them to the candidate's score.

But, the main thing about the title test is the score you can get through it.

Thus, most title tests already add the maximum amount of points you can accumulate in the public notice. 

Here, it is also necessary to consider that many times the contest may not accumulate points for the amount of a type of title added.

For example, if the contest held accepts only one master's degree and you have two, you will only be able to choose between one of them to add it.

Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on the notice to know these scoring rules.

Can this test eliminate a candidate from the contest?

Será que você vai ser eliminado se não apresentar títulos? Entenda abaixo. Fonte: Pexels.
Will you be eliminated if you don't submit titles? Understand below. Source: Pexels.

So, the title test has a qualifying nature in a public contest, regardless of the chosen level.

Therefore, if a candidate does not present titles, he will not be eliminated from the competition, he will only have the same score he obtained in the previous tests.

In this way, the proof of titles is just one more step that serves to add more points to your ranking. But, she does not disqualify any candidate.

Now that you know everything about proof of title, how about getting to know the main online courses for contests? So, access the recommended content below and check it out!

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About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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