Government Aid

Discover the Pronatec program

Pronatec allows you to take professional courses in person or at a distance without having to pay anything, and you also have a better chance of getting a job.


Access professional courses for free 100%

Conheça sobre esse programa que te prepara para o mercado de trabalho! Fonte: Pronatec.
Learn about this program that prepares you for the job market! Source: Pronatec.

If you're looking to take vocational technical courses to enter the job market, but don't have the money to invest in your education at the moment, it might be interesting to get to know Pronatec.

This government program aims to facilitate access to professional courses in public and private institutions so that you can get better job opportunities in the future.

Mulher sorrindo enquanto olha para o notebook e anota em seu caderno

How to register with Pronatec

See how to register and transform your life!

In this way, from the program you can learn new skills to have a good profession and, thus, be able to fulfill yourself professionally.

Therefore, to learn more about the program, who can access it and how it works, just continue with us in this post!

What is Pronatec?

O programa visa ajudar o público a entrar no mercado de trabalho! Fonte: Pexels.
The program aims to help the public enter the job market! Source: Pexels.

The National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment, also known as Pronatec, is a program created by the Federal Government to offer more opportunities to people.

Thus, from this program, the government is able to fund the studies of several people who can access technical courses and thus qualify for the job market.

To achieve this, Pronatec works with very specific objectives, where it seeks to increase access to federal, state and private educational institutions and also allows people to train at a distance.

In addition, the program aims to expand access to EPT (Professional and Technological Education) courses at private institutions.

By doing all this, Pronatec helps people prepare for the job market. Thus, they can access better employment and income opportunities.

Who is entitled to the program?

In summary, to enroll in Pronatec and access the free technical courses, you must be part of one of the groups below:

  • Public high school students;
  • EJA students (Youth and Adult Education);
  • Federal program beneficiaries;
  • People currently working.

In addition, you also need to be registered with CadÚnico and participate in some government social program.

Finally, it is also necessary that your family income is less than two minimum wages in effect.

What are the benefits of Pronatec?

By participating in the program, you can access several very interesting advantages. They help change a person's life if they put in the effort to make it happen.

Firstly, from the program you can access professional courses completely free of charge. And in some cases, you can receive snacks and transport vouchers as well.

In addition, Pronatec courses are known to have a high employability rate. 

That way, it becomes almost guaranteed that after receiving your certificate, you will get a good job opportunity.

How to register in Pronatec?

Saiba por onde se inscrever! Fonte: Pexels.
Find out where to apply! Source: Pexels.

In summary, Pronatec is a good program for you to access better job opportunities and, thus, fulfill several dreams in your life based on study.

Therefore, if you want to learn how to register with Pronatec and access its free courses, just check the post below that offers a complete step by step.

Mulher sorrindo enquanto olha para o notebook e anota em seu caderno

How to register with Pronatec

Find out how you can enroll in this program!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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