
Professions: choose the occupation that's right for you

We have listed a list of the most suitable professions for you. Take a look around and find the job opportunity that best suits your skills and interests.


Here is a list for you to find the best jobs in your region

Aqui é onde você encontra as melhores profissões! Fonte: Freepik
Here is where you find the best professions! Source: Freepik

With so many options, it becomes difficult to choose a job. To help you, Mister Panda has selected the best professions.

That way, you won't get lost and you'll get an idea of which professions you can pursue, even without having a higher education course.

Homem parado em cima de uma moto enquanto usa seu celular

How to become a 99Food delivery person

If you want to be a 99Food delivery person, know that the registration process is simple, and you can start working in no time! Know how.

In addition, you can find out how much that profession is paying on average. The goal is for you to be able to make a filter to decide your career.

Do you want to finally find a job that pays you well and that has to do with you? Just keep reading to check out the top professions you can pursue.

Why choosing the ideal profession can determine your success?

Entenda a importância de decidir uma carreira. Fonte: Freepik
Understand the importance of deciding a career. Source: Freepik

If you don't choose your professional career carefully, you can end up feeling lost and unable to achieve a satisfactory salary.

As you gain experience in your profession, it's natural to develop skills to get the job done more efficiently and with higher quality.

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How to become an Uber delivery person

Registration on the Uber platform is completely free and you can complete your registration 100% online! See how in this post.

As a consequence, it ends up being very well paid, as a qualified and experienced professional will always be highlighted in companies.


What are the main professions available in the job market?

Mister Panda has selected excellent professions that you can follow. Most of them do not require you to have a technical or higher education course.

Therefore, they are great opportunities for you who are unemployed and need a source of income or want to start a career.


Customer service is something highly valued in companies, which is why the receptionist has a great salary, receiving an average of R$1118.20 reais.

When it is registered, the salary will already rise to R$ 1302.00. In addition, some states pay much more for this professional, for example, São Paulo.

Profissões: recepcionista atendendo cliente

best receptionist jobs

You will definitely be finding your job here!

Administrative Assistant

The administrative assistant will require the person to have a technical course that lasts about a year and a half. One of the professions with great demand in the market.

Even so, it ends up being a worthwhile position, as you earn R$ 1478.83. By the way, the salary can be higher if you live in Santa Catarina or São Paulo.

Profissões: mulher que é auxiliar administrativo

How to Get a Job as an Administrative Assistant

See all the details you need to put on your resume and where to look for jobs.



Firstly, the storekeeper is one of the positions that only requires a medium level. The remuneration is very high, being R$ 1,809.49.

It's a job with a lot of responsibility where you work in the company's inventory. That's why income is so above average. To find openings for this job, see below!

Fazendo check-up no estoque

Storeroom vacancies: find yours

Find an opportunity to be a warehouseman and have an income that exceeds 1800 reais.

Production assistant

As a production assistant you will work in companies in many areas, such as metallurgy and factories.

The remuneration for this job averages R$ 1,559.99. It is certainly a job that stands out, as it only requires that you have graduated from school.

Pessoa com camisa verde

Job opportunity for production assistant

The best place to understand how to look for production assistant jobs is here.


When you think of a position that always has many companies in need of employees, one of the main ones is the cashier.

A very important service that requires responsibility, because your work directly impacts the company's profit.

According to surveys carried out by Senhor Panda, the average salary is approximately R$ 1,068.38, if registered it already rises to a minimum wage.

Jovem de camisa preta

Cashier: best job options

Many companies need a cashier. Learn to find these opportunities and set to work.


The clerk has a salary of R$ 1,521.31, even though it is a job that only requires basic education.

In addition, the labor market is very broad, with several service possibilities.

Balconista de camisa azul

Check out the best clerk jobs

See where to look for jobs as a clerk, containing up-to-date opportunities and close to your home.


Professions that require menial work are paying an excellent salary nowadays, as there is a great demand for professionals, but not many people want this job.

Therefore, they are paying R$ 1,620.47, reaching R$ 2,100.00 for those with more experience.

Pintora com camisa listrada

Find your painter job

Check out all the details you need to put together a resume and pass the selection process and earn a painter's income


The caretaker takes care of the work environment or condominium. It is an important position, without it the environments would not be so comfortable.

Practically all industries and residential buildings in Brazil need this worker. 

Their remuneration is on average R$ 1,286.91, but it can increase over time, the ceiling for the profession is something around R$ 1,800.00.

zelador que cuidad do prédio

Best janitor jobs

Understand what you need to be a janitor and find a vacancy in the region where you live.


A seller is usually paid a fixed salary, in addition to receiving commissions for their sales, which can be very financially advantageous.

So, if you want a job option where you can earn more as you work, be a salesperson.

Vendedor de camisa azul

Best job opportunities for seller

If you want to be financially stable and be able to earn commission, a sales job is ideal for you. Check out the vacancies in this service.


Today, the welder earns more than R$ 1,800.00. Being an important job and that has some increases, for example, unhealthy conditions.

In this way, it may be the ideal opportunity, check out more in the post below.

Profissão do soldador

Welder: find a job and receive R$1800 reais

Your welder vacancy is here along with the chance to earn more than R$1800 reais.


The carpenter is a craftsman, so their remuneration is very high, on average they earn R$1,799.90.

Even a professional with experience working as a CLT can earn up to R$ 2300.00.

Marceneiro cortando madeira

Learn to work as a joiner

Check out everything you should do to get a job as a joiner.

Machine operator

The machine operator is directly linked to the company's production. Therefore, it is a position of responsibility that normally requires a technical course.

When you are starting the remuneration is R$ 1470.36. However, with experience you can reach a salary of R$ 2,124.00. By the way, this is one of the best professions to start a career.

Operadora de máquinas

Find a job as a machine operator

This is a very competitive job and you need to put together a great resume to stand out. Click here and learn how to do it.

forklift operator

Just like a machine operator, those who work with forklifts also need proper technical training. As a contract employee, the remuneration is R$ 1,492.04.

Profissional da empilhadeira

Forklift Operator: find your job

This is one of the best professions you can follow, check out the vacancies.


Firstly, the doorman only needs to have a high school education. It is a responsibility service, as it helps to keep the entire environment organized.

Therefore, on average, the doorman will earn R$ 1,136.24, but, when registered, he will receive a minimum wage. Be checking out the post below to find a job vacancy in this area.

Homem vestido de branco

Get a doorman vacancy and have stability

Doorman is hardly fired, and you can be that professional. See job opportunities near you.


If you work as a packer, you will have a very large job market. Virtually every company that makes sales needs it.

Therefore, the packer is receiving an average of R$ 1,425.96. Check out the post below and understand this career.

Terminando de embalar o pedido

Become a well-paid packer

Understand the whole process step by step to get a job as a packer.


Like the profession of a painter, being a mason is a job that requires physical effort, with an average salary of R$ 1,479.02.

Interestingly, there are few people interested in filling the vacancies available for this profession.

Fazendo parede

Find out about mason jobs and earn well

Conquer your financial freedom by working as a mason.


To be a mechanic in Brazil, you need a technical course. However, some places hire only with secondary education and learn in practice.

Shortly after being hired, the income already rises to R$ 1,788.33. Undoubtedly it is one of the best professions.

Mecânico segurando chave

See how to be a mechanic that earns well

To understand more about the work of the mechanic and find your vacancy, just click here.

How to choose the ideal profession?

Com isso vai encontrar a profissão certa. Fonte: Freepik
With that you will find the right profession. Source: Freepik

First, you need to analyze your financial situation and the level of education you have.

If you need an urgent job, we recommend the delivery guy to find work in another area in the future.

On the other hand, if you already have a technical course or experience in an area, look for a job in that sector.

Homen entregando uma caixa para uma mulher que está segurando uma ficha na mão

Become a Loggi courier

Understand how much you earn and whether it's worth being a Loggi delivery man.

About the author  /  Felipe Silverio

My name is Felipe Silvério, I study Law at UniFSP, since I was very young I kept the habit of reading, that's why I found myself at work as an editor.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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