Government Aid
How to pre-register Brazil Aid?
The pre-registration Auxílio Brasil is a requirement to enroll in the social program. To find out how to do this process, how to find out if you are entitled to the Brazil Aid, among other answers to questions related to the subject. Just keep reading with us!
Find out here how pre-registration works to obtain the benefit
Auxílio Brasil is the social benefit program that replaces Bolsa Família, focused on families in poverty and extreme poverty. To access the benefit, one of the prerequisites is to pre-register for Auxílio Brasil, through CadÚnico.
The Cadastro Único has all the main information about the user and, thus, the Federal Government collects the necessary data and contemplates the families that fit the requirements automatically.
How to enroll in the CadÚnico program
Through a single registration, you can enjoy numerous government benefits, such as the Auxílio Brasil. See now what to do to register.
Do you want to know more about the social program, how to pre-register and find out if you are entitled to the benefit? Just keep reading with us!
What is Brazil Aid?
Auxílio Brasil is a social program that integrates into a single benefit several public policies, focused on education, health, employment, social assistance and income.
Simply put, Auxílio Brasil is a direct and indirect income transfer program, focused on families living in poverty and extreme poverty throughout Brazil.
Coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship, the main objectives of the program are to promote better quality of life and access to basic income for families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty, in addition to promoting the financial emancipation of beneficiaries.
Also, the program aims to promote more health and development opportunities for children and adolescents. It also provides financial support to pregnant and nursing women in situations of poverty or extreme poverty.
Finally, the program aims to equally promote the development of children in early childhood, with access to health, care for children in day care centers and stimulation of cognitive, physical, socio-affective and linguistic skills.
Auxílio Brasil is paid through Caixa Econômica Federal’s digital social savings account, a demand deposit account and a special demand deposit account.
In addition, beneficiaries have a new card with a chip, to use the benefit balance in the debit function.
How to apply for Assistance Brazil
Are you interested in the Auxílio Brasil benefit and do you meet the program prerequisites? So find out right now how to sign up to receive the benefit.
How do I pre-register for Aid Brazil?
Pre-registration for Auxílio Brasil is CadÚnico, which can be done through the official Cadastro Único application, available for download on the Android operating system at the Google Play Store and for iOS at the Apple Store.
Or also through the notebook or desktop browser, on the official CadÚnico page, selecting the “pre-registration” option.
It allows the citizen to previously inform the most important data to request their participation in the social program.
After submitting your completed pre-registration, you will have a period of 120 days to appear in person at the Single Registry Service Center and present your personal documents and those of family members.
On site, the team will collect the necessary information about the family and the household in general. With this, you complete the registration in the Cadastro Único and the pre-registration for Auxílio Brasil.
It is through CadÚnico that the government collects information to release the balance and participation in the social program.
To find out where to find the Single Registry Service Posts in your city, contact the CRAS (Reference Center for Social Assistance) closest to your home.
How do I know if I am entitled to the Brazil Aid?
To find out if you are entitled to Auxílio Brasil, first, you must consult the program prerequisites and its main requirements. The program is aimed at low-income families, in situations of poverty and extreme poverty throughout the country.
For families in poverty, the per capita monthly income must be between R$105.01 and R$ 210.00, and for families in extreme poverty, it needs to be a maximum of R$105.00.
Another prerequisite for enrolling in the program is having children, adolescents and young people up to the age of 21 in the family, as well as pregnant or breastfeeding women.
If you fit these prerequisites, and make your Unique Registration, you will already be entitled to the social program.
But the program is managed by the Ministry of Citizenship, which chooses beneficiaries automatically. As soon as your registration is chosen, you will be contacted by those responsible for the program in your city.
How can I check if I am entitled to the Brazil Aid through the CPF?
To consult the release of Auxílio Brasil by your CPF, just download the official application of Auxílio Brasil. It is available for Android and iOS operating system.
After downloading, open the application, enter your CPF and password (if you don't have one, just create it at the time of access).
When accessing the app's home screen, click on the "value query" option. There, you will be able to check if there are amounts released for you and if you are entitled to the program.
You can consult the Auxílio Brasil by CPF, also, in the Relationship Center of the Ministry of Citizenship. Just call the number 121 and select option 1 to check if you are entitled to the social program.
How do I know if I was approved for the Brazil Aid?
Anyway, if you've already signed up and want to know if you've been approved for the Auxílio Brasil and what amount will be released in your digital social savings, call the number 121 and check the information at the Ministry of Citizenship, with your personal data.
Or call 111 from Caixa's call center and speak directly with those responsible for program payments.
So, have you managed to pre-register for Brazil Aid?
We hope that our content will help you to consult all the data about Auxílio Brasil and find out if it was approved in the social program.
For more content on Auxílio Brasil and other topics, read our recommended content below. Until later!
How to apply for the Aid for Brazil, Light and Gas
Applying for government benefits is easier than you might think. Do you want to see it? So, read this post and see how to do it.
About the author / Maria Luisa Barbosa
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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