
PagPronto credit card: what is PagPronto?

The PagPronto credit card is a good option for those who want to get rid of bureaucracy. After all, he doesn't even carry out the credit analysis. See how it works today.


PayPal credit card

Cartão de crédito PagPronto
PayPal credit card

PagPronto is a credit card for those looking for quick and easy solutions. It allows you to control your expenses with 100% digital tracking.

First, cost control is possible due to the fact that this card is prepaid. That is, you are the one who defines your limit. And for that, you make deposits according to how much you want to spend.

As it is also prepaid, the card does not require a credit analysis. That way, it's also a good option if you have a dirty name. Here, this is not a concern and does not prevent you from getting the credit card.

How to apply for a PagPronto credit card

The PagPronto card is an excellent option for anyone looking for an affordable credit card without proof of income. Look!

Advantages PagPronto

Conheça o cartão de crédito PagPronto
Discover the PagPronto credit card

Check out the main advantages of the card:

  • Without consultation with the SPC and Serasa;
  • Track your expenses digitally through the application;
  • Have full control over your spending by setting your own limit and guaranteeing it in advance;
  • Mastercard Flag;
  • Mastercard Surprise points program;
  • National and international use.

Main features of PagPronto

This card is special precisely because it is the prepaid type. Its main characteristics, in fact, derive from this, from its modality. Thus, it dispenses with bureaucracy, as well as credit analysis.

PagPronto also has online request and immediate approval. With it, you don't have to leave your house or wait long days for an answer.

However, this type of card is an interesting option for paying allowances to children. Also, for international travel security.

Who the card is for

Cartão de crédito PagPronto
PayPal credit card

However, it is perfect for those who want practicality when using the card, but without the risk of getting lost in expenses.

Likewise, he is perfect for those who have a dirty name or cannot prove income. Thus, you can guarantee your purchases and expenses, leaving aside any bureaucracy.

Discover the PagPronto credit card

Do you know the PagPronto credit card? Know that he is a great option, especially for those with a dirty name! Look

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

Professional writer and Systems Analyst, passionate about writing and learning! Specialized in Content Marketing and SEO.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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