
Casas Bahia credit card: what is the store card?

The Casas Bahia credit card allows purchases to be paid in 24 installments and gives access to more discounts in the store chain. want to meet? So, read the post below.


Casas Bahia Credit Card: pay for purchases in up to 24 installments

Veja o que é o cartão da rede de varejo. Fonte: Casas Bahia.
See what the retail network card is. Source: Casas Bahia.

Initially, Casas Bahia was a well-known furniture and appliance retail chain in Brazil. In this, it has a wide variety of products, being for more than decades, one of the largest chain stores in the country, with hundreds of units scattered around.

To complete its services, the chain launched, in partnership with Bradescard, a credit card with incredible benefits for shoppers.

Minimum IncomeMinimum wage
BenefitsSpecial discounts, exclusive installments, brand benefits
Main information about this card
Imagem ilustrativa do mascote das Casas Bahia segurando um cartão de crédito da marca. Ao lado, logo das Casas Bahia.

How to apply for the Casas Bahia card

The Casas Bahia card offers you exclusive discounts, offers and installments in stores and on the brand's website. Want to know how to order it? Read this post and check it out!

The card also has benefits within the Visa flag so that you can shop anywhere in Brazil and the world.

So, want to know more about this card? If so, check the text below.

Advantages of the card

Quais as vantagens do cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
What are the advantages of the card? Source: Pexels.

So, this retail chain has several advantages for its customers, such as the credit card that allows access to exclusive discounts, offers and installments.

And, in addition, the Casas Bahia card has the Visa flag, allowing you to participate in the “Vai de Visa” programs, as well as increasing the limit when you want to make a purchase in installments.

Another advantage is that you can make withdrawals with the card anywhere in Brazil and the world, just by going to a Banco Bradesco self-service machine. In addition, you can apply for credit through the Call Center.

Finally, you get a 50% discount on the Cinemark network when you make purchases with the card, and you can also use the discounts for Combo Bradesco!


Main features of the Casas Bahia card

Well, the Casas Bahia credit card, in addition to having all the benefits we mentioned, also has a series of features that you need to know about.

First, he has an annuity of R$202.20. That is, you need to pay this tariff once a year to be able to make your purchases.

Secondly, it has international coverage, as it accepts purchases anywhere in the world and has more advantages with the Visa flag.

Finally, it is worth remembering that, to order yours, you need to access the website of the chain of stores or go to a physical point.

Who the card is for

Aproveite para descobrir se este cartão é para você. Fonte: Pexels.
Take the time to find out if this card is for you. Source: Pexels.

In summary, the card is indicated for those who want more practicality, security and offers when buying at Casas Bahia chains.

Want to know more information about this card? So be sure to read the full post, where we'll show you if this card is really worth having. Click on the next button and learn everything you need.

Logo das Casas Bahia, com a letra B grande ao centro nas cores vermelha e azul e com o nome da loja dentro da letra.

Discover the Casas Bahia credit card

Do you want to know more about the Casas Bahia card and find out if it's what you need for your day-to-day? So, read this recommendation and see how you can order yours.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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