
10 best credit cards online

With the emergence of online cards, choosing the ideal card becomes a difficult task. However, with a lot of research it is possible to choose the best credit card online. Check out our list and find out which one is best for your profile.


Discover the best online credit cards now

Os cartões de crédito online podem facilitar muito a sua vida. Fonte: Pexels.
Online credit cards can make your life a lot easier. Source: Pexels.

Having a credit card is essential. Especially these days, with subscription services and online stores that only accept credit payments. In this way, many people end up choosing to hire the best credit cards online.

Because they are newer, they usually come with innovative features. For example, no annuity and card benefits that would normally have multiple fees. With that in mind, we have put together in this article the 10 best credit cards online. Read on to find out which one is the best option for you.

What are the best credit cards online?

Check here which are the best online credit cards available in the market. Let's go!


1. Santander

O Santander oferece descontos e cashback na sua loja Esfera. Fonte: Santander.
Santander offers discounts and cashback at its Esfera store. Source: Santander.

Banco Santander offers the Santander SX card. At first, this card has many advantages for those looking for a card online. That's because the card has a free annual fee if you spend R$100.00 monthly or register the Pix key in your account.

In addition, Santander's online card offers discounts on the Esfera program. As well as participation in the benefits program of the respective brand. In this way, Santander SX is a great option for those who are or want to be a bank account holder.

Minimum IncomeNot required for account holders
R$1,045.00 for non-account holders
Annuity12x of R$ 33.25
Exempt if you spend R$ 100.00/month or if you join the Pix system
FlagVisa or Mastercard
BenefitsDiscounts with Esfera partners
Cashback at Shopping Esfera
card features

How to apply for the Santander SX card

Apply now for the Santander card and enjoy exclusive benefits.

2. Nubank

A Nubank é um dos maiores bancos do Brasil. Fonte: Nubank.
Nubank is one of the largest banks in Brazil. Source: Nubank.

Firstly, Nubank is one of the first companies in terms of digital banking. Since its inception, the bank has grown so much that it has become the most valuable bank in Latin America. This is certainly due to the quality services offered by Nubank.

In addition, the Nubank credit card has no annual fee or fees. Together, it is still possible to advance installments and get a good discount on the invoice.

Minimum Incomenot required
Benefitsanticipation of installments
Mastercard Surprise
card features

How to apply for the Nubank card

With Nubank, you don't pay an annuity fee and you also have advantages such as the Surpreenda Mastercard. Check here how to apply.

 3. C6 Bank

With card personalization, C6 Bank already has more than 11 million users of the C6 Bank card. Therefore, when purchasing the card, it is possible to choose between 9 colors. In addition, if you opt for the C6 Carbon card, you have the option of issuing the card in Carbon color. 

In short, the C6 Bank card has international coverage and has a free annual fee. In addition, it offers its own scoring program, Atoms. Together, it has the benefits program associated with the brand, the Mastercard Surpreenda.

Basically, C6 Bank offers two cards: the regular one and the C6 Carbon. In this way, the C6 Carbon card is for VIP customers, with exclusive benefits. In addition to belonging to the Mastercard Black card line. With these exclusive benefits, the card has an annual fee of 12x R$85.

However, in some cases the annuity may be waived. In short, this discount depends on how much each person spends on the card or even invests.

Minimum IncomeNot Informed
AnnuityExempt - C6
12x of R$ 85.00 - C6 Carbon
BenefitsC6 Free Tag
Atoms scoring program
Mastercard Surprise
card features

How to apply for the C6 Bank credit card

Learn how to apply for the C6 Bank card with no annual fee and international coverage.


4. Agibank 

With a digital card that can be done online 100%, Agibank also provides services in person. In this way, those who prefer traditional care are not left unattended. In summary, the credit card has up to 40 days to pay and allows you to make any purchase online.

In addition, the Agibank card has exclusive discounts at partner stores and also participates in the Mastercard Surpreenda program. However, the Agibank credit card has annuity exempt only in the first year, to continue with the gratuity it is necessary to carry out the portability of the salary.

Minimum Incomenot informed
AnnuityFree in the first year
BenefitsPartner store discounts
card features

How to apply for the Agibank card

Check out how to apply for the Agibank card with exclusive discounts at partner stores.

5. Next

O Next oferece serviços digitais com a excelência do Bradesco. Fonte: Next.
Next offers digital services with the excellence of Bradesco. Source: Next.

Next is Bradesco bank's digital bank. In other words, focused on offering digital solutions with the efficiency of Bradesco. This way, the credit card has no annual fee. Together, it has international coverage and also offers exclusive treats.

In addition, it is still possible to contract the Platinum version of the card. In this sense, Next Visa Platinum offers all the benefits of the brand. As well as the Livelo scoring program. However, it is worth mentioning that the Platinum card has an annual fee of R$42.50 per month.

Minimum Incomenot informed
AnnuityExempt - International Visa
12x of R$ 42.50 – Visa Platinum
BenefitsGo from Visa
card features

How to apply for the Next card

Apply for the Next card with exclusive benefits!

6. Pan

With Banco Pan, you hire a credit card online and with no annual fee. However, to hire you must prove income of a minimum wage. Also, a downside is that the free version doesn't offer many benefits.

Therefore, for the card to be worthwhile, it is better to hire the International version. Because this version has access to the points program and also earns cashback. In this case, the annuity is around 12x R$22.00. Finally, the good news is that there may be a discount on the invoice. This discount can come to customers who spend more than R$1,800.00 on the card.

Minimum IncomeMinimum wage - Zero annuity
Minimum wage - International
R$ 2,500.00 - Gold
R$ 5,000.00 - Platinum
AnnuityZero annuity - Exempt
International – 12x of R$ 22.00
Gold – 12x of R$ 32.00
Platinum – 12x of R$ 45.00
Minimum Incomedeals club
Card control via the app
card features

How to apply for your Banco Pan credit card

Apply for the Pan card with several advantages.

7. Trigg

O cartão Trigg pode ser personalizado. Fonte: Trigg.
The Trigg card can be customized. Source: Trigg.

In short, the Trigg card attracts by its customization. That's because your card can have multiple designs, including superheroes and cartoons. In addition, the Trigg card is an International Visa-branded card. Therefore, the Vai de Visa benefits program applies to this card.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Annuity12x of R$ 13.90
Go from Visa
card features

How to apply for the Trigg card

Request your Trigg card and get access to exclusive benefits!

8. Inter

With one of the best credit cards online, Banco Inter offers several benefits. First, the card is free of charge. Second, you can receive cashback for your purchases directly at the Super App mall. In addition, the credit card has international coverage and participates in the Mastercard Surpreenda program. 

Minimum Incomenot informed
Benefitscashback on purchases
Mastercard Surprise
card features
Cartão do Banco Inter

How to apply for Inter credit card

Apply now for the Inter card with cashback on purchases!

9. Neon

In advance, we can say that Neon is a payment account focused on saving your time. Therefore, with the credit card it would be no different. In short, the card has no annual fee and also has an elastic limit function.

That way, that situation of not passing the purchase because of the limit, does not happen. That is, your credit limit is immediately extended and at no additional cost. 

Minimum Incomenot informed
Benefitselastic limit
card features

How to apply for the Neon card

Request your Neon card with an elastic limit now!

10. Superdigital

O cartão de crédito da Superdigital é pré-pago. Fonte: Superdigital.
Superdigital's credit card is prepaid. Source: Superdigital.

Of all the cards we present, this is the only prepaid one. Therefore, you must be wondering: if it is a prepaid card, can it have the credit function? The answer is yes! Firstly, it is worth mentioning that it is not necessary to have an approved limit with Superdigital. Since the company does not consult with the SPC or Serasa.

In this way, this card is ideal for those who need the credit function, but cannot authorize it. Because with this card you can plan your expenses and, in fact, spend only what you have.

Annuitynot required
minimum incomeExempt
BenefitsMastercard Surprise
card features

How to apply for the Superdigital credit card

Apply now for your Superdigital card with exclusive benefits.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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