digital account

What is the best digital account to apply for a loan?

Are you looking for a loan? Did you know that you can combine this service with a digital account? This way, you can have your entire financial life in one place! In today's article, we'll show you which are the best digital accounts to apply for a loan. Keep reading.


Apply for a loan on one of these digital accounts!

Veja as melhores contas para pedir empréstimo. Fonte: Adobe Stock
See the best accounts to borrow from. Source: Adobe Stock

Applying for a loan online can save you a lot of paperwork. That’s why today we’re going to tell you which digital account is best for applying for a loan. This will vary greatly depending on what you need or your financial priorities.

Therefore, we will show you the advantages of digital accounts and what they offer. One benefit is that when you apply for a loan at the bank where you have an account, the bank already knows your financial habits and can offer you a fairer proposal.

So, continue reading and find out which is the best digital account to apply for a loan!

7 Best Digital Account Options to Apply for a Loan in 2022

Santander account

Saiba tudo sobre a conta digital Santander. Fonte: Santander
Find out everything about the Santander digital account. Source: Santander

To begin, let's talk about the Santander account. Basically, this is the account linked to the Santander SX credit card. In other words, it is the digital version of the services that are traditionally offered by the bank.

For those who earn at least R$$1000 per month, the account is free. Just like the credit card, if you spend R$$100 per month. 

Speaking of loans, with Santander's personal credit, you have up to 72 months to pay and still receive the money immediately. In addition, the loan can be controlled directly through the bank's app.

open ratefree
minimum incomeMinimum wage
ratesFree if you receive monthly R$1000 in the account
credit cardSantander SX
BenefitsBenefits associated with the flag

How to open Santander account

Discover the step-by-step guide to opening a Santander account!

Nubank account

Saiba tudo sobre a conta digital Nubank. Fonte: Nubank
Learn all about the Nubank digital account. Source: Nubank

Nubank is an old favorite when it comes to digital accounts. This is because it was one of the first accounts to offer a transparent and quality digital service. That's why it's so popular among Brazilians.

Therefore, the Nubank digital account is completely free. The only fee is the withdrawal fee, which is R$$6.50. The credit card has no annual fee and transfers are unlimited. And Nubank has a great app that makes all financial processes easier.

In fact, Nubank's personal loan is a great option. This is because the loan is taken out through the app, in a simple and fast way. And you can also have access to lower rates if you have salary portability.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesWithdrawal fee of R$6.50
credit cardNo annuity 
income lineCDI
Benefitsgreat app
Black card with cashback

C6 Bank account

Descubra mais sobre  a conta C6 Bank abaixo. Fonte: C6 Bank
Find out more about the C6 Bank account below. Source: C6 Bank

The C6 Bank digital account is a good option for those who want to invest in the same bank where they have a checking account. This is because C6 offers a team of experts to help you get started in your financial life.

In addition, the account gives you access to a credit card with no annual fee and the Átomos points program. It is exclusive to C6 Bank and allows you to exchange points for discounts on products and cashback on your bill.

C6 Bank does not have a personal credit line. Instead, the bank has a payroll loan. Exclusively for retirees, INSS pensioners and public servants. Therefore, it has lower interest rates to pay.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesno fees
credit cardNo annuity
income lineCBD
BenefitsC6 Tag
salary portability

How to open C6 Bank account

See here how to open a C6 Bank account with several advantages!

Bank of Brazil Account

O Banco do Brasil tem ótimas opções de empréstimos com a conta digital. Fonte: Banco do Brasil
Banco do Brasil has great loan options with its digital account. Source: Banco do Brasil

Banco do Brasil is another traditional bank that has been offering digital solutions. For example, with the easy account, you open a digital account through the app and can solve practically everything there. 

In other words, transfers, pix and payments can all be done through the app. As well as being entitled to an Ourocard debit card.

Furthermore, BB offers several types of loans. In the case of personal loans, they can also be taken out online. If you have the app, you can simulate the proposals and then take out the loan.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
credit carddoes not have
BenefitsMonitoring by the app

Bradesco Account

Veja como funciona o empréstimo e a conta digital Bradesco. Fonte: Bradesco
See how the Bradesco digital loan and account work. Source: Bradesco

In short, Bradesco has a digital account linked to the Santander SX card. This card has no annual fee for those who spend more than R$$100 per month on the bill. In addition, the account has free services for those who receive R$$1000 in the account per month.

In the case of loans, the bank does not yet offer digital contracting. Therefore, you must go to a branch. In fact, Bradesco loans have 90 days to start paying the first installment. After that, you have 6 years to pay off the debt.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesMaintenance fee after one year
credit cardAnnuity from the second annuity
BenefitsDigital account with option for in-person service
Discounts in various establishments

How to open a Bradesco Click Conta account

Find out how to open a Bradesco account here!

pan bank account

Saiba tudo sobre a conta digital Pan. Fonte: Banco Pan
Learn all about the Pan digital account. Source: Banco Pan

Banco Pan's digital account also offers a credit card with no annual fee. It also offers a service similar to an overdraft: an emergency limit with fees of 5.9% per month. 

Furthermore, you can transfer your salary to Banco Pan and receive your salary directly into your account. In addition, the account has 30 withdrawals, TEDs and deposits via bank slips available. After that, there is a fee of R$$2.00.

As for loans, Pan Bank credit can be taken out online, without having to leave home. Therefore, the bank offers personalized conditions for each customer. Therefore, do a simulation to understand more.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$2.00 per withdrawal, TED or additional slip
credit cardNo annuity
BenefitsMoney earns more in the account than savings

Inter Bank Account

O Banco Inter tem ótimas opções de empréstimo digital. Fonte: Inter
Banco Inter has great digital loan options. Source: Inter

Finally, we have Banco Inter. In short, this bank also focuses on reducing the amount of financial bureaucracy in life. That's why the account has no fees. In other words, transfers, Pix and withdrawals are free.

Just like the Inter credit card, which has no annual fee. The card also offers cashback for purchases made at the Super App shopping mall. A store with exclusive promotions from Inter bank partners.

Speaking of loans, Inter offers several types. In general, they can all be contracted online. But it is worth remembering that all loans are secured by some form of collateral, whether it be real estate or a loan.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesno fees
credit cardNo annuity
BenefitsCashback at Super App Shopping
Possibility of investments

How to open inter account

See here the step-by-step guide to opening your Inter account!

How to choose the best digital account to apply for a loan?

So now you know more about different digital accounts. You also know a little about their loans. So, to decide, just think about the pros and cons of each one.

With this, you can understand which digital account is best for applying for a loan. If you are still unsure about how to get a good credit offer, we can also help you.

See now in this other article how to get a personal loan in 2022!

How to get personal loan in 2022

Discover the best tips for taking out a personal loan in 2022!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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