
More advantages of the Yes Loan

Do you want to know what are the advantages that the Sim loan offers you? Here in this text, you discover everything and a little more!


Check out more advantages of this loan option below

Confira mais vantagens dessa opção de empréstimo abaixo. Fonte: Sim.
Check out more advantages of this loan option below. Source: Yes.

You may even have several questions about the Sim loan, but it is forbidden to ask about its various advantages. This is because fintech offers an immense range of benefits that no other on the market will provide. Want to know what we're talking about? So check it out!

How to apply for the loan Yes

Want to know how to apply for a quick and easy loan? So find out right now how to do it at Sim, the best on the market.

Advantages of the loan Yes

Vantagens do empréstimo Sim. Fonte: Sim.
Advantages of the loan Yes. Source: Yes.

Let's get to the point: what are, then, the advantages of the Sim loan that make the institution the preferred one in the market? As you can imagine, there are several! Among them, we have from easy payment to extended term to start paying off your loan.

And then, you were curious to know more, right? So, it's your time to kill her. Here we go!

Products designed for Brazilians

When you enter the Loan Sim website, you will see that the company's mission is very clear: to offer the Brazilian market access to credit in a fair and responsible manner. In this way, the institution thought of 100% products focused on the Brazilian public, offering a very diversified range of loans. Impossible not to find one to call yours!

quick loan

Anyone who has tried to get a loan from traditional banks knows how time-consuming and bureaucratic the process is. In fact, it's almost torture in a world where everything is so agile and fast. In the case of Sim, in addition to applying for credit online, the procedure even takes 2 minutes for you to find out how your financial health is and start simulating your loan with personalized rates.

Complete security and transparency

As part of the Santander Group, Sim's credit analysis is secure and completely transparent. This is because the company consults and evaluates its customers' information with the solidity and technology of the bank, which guarantees total data protection.

Money in the account within 3 working days

With amounts from R$ 500 to R$ 150 thousand, your money will be in the account within 03 business days. Perfect, isn't it? With this, anyone who is a Sim loan customer no longer knows what it is like to go through financial hardship, as their loan quickly falls into the account, thus preventing further damage from being caused.

facilitated payments

At Sim, your loan payments are made very easy. In addition to being able to be paid in up to 60 months, according to credit analysis, fintech allows you to anticipate your installments, getting a nice discount for doing so! Not bad, huh?

Furthermore, repayment of the loan is also very simple. If you are a Santander bank account holder, you can choose direct debit or the card itself, which is the only option available to other customers.

Up to 45 days to start paying

It's not enough to have money in your account within 03 business days, but it's also not enough to facilitate payment by installments in several installments, Sim goes much further. In addition to these two fintech facilities, it also gives a period of up to 45 days to start paying off the loan. So it is! It even seems like a lie and a marketing game this information is so good, but know that it is the purest truth. This is the Sim loan showing everyone what it came for!

loan simulation

Finally, another mega advantage of the company is that you can simulate your loan on the website before hiring it. That way, you won't have surprises along the way with unexpected amounts charged. With Sim, everything is very clear and transparent, without deception!

After these 07 super advantages, it was clear that there is no mistake with Sim! It's money in your account practically instantly, with easy payment and without the excessive interest charged by financial institutions in the market. That is, it is definitely the best of all worlds for anyone who needs a loan.

And you, were you curious to know how to apply for your Yes loan? So stay tuned for our recommended content to find out how easy it is to apply for your credit. Let's go there?

How to apply for the loan Yes

Want to know how to apply for a quick and easy loan? So find out right now how to do it at Sim, the best on the market.

About the author  /  Priscilla de Cassia

Graduated in business administration and tax auditor, she has been a freelance writer since 2016 to cultivate her hobby for writing and to earn extra income. Currently, he writes about financial life, credit cards, air miles and travel, as well as curiosities in general.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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