
Biggest pandemics in the world: the 15 diseases that most marked history in number of deaths

With the current coronavirus pandemic, it is normal for people to be curious about similar cases from the past. Get to know the biggest pandemics in the world now.


12. Great Plague of London: 75,000 to 100,000 deaths

Thirty-five years after the Great Plague of Milan, London found itself in exactly the same situation.

However, the capital of England had a catch:

At the time, it was approximately four times the size of Italy's current financial centre.

That is, its potential number of victims was 400% higher than what was registered on Italian soil, which would result in a huge number of deaths.

Thirty-five years after the Great Plague of Milan, London found itself in exactly the same situation.

Thanks to sound British public health measures, the Great Plague of London (1665-1666) did not see his epidemic outbreak of bubonic plague take the same proportions as in Milan.

Although between 75,000 and 100,000 people died, that is, practically a fifth of the city's population at the time, the containment of the number of victims was efficient proportionally speaking, since it could reach 240 thousand deaths.

A curious fact is that, during the quarantine imposed by the government, Newton created the Theory of Gravity.

Does something of such relevance come out during our current social isolation?

We hope so!

About the author  /  Priscilla de Cassia

Graduated in business administration and tax auditor, she has been a freelance writer since 2016 to cultivate her hobby for writing and to earn extra income. Currently, he writes about financial life, credit cards, air miles and travel, as well as curiosities in general.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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