Government Aid

Going to the dentist can guarantee Brazil Aid of 400 reais

Did you know that by going to the dentist you can guarantee Brazil Aid? Incidentally, if you don't go to the dentist, it's possible to lose the benefit. In this article we will explain how this requirement works. Continue reading and find out!


Going to the dentist guarantees receipt of Brazil Aid of R$400

Saiba mais sobre esse projeto que surgiu em Manaus. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn more about this project that emerged in Manaus. Source: Pexels.

Auxílio Brasil places several requirements on its participants. One of them being going to the dentist. That's because going to the dentist is what Brazil Aid can guarantee. That is, those who do not go to the office regularly may lose the benefit.

In general, the Brazil Aid is a benefit offered by the Federal Government. Incidentally, it is the new version of the old acquaintance of the Brazilian population: Bolsa Família.

But if you haven't planned those dentist visits yet, you can rest assured. This requirement is not yet valid. It is just a bill, PL 1.015/2022, which seeks to require going to the dentist for the Brazil Aid.

How to enroll in the CadÚnico Program

If you want to get government benefits, be sure to check out this article to learn how to enroll in CadÚnico.

Currently, some other medical issues are already considered mandatory in order to receive the Brazil Aid of R$400. For example, having all vaccines up to date and having prenatal care in case of pregnancy.

In addition, it is also necessary to keep children enrolled in school and well fed. To receive the benefit, the family starts to have constant visits from social workers who check the vulnerable situation.

Not going to the dentist can make you lose the benefit! Learn more below

O Auxílio Brasil define algumas condições de participação. Fonte: Governo Federal.
The Brazil Aid defines some conditions for participation. Source: Federal Government.

In general, Auxílio Brasil stipulates several rules so that beneficiaries can receive the aid regularly. Incidentally, these conditions have existed since the days of the former Bolsa Família.

Therefore, the government requests that the children of the family be enrolled in schools. Besides needing to prove a sufficient frequency. Thus, another government measure is to ensure that these families visit the dentist.

But this is still a project under analysis. Basically, a resident of Manaus suggested this condition. For this, it could guarantee for the decrease of diseases of the mouth and loss of teeth.

So, you don't need to despair about losing the benefit. This is still a project. However, it is important to pay attention to the developments in order to plan the visit to the dentist.

How to apply for Assistance Brazil

See now how you can sign up for the Auxílio Brasil benefit!

How do I know if I will receive R$ 400 from Auxílio Brasil?

To find out if you are going to receive the Auxílio Brasil, you must register with CadÚnico. After that, it is possible to check if your family is eligible to receive the 400 reais of Aid Brazil.

If you haven't been accepted yet, just wait. The government has a system that performs an automatic analysis to select beneficiary families. Therefore, keep your registration up to date.

Why does going to the dentist guarantee receipt of the benefit?

Ir ao dentista pode virar uma das condições para receber o Auxílio Brasil. Fonte: Pexels.
Going to the dentist can become one of the conditions for receiving the Brazil Aid. Source: Pexels.

Finally, as already mentioned, the Federal Government stipulates several rules for beneficiary families. These conditions exist to ensure a better quality of life for these groups.

As the related rule children attend school regularly. This gives the family an even greater incentive to keep young people studying and graduating correctly.

So going to the dentist would be another one of those measures. A way to make mouth diseases, cavities and early tooth loss greatly decrease.

But, in general, this is still a project under consideration by the Senate. By the way, did you know that Auxílio Brasil has an extra installment? See in this article how to receive!

Receive Brazil Aid extra installment up to R$2,200

See now how you can receive this extra installment!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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