
How to make money testing products

If you need an extra income and don't know what to do, know that it's possible to earn money by testing products! So, read this post and see how simple it is to become an official tester.


Check out how simple it is to earn extra income by testing products

Mas, afinal, como ganhar dinheiro testando produtos? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, how to make money testing products? Source: Pexels.

Nowadays it is not difficult to find ourselves in a delicate financial situation, whether due to lack of work or insufficient monthly income to cover expenses at home. But, did you know that it is possible to earn money by testing products through websites on the internet?

Well, this is a recent global trend that arrived with force in the country and fell in love with Brazilians. That's because, in addition to receiving products from well-known brands without having to pay anything for them, you can still take a little extra money to help you at the end of the month. 

So let's show you how it works and what you should do to make money testing products today! Want to know more? Don't waste time and read on!

Make money testing products on the internet: does it really work?

But, can you really make money from product testing? The answer is yes. In this sense, companies that offer this type of service opt for different ways of paying their testers. That is, with other products, gift cards, store discounts and payment in cash. 

So, you don't always get paid in cash, but you're always rewarded for testing the products sent to you and offering your feedback to the site. 

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How do sites work to make money testing products?

Então, como funcionam os sites para ganhar dinheiro testando produtos? Fonte: Pexels.
So how do websites work to make money by testing products? Source: Pexels.

Well then, you must be wondering how these sites work to make money testing products, right? And the answer is quite simple. 

First, you need to register on the sites you want to be a tester. For this, you need to provide some personal data in the required fields to proceed with the process. Then, you need to answer a quick survey informing the company of your personal tastes.

In this way, the site understands which products are most relevant to you according to your profile. Thus, you offer a more complete opinion about the product you tested, which is the main objective of companies when hiring the services of testers. 

However, it is important to note that the volume of registrations on these sites is very high. So it might take a while before you receive the products you want to test. So, the tip is to register on several different sites and always keep an eye on the news.

How to make money testing products right now

So, now that you know what to do to earn money testing products, how about getting to know some of the sites that offer this service?

Therefore, we look for the best options for you, with pages that offer everything from payments in products to payments in dollars. So, check out what they are below and start enjoying all their benefits today!

big tester

Então, como ganhar dinheiro no Big Tester? Fonte: Big Tester.
So how to make money on Big Tester? Source: Big Tester.

Well, the first site we present to you is Big Tester. To participate in the tests, simply register on the main page for free and answer questions about your profile. 

So, it works with bonuses through the accumulation of points, which you get by referring friends, answering surveys and following influencers on social networks. Afterwards, you can exchange the accumulated points for free samples of products from famous brands such as Ferrero, Antarctica, Pilão, among others.

In addition, you also participate in sweepstakes for electronic products and gift cards by purchasing coupons that are exchanged for accumulated points. 


bzz agent

One of the most famous sites in this segment, Bzz Agent is an American company that works with world-renowned brands such as Nestlè, L'Oréal, Gilette, Unilever, among others. 

So, registration is also free and you need to receive an invitation through the registered email to receive the products for testing. Unfortunately, the service is not available in Brazil, but the company guarantees that those who are Brazilian and have registered on the site should keep an eye on their inbox in the future.

Testers Club

Well, considered the largest community of testers in the country, Clube dos Testedores emerged in 2013 with the mission of integrating companies with their consumers through product feedback.

So, to participate, you register on the official website and select which products you want to test. Then, a drawing is made of 50 people among those registered to receive the product at home at no cost. After the test, you need to inform your opinion to the site and the bonus happens through the products sent.

So, because there is a large daily volume of registration, the chances of you being drawn more than once to carry out the tests are low. As such, check all available options before choosing which product you want to try. 

home tester club

First and foremost, the Home Tester Club is a community where consumers help other consumers by reviewing products available for testing. So, you register for free, fill in the form with your personal information, and check which products are available according to your profile.

So, the bonus occurs through medals that you get by doing the tests, evaluations, surveys and spreading the news of the site on social networks. The more medals you have, the greater your chances of being rewarded in the monthly competitions promoted by the company. 

User Testing

Mas, afinal, como ganhar dinheiro com o User Testing? Fonte: User Testing.
But, after all, how to make money with User Testing? Source: User Testing.

Finally, we present a great alternative to make money testing products, which is User Testing. So, this site is American and does not always offer vacancies for new testers. But, their tests usually cost between 4 and 10 dollars depending on how long it takes you to do the evaluation. 

So, just register your e-mail in the company's database, fill out a form with your personal tastes, answer some questions that will segment your profile so you can have access to the products and wait for the website to contact you. Simple, isn't it?

The site works with world-famous brands such as HP and Ford, and even offers up to $120 for live interviews via video call to its testers. 

But, if you don't know if product testing is the best way to earn extra income, we'll help you with another alternative. So, don't waste time and check out the recommended content below!

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Working as an app driver is a great opportunity for anyone looking to earn extra money. Check out our tips on how to profit from this service here!

About the author  /  Aline Barbosa

Writer and producer of content for various subjects, she is passionate about writing and the new. Always in search of knowledge, it aims to transmit what it has learned in a light and uncomplicated way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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