Construction Credit

Leroy Financing or Construshop Financing: which is better?

Do you want to renovate your house and need money? Leroy Financing or Construshop Financing can help you. Both have excellent credit terms. Check out the details in this article!


Leroy x Construshop: find out which one to choose

Saiba qual financiamento é melhor para sua reforma. Fonte: Pexels.
Find out which financing is best for your renovation. Source: Pexels.

First, building or renovating a house is not an easy task. Especially if you're broke. For this reason, there are financing options such as Leroy Financing and Construshop Financing. These credits can help you when renovating your house with peace of mind. Whether you are starting or finishing work, or just decorating your house or apartment.

Continue reading and understand which financing is right for you!

How to apply for Leroy financing

Learn how to apply for Leroy construction finance and other information about it, so you can finish your construction! Check out!

How to apply for the Itaú Construshop loan

If you want to renovate or decorate your property, Itaú Construshop may be the ideal line of credit for you! Check here how to apply.

Leroy FinancingConstrushop Financing
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Interest ratenot informedFrom 3% per month
Deadline to paynot informedUp to 54 months
release periodafter hiringafter hiring
Financing AmountDepends on analysis and creditUp to R$ 300 thousand
Do you accept negatives?NoNo
After all, Leroy financing or Construshop financing?

Leroy Financing

Conheça o Financiamento Leroy. Fonte: Leroy Merlin.
Get to know Leroy Financing. Source: Leroy Merlin.

Leroy Merlin is a chain of construction stores, present throughout Brazil and over 11 countries abroad. The store has building materials, decoration items and also gardening.

Financing for Leroy Merlin can be done by card. The Celebrate card is a great option for anyone who needs to renovate or decorate their home. 

With the Celebre card, you have up to 45 days to start paying the first installment. From there, installments can be made in up to 36 fixed installments.

In addition, for purchases made at Leroy Merlin, there is the possibility of extra credit. Furthermore, Leroy Financing is a card, that is, it participates in benefit programs. If you purchase the Celebre card, you will also have access to the Mastercard Surpreenda!

However, it is important to remember that financing is subject to credit approval. As well as annuity payment. It all depends on your proposal.

To apply for your card, you must go to a Leroy store with your documents. Take a document and proof of residence to the nearest Leroy and get your card!

After requesting, just organize yourself through the Cetelem app. Yes, this card is also a partnership with Banco Cetelem. For this reason, to unlock the app, get a duplicate invoice and many other functions, you need to download the Cetelem bank application.


Construshop Financing

Conheça o Financiamento Construshop. Fonte: Itaú.
Get to know Construshop Financing. Source: Itaú.

Construshop Financing is Banco Itaú's credit line. As it is from a large bank, the financing has several different credit modalities. It is worth mentioning at the outset that this financing is only available to Itaú account holders.

With this financing, it is possible to renovate and decorate your home more easily, and in the way you always dreamed of!

This loan can be very good for those who already have a pre-approved limit with the bank. Even if you don't use up the entire amount in a month, that money goes back to your bank's pre-approved limit.

In addition, Itaú offers the possibility of making the contract online in a simple and fast way. Itaú consultants are always on WhatsApp to assist you.

After your limit is approved, you have 3 to 6 months to make your purchases. The only interest you pay is on your purchases. Only after that period it is necessary to start paying the financing. Therefore, after 6 months, you have up to 54 months to pay all installments. In addition, it is possible to use the FGTS to compose the down payment on your financing.

As well as credit approval, for Banco Itaú, it can take up to 1 hour. This is because this financing is already for bank customers who have a pre-approved limit.

To hire Construshop Financing, you can contact a consultant via WhatsApp. However, for the contract itself, it will be necessary to go to an Itaú branch. In this way, attend the nearest agency with your documents, and check your credit analysis and possibilities.

What are the advantages of Leroy Financing?

Leroy Financing has exclusive advantages for those who acquire it. Mainly to buy in the Leroy store itself.

Firstly, the card limit can be used inside and outside Leroy stores. However, to buy in official stores there is still an additional limit. Plus, you have up to 45 days to start paying. This date depends on the deadline for paying the invoice.

As well as benefits at the time of payment, Leroy Financing also offers exclusive discounts for purchases at Leroy stores and also at other partner stores.

Another legal advantage is the personal loan and withdrawal. After contracting your Leroy Financing, it is also possible to make a loan and withdrawal. Therefore, this money can be requested via the internet, Cetelem app, telephone and even at Banco24Horas ATMs.

Speaking of the Cetelem app, the entire card can be monitored there. You can check the best day for shopping, which day to pay the invoice, the duplicate of your invoice and much more. So, if you need to talk to Cetelem about any of these matters, you can also get in touch via the website or WhatsApp.

What are the advantages of Construshop Financing?

Itaú's Construshop Financing has special advantages for those who are an Itaú account holder and have a pre-approved limit.

First, the financing amount can reach up to R$300,000 depending on your monthly income and relationship with the bank. Second, Itaú offers up to 6 months to start paying off your loan. After this period, it is possible to pay in up to 54 installments.

Thirdly, a great advantage is the fact that it is not an account credit. That way, you literally only pay what you spend and have more control over spending. 

In addition, another benefit is the possibility of using your FGTS to compose the amount of the financing entry.


What are the disadvantages of Leroy Financing?

The main disadvantage of Leroy Financing is, without a doubt, the credit analysis. The analysis made by Banco Cetelem is very thorough and does not accept negatives. In addition, contracting financing has fees and so does card maintenance.

Another thing to watch out for is interest. Always pay attention to all interest rates before contracting Leroy Financing. 

What are the disadvantages of Construshop Financing?

Furthermore, the biggest disadvantage of Construshop Financing is the fact that you need to be an account holder. Therefore, it is easier to get a limit if you already have a relationship with the bank. And speaking of limit, it is also necessary to already have a pre-approved limit with the bank to start trading.

Leroy Financing or Construshop Financing: which one to choose?

As duas opções te ajudam a reformar e decorar sua casa. Fonte: Pexels.
Both options help you renovate and decorate your home. Source: Pexels.

Between the two, it really is necessary to see your reality. Leroy Financing has several advantages for buying in the store. However, it has high interest rates and difficult credit approval.

Meanwhile, Construshop Financing has lower rates, but it is necessary to be an Itaú account holder.

Evaluate the conditions and understand which of the two financing options is the best option for you to make your dream of renovating your home come true! However, if you need another type of credit, read our recommended content below and check it out!

Agibank loan or Itaú loan

The Agibank loan or Itaú loan offer exclusive advantages and a long payment term. Want to know more? Check it out here!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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