
5 motorcycle loan options

Motorcycle secured loans are an easier option to access a high credit amount at lower interest rates. Find out in this article all about this modality and get to know the 5 best institutions that offer it!


Use your motorcycle and borrow money from these 5 institutions

Saiba como esse empréstimo funciona em diferentes instituições. Fonte: Pexels.
Find out how this loan works at different institutions. Source: Pexels.

Motorcycle secured loans are a modality that allows you to offer your motorcycle as a guarantee for payment. In this way, institutions are able to offer a higher amount of credit along with lower interest rates.

In addition, some companies are even able to transform 80% of the value of your motorcycle into credit and offer different payment conditions, where it is possible to repay the loan in up to 5 years.

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Because of this, this modality becomes very attractive for those who need to apply for a higher credit amount, but cannot dispose of their motorcycle at the moment.

Therefore, in the following article, you will learn more about this modality and find out about the best financial institutions where you can make this loan!

Loans for negatives

Meet 7 institutions that offer credit to negatives.

How does the secured motorcycle loan work?

Veja como essa modalidade funciona na prática. Fonte: Pexels.
See how this method works in practice. Source: Pexels.

A secured motorcycle loan is a type of credit where the customer needs to offer a guarantee in order to promise that the payment will be made. In this sense, here the customer needs to offer his motorcycle as a guarantee.

That way, if something unforeseen happens and you are unable to pay the loan installments, the institution will be able to use your motorcycle as payment for the remaining amount.

But, by having a guarantee, the bank or financial institution is able to offer you a higher amount of credit with lower interest rates when compared to a personal loan, which is a modality that does not offer guarantee.

Thus, loans with a motorcycle guarantee are able to offer more advantages to the customer, such as a longer payment period and the possibility of using the amount as they wish.

Advantages of secured loan

Discover all the benefits of this type of credit!


What are the best motorcycle secured loans?

Conheça as melhores opções! Fonte: Pexels.
Discover the best options! Source: Pexels.

At first, there are several financial institutions that offer secured motorcycle loans. But, it is important to do a good research to be able to close a loan with a safe and reliable institution.

Therefore, to help you in this process, we have separated below 5 banks and financial institutions that offer the best advantages in this type of loan. Check out!

1. FinanceZero

FinanZero is a great platform that connects you with more than 60 financial institutions to find the best offer for different types of credit. In this way, we can also find here the loan with motorcycle guarantee.

On this platform, you can apply for the loan online and access up to 10 personalized offers for your profile!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateStarting at 0.99% per month
Deadline to payUp to 48 months
release periodUp to 48 business hours after approval
loan amountFrom R$20,000.00 to R$35,000.00
BenefitsNo bureaucracy
Online application
Cash in account within 2 days
Loan features

How to apply for the Finanzero loan

See here how FinanZero's motorcycle loan guarantee works and learn how to apply for yours.

2. YES

SIM is a fintech of Grupo Santander that was created with the aim of facilitating access to credit and making it more secure.

In this way, it works by making a loan with vehicle guarantee in a simple and practical way. Thus, to access it, your vehicle must be paid off, have no fines and be manufactured from 2007 onwards.

So, you can request it online and still pay the 1st installment in 45 days! Check the table below for its main features!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateStarting from 1,82% per month
Deadline to payUp to 60 months
release periodUp to 24 business hours
loan amountUp to R$150,000.00
Benefits100% survey online
Institution that values security
Experienced credit team
Loan features

How to apply for the loan Yes

Check here how to apply for a loan with a motorcycle guarantee from SIM.


3. Good for Credit 

Just like FinanZero, Bom Pra Crédito is an online platform that allows you to find different credit offers of the most varied modalities. That way, you can find a motorcycle loan that is just for you!

For this, the platform has a partnership with more than 30 financial institutions to offer you the best value and credit interest rates!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 0.75% per month
Deadline to payVaries by institution
release periodUninformed
loan amountUninformed
Benefitsaffordable interest
quick deals
safe environment
Loan features

How to apply for a Good Credit Loan

See here how the process of requesting a loan with a motorcycle guarantee from Bom Pra Crédito works.

4. Bank of Brazil

Banco do Brasil also offers a loan with a motorcycle guarantee! Thus, you can access the credit you need without having to dispose of your good and access different payment conditions.

That way, from there you have up to 59 days to start paying and you can turn up to 80% of the value of your motorcycle into credit for you!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratenot informed
Deadline to payUp to 60 months
release periodUninformed
loan amountUninformed
BenefitsUp to 59 days to pay
Releases up to 80% of the bike's value
You can hire via app
Loan features

5. BMG Bank

Finally, on our list, we have Banco BMG, which can offer you personalized proposals with interest rates of up to 12.5% per year, one of the lowest on the market.

In addition, the credit application is more flexible, which increases your chances of being approved, in addition to having excellent payment conditions.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 12.5% per year
Deadline to payUp to 60 months
release periodUninformed
loan amountFrom R$5,000.00
BenefitsFlexible analysis
Different payment conditions
Lowest interest on the market
Loan features

How to take out a loan with a motorcycle guarantee?

Confira as principais etapas dessa solicitação. Fonte: Pexels.
Check out the main stages of this request. Source: Pexels.

Therefore, if you liked the options above and want to make your loan, you need to know how this process works. 

But, as much as each institution has different requirements, the request takes place following the same steps in most of them, where we find:

  1. Credit analysis: here you send the institution your personal data and information about your vehicle along with the loan amount and number of installments;
  2. Motorbike inspection: with the data sent, the institution will inspect the vehicle to see if it meets the requested requirements;
  3. Signature of the contract: with everything right, the institution will send a contract to formalize the operation;
  4. Money in the account: after a few days of approval, you will receive the loan amount in your account.

At the time you apply, each institution will have different requirements when carrying out a vehicle inspection. But, generally, the newer bikes, without a fine and paid off, have a better chance of being approved at this stage.

Therefore, it is important to check with each institution which state your motorcycle should be in when hiring.

But, if you want to know more about secured vehicle loans, then go through our recommended content below.

Fila de carros pretos estacionados próximo a calcçada

Loan with vehicle guarantee

Meet 4 institutions that offer this credit for negatives!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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