
Superdigital loan online: safe, fast and 100% online

With this loan, you access a low interest rate from 1.6% per month and all the security to apply for your credit digitally 100%. Learn more about this financial product throughout this text.


Borrow up to R$ 25 thousand without leaving home

Veja como acessar este crédito! Fonte: Superdigital.
See how to access this credit! Source: Superdigital.

For those looking to take out an online loan that has a process with little bureaucracy and a low interest rate, you may end up finding all these features in the Superdigital loan online.

Thus, from it you can access the amount of credit you need to carry out your main projects with all the ease and security that Superdigital can offer.

Minimum Incomewas not informed
Interest rate1,60% per month
Deadline to payWithin 24 months
release periodwas not informed
loan amountFrom R$500 to R$25 thousand
Do you accept negatives?Uninformed
BenefitsSimulation in just 2 minutes
Totally secure platform
100% loan online
Superdigital manages to deliver very quickly in its processes! Source: Superdigital


Superdigital loan!

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Hiring 100% online with low fees and a totally secure platform!

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In addition, when applying for the Superdigital loan online, you can also access a fully online digital account to use on a daily basis.

To find out how the loan works, what are its payment terms and if it is worth going through with this contract, just continue reading this post!

How does the online Superdigital loan work?

Saiba como funciona a solicitação desse empréstimo. Fonte: Pexels.
Learn how to apply for this loan. Source: Pexels.

Namely, Superdigital is a financial institution that entered into a partnership with Sim, a fintech of the Santander group.

Thus, from this union it was possible for Superdigital to create 100% loans online. Thus, the public can access credit in a simpler, safer way and with less bureaucracy.

Therefore, to apply for a Superdigital loan online, you only need to create a free account with the financial institution in order to be able to take out the contract. The company claims that account creation takes up to 10 minutes.

Once opened, you just need to send all the necessary documents to apply for the loan and then activate your token.

With that done, you can now access the available loan options and thus do the credit simulation.

That way, if it is approved, you can continue signing the contract that formalizes the hiring. So, just wait a few days for the money to fall into your account.

How to apply for Superdigital loan

See in more detail how this request works.


What are the credit terms of the Superdigital loan?

Before applying for the Superdigital loan online, it is essential that you know the conditions that this credit has.

Therefore, when requesting it, you pay your credit within 2 years, which is a very interesting period to pay off a loan.

In addition, the interest rate applied to the installments starts at 1.6% per month. In this way, the value of the installments may not weigh much in your pocket, thus ensuring that you can pay it off.

What is the Superdigital loan limit online?

Another very important piece of information to have when taking out a loan is to know the maximum amount you can request from it.

After all, when we want to access credit it is because we have an important project to do or some expense that we want to pay off. 

Therefore, knowing the amount that we can request is essential to know if it is really feasible to proceed with the request.

In this way, from the online Superdigital loan, you can access credits that start at R$ 500.00 and can reach up to R$ 25 thousand.

But, to find out exactly the amount you can borrow, you need to do Superdigital's credit analysis so that it shows the total amount of credit released for your profile.

Is it worth applying for the Superdigital loan online?

So far you have already seen that the Superdigital loan online has very interesting features for you to access credit. But is this loan really worth it?

To know this, you need to analyze the pros and cons of this option to make sure it fits into your financial life.



As advantages of the online Superdigital loan, we can highlight the fact that it is completely digital and values speed. For this, it has simple processes and little bureaucracy.

In this way, those who request it can create a Superdigital account very quickly and, thus, already carry out the credit simulation to know the limit available for access.

By the way, speaking of limits, the amounts that can be borrowed on Superdigital are also worth mentioning. 

Here you can borrow up to R$ 25,000, which is an amount that we don't always find in other financial institutions, especially with interest rates from 1.6% per month.

Finally, Superdigital is a financial partner of Sim, a fintech of the Santander group. In this way, it manages to offer an experience of a more consolidated company and a safer system for you to apply for credit.


As much as the online Superdigital loan has several very interesting advantages, we cannot forget that it also has some negative points.

Therefore, the main one is that, in order to be able to simulate the loan, you need to open an account with the company.

Nowadays, many companies allow the public to carry out the credit simulation from their websites, without having to register.

How to make a loan at Superdigital?

Saiba como o empréstimo funciona! Fonte: Pexels.
Find out how the loan works! Source: Pexels.

If you stayed here, it is because you believe that the Superdigital loan online is an interesting option for you.

Therefore, to apply for this loan, all you have to do is download the Superdigital application and create your account in less than 10 minutes.

With that done, you will be able to carry out the credit simulation and request the analysis of your profile to see the amount you can access on the loan.

That way, with the approval response, you can continue finalizing the credit contract, where the institution will be able to release the money in your account.

But, to find out more details about how this operation happens, you can check in the post below the complete step by step to apply for this loan.

How to apply for Superdigital loan

See all the steps you need to follow to access this credit.

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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