Financial education

Egoncred online loan: what is Egoncred?

Do you already know the Egoncred online loan? No? Then read on, as we are going to tell you all about this loan! Check out!


Egoncred online loan

Empréstimo online Egoncred: o que é o Egoncred? Imagem: Ciclick
Egoncred online loan: what is Egoncred? Image: Cyclick

So, the Egoncred online loan is an ideal loan for negatives, which can be paid in up to 60 months and with a direct discount on the payroll! And in addition, you have several other exclusive conditions such as low interest rates!

Today, we are going to show you another useful information about this loan! Check out!

How to apply for the Egoncred loan

Do you want to learn how to apply for the ideal Egoncred loan for negatives and with quick release? Then continue reading to learn the step by step!

Minimum IncomeUninformed
Interest rate3,49% to 6,79% per month
Deadline to pay60 months
Where to use the creditObtaining credit to pay bills or pay off debts
BenefitsReduced interest rates
Faster credit analysis
Payroll deduction

Egoncred advantages

Empréstimo online Egoncred: o que é o Egoncred? Imagem: Senhor Finanças
Egoncred online loan: what is Egoncred? Image: Mr Finance

Well, the first advantage of the Egoncred online loan is the fact that it is accessible for negatives. This is because he does not consult credit bureaus such as SPC and SERASA, as well as interest rates are reduced, remaining in the range of 3.49% to 6.79% per month.

And in addition, you have a period of up to 60 months to repay the loan, and the installments are discounted directly from the payroll!

Oh and best of all, Egoncred does not charge any guarantee fees to apply for the loan!


Main features of Egoncred

So, the Egoncred loan is a great option for those who are negative and in need of credit in the market! It has a quick and secure solution and the installments are deducted directly from the applicant's payroll!

And in addition, you can apply for the loan online or at one of the physical branches of Egoncred! So choose the best option for you!

Who the loan is for

Empréstimo online Egoncred: o que é o Egoncred? Imagem: Pronatec
Egoncred online loan: what is Egoncred? Image: Pronatec

So, in this loan, the installments are deducted directly from the payroll, that is, it can only be requested by civil servants, retirees and pensioners of the INSS - National Institute of Social Security, with all the security and comfort!

Therefore, apply for your Egoncred loan today! But if you are in doubt, in the recommended content below, we bring you a post with even more information about this loan! So check it out.

Discover the Egoncred online loan

Get to know the Egoncred online loan and see if this loan is what you need right now! Ah, he is ideal for negatives! Check out!

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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