
Click Cash personal loan: what it is and how it works

The Click Cash personal loan is the perfect line of credit for those who need financial assistance without bureaucracy. This is because it offers a credit of up to R$ 10,000 with a payment period of up to 24 months. Want to know more? Check out!


Click Cash: up to R$ 10k with an interest rate of up to 14.9% per month

O que é e como funciona o empréstimo? Fonte: Click Cash.
What is the loan and how does it work? Source: Click Cash.

First, Click Cash is a fintech founded in December 2019 with the mission to offer a personal line of credit in a digital and secure way.

Therefore, if you need fast cash without bureaucracy, this loan may be the ideal product for you.

So, do you want to know more about the characteristics of credit? Check out the content below!

click cash
Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 4.0 to 14.9% per month
Deadline to payFrom 6 to 24 months
release periodone business day
loan amountFrom R$1,000.00 to R$10,000.00
Do you accept negatives?No
BenefitsFast money and no bureaucracy
Everything done online 100%
First installment in 45 days
But, after all, what are the advantages of the loan?

How to apply for the Click Cash loan

The Click Cash loan is the ideal option for those who need quick cash without bureaucracy! Want to know how to apply? Check out!

Click Cash Advantages

Mas, então, quais são as vantagens do empréstimo? Fonte: Click Cash.
But then what are the advantages of the loan? Source: Click Cash.

In this sense, the first positive point that stands out is the ease of use. That is, the request is made through the application and can also be followed there. Which means more practicality and less bureaucracy.

In addition, Click Cash has its own credit analysis system that uses your Positive Registration with the SPC/Serasa. That way your proposal is analyzed in seconds. Therefore, the loan is a great option for those who need quick cash.

Even more, if after the credit analysis your loan is approved, the money falls into your account within one business day.


Key Features of Click Cash

So, the main characteristic of the loan is that it is a completely digital process. That is, everything is done through the application. What's more, the response to your request is immediate, so you don't have to worry about a long review period.

Along with speed, payment flexibility is an added attraction, as you can pay your personal credit in up to 24 installments with the first payment in 45 days. 

Furthermore, interest rates vary from 4.0% to 14.9% per month, and this amount is defined after the initial analysis of your profile.

Who the loan is for

Therefore, Click Cash is the ideal loan for anyone looking for quick and simple financial assistance.

In addition, you must be over 21 years old and have no restrictions with the SPC/SERASA to apply for your line of credit.

So, do you want to know a little more about the loan? Continue reading through the recommended content.

Discover the Click Cash personal loan

The Click Cash loan is the ideal solution to your financial problems or to make an investment. Find out more here!

About the author  /  Aline Barbosa

Writer and producer of content for various subjects, she is passionate about writing and the new. Always in search of knowledge, it aims to transmit what it has learned in a light and uncomplicated way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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