
Payroll C6 loan: how it works

The C6 payroll loan offers excellent credit conditions for federal civil servants, as well as INSS retirees and pensioners. If you fit this profile, continue reading and find out about this credit.


C6 Payroll Loan: hire without leaving home

Conheça mais sobre o empréstimo. Fonte: C6 Bank.
Learn more about the loan. Source: C6 Bank.

Payroll C6 came to help you achieve your financial goal without having to go into more debt. The loan is intended for federal civil servants, as well as INSS retirees or pensioners.

Therefore, the amount of the installment is debited directly to your benefit. That is, you don't have to remember to pay the installments or worry about defaults. In addition, the payroll C6 can be hired completely online.

That way, just get in touch via WhatsApp or look for a bank correspondent close to you. The hiring and application process is agile and without bureaucracy.

Read on to understand how the C6 payroll loan works in detail!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratenot informed
Deadline to payUninformed
release periodUninformed
loan amountdepends on the benefit
Do you accept negatives?Yes
Benefitsfixed installments
online hiring
Loan features

How to apply for the C6 payroll loan

We will show you how to take out the C6 Bank payroll loan!

C6 Payroll Advantages

In the first place, we can mention digital contracting as an advantage of the C6 payroll. Yeah, especially with the pandemic, a lot of people needed to solve everything from home. In this way, the bank offers an agile service even through digital. In addition, all documentation can be signed by cell phone or computer. 

In this sense, this credit is an exclusive modality for federal civil servants, as well as INSS retirees and pensioners. Therefore, interest rates can be much lower. This is because part of the installments fall directly into the salary or benefit.

In this way, the bank can trust the customer when making the loan. Another good advantage is that the payroll C6 has several bank correspondents. So, even if you solve everything online, it is also possible to have a face-to-face consultation. 


Main characteristics of the C6 payroll

Entenda mais sobre o empréstimo. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Understand more about the loan. Source: Adobe Stock.

This C6 loan is consigned, so it is intended for an exclusive group of people. That is, federal public servants, retirees and INSS pensioners. This is because, in this modality, the installments are debited from the salary or benefit.

In this way, banks are able to offer much better conditions than in personal loans. In the case of C6 Bank, the installments are still fixed. Therefore, interest does not increase over time.

Who the loan is for

Basically, as we already mentioned, only a specific group of people can take out the C6 payroll loan. In this way, we indicate the credit for federal public servants, as well as INSS retirees and pensioners.

In addition, if you want a loan to pay expenses or pay off debts, it is also a good option, as the payroll loan modality accepts negatives. Furthermore, if you want to know more about this financial product, read our recommended content below.

Discover the C6 payroll loan

See all the details of the C6 loan in this article!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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