
Bank of Brazil Payroll Loan: how it works

The Banco do Brasil payroll loan has a grace period of up to 180 days and a period of up to 96 months to pay, with fixed installments that fit in your pocket. Learn more about this payroll loan here!


Banco do Brasil Payroll Loan: pay the first installment within six months

Portanto, saiba como funciona este consignado. Fonte: Banco do Brasil.
So find out how this consignment works. Source: Bank of Brazil.

Banco do Brasil payroll has one of the lowest rates on the market, in addition to being easy to pay. Since it is deducted directly from the payroll and also provides a period of up to 96 months to pay the installments.

Therefore, hiring is immediate, as the bank guarantees payment through salary. It is certainly the ideal option for CLT workers, INSS retirees and public servants who need quick cash.

So, stay with us and follow details about the BB payroll loan! In other words, guarantee an option with low interest rates and a long term. Let's go!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratenot informed
Deadline to pay96 months
release periodUninformed
loan amountDepends on the bank's assessment
Do you accept negatives?Uninformed
BenefitsLonger term to pay installments
Pay the first installment within 180 days
Portion deducted from payslip or benefit
But, after all, what are the details of this option?

How to apply for a BB Consignado loan

Have 96 months to repay this loan with reduced rates and fixed installments. Also, start paying only in up to 180 days.

Advantages of Banco do Brasil Payroll

Mas, afinal, quais as vantagens? Fonte: Banco do Brasil.
But, after all, what are the advantages? Source: Bank of Brazil.

Firstly, Banco do Brasil payroll provides the best way for workers to get quick cash. It is then an option that provides long term repayment with fixed installments. Also, see more benefits below.

  • Up to 96 months to pay installments deducted from the payslip;
  • Up to 180 days to initiate payments;
  • Process without leaving home, through the application;
  • Doesn't weigh on the pocket;
  • It can be requested by non-account holders.

Main features of Banco do Brasil Consignado

This line of credit, Banco do Brasil payroll deductible, is indicated for those who work in companies associated with the bank. That is, consult the payroll margin with the company's own HR. In addition, just look for the request in the bank.

After that, confirm the request and the amount of installments via internet banking or the app. In addition, guarantee fixed installments that can be spread over up to 96 months with a payroll discount. That is, you do not need to transfer money to pay your account, for example.

In addition, schedule yourself to start payments within 180 days of closing the contract. So, take advantage of this facility and get a good value!

Who the loan is for

Aliás, este empréstimo é para você? Fonte: Unsplash.
By the way, is this loan for you? Source: Unsplash.

Finally, this loan is indicated for workers of private companies that have a BB agreement. Approval is also guaranteed for civil servants and INSS beneficiaries. 

Furthermore, even those who do not have a bank account at BB can apply. However, the company must be associated with Banco do Brasil payroll. So, if you happen to be part of any of these groups, take the opportunity to learn more about this credit in the content recommended below.

Get to know the Banco do Brasil Consignado loan

Get to know the loan that guarantees fixed installments, in addition to paying low rates and a long term. Therefore, hire without leaving home through the application or internet banking.

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