
Free professional training course Campinho Digital

The free professional training course Campinho Digital aims to prepare 50 people for the field of cloud technology and also offers subsidies for you to get your first job in the sector. Find out all about the course here.


Be one of the 50 students who will learn about technology for free

Venha conhecer mais sobre esse programa ! Fonte: Campinho Digital.
Come and learn more about this program! Source: Campinho Digital.

Have you ever thought about taking a course with a guarantee that you will be employed at the end, all this for free and online? Well then, know that this is possible from the free professional training course Campinho Digital.

The program is being offered to Brazilians in partnership with AWS and aims to teach people how to work with cloud platforms. For this, they are offering 50 places to participate in the program.

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Thus, from it, in addition to learning about cloud programming, the student will also be prepared for the job market. Because you will receive guidance on how to make a good resume and how to behave in job interviews.

In addition, the program aims to make its students complete their studies with one of the most recognized and requested certifications in the market. So, if you want to know more about and know how to participate, just keep reading this post!

Collaboration between Campinho Digital and AWS 

Saiba como essa parceria está funcionando. Fonte: Unsplash.
Find out how this partnership is working. Source: Unsplash.

In summary, the free professional training course Campinho Digital is being offered through a partnership between this institution and AWS, the acronym of Amazon Web Services. But who are these companies really?

Well, on the one hand we have Campinho Digital, which is a program by Fundación Compromisso. It was created with the purpose of inspiring young people in situations of social vulnerability to enter the job market.

For this, the program works in partnership with other large companies to offer training in the areas of cloud solutions, web programming, professionals of the future and unreal engine.

On the other hand, we have Amazon Web Services, which is a platform that stores data in the cloud. Thus, its services are widely used by several companies, including technology companies.

So, as Amazon Web Services is a cloud platform and Campinho Digital offers training to work on these platforms, they decided to close a partnership.

That way, from it, it is possible for more people to know the service, know how to use it and, thus, manage to enter the job market!

Through the partnership, people will be able to access an exclusive Amazon Web Services program, which teaches unemployed or underemployed people to work with technology and work in the area. Learn more about him below.

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AWS re/Start 

Esse programa da AWS visa ajudar as pessoas a entrar no mercado de tecnologia. Fonte: AWS.
This AWS program aims to help people break into the technology market. Source: AWS.

Incidentally, the AWS re/Start program was created with the aim of training up to 29 million people by 2025 to enter the technology market.

Currently, the sector is facing a labor crisis, where we see more job opportunities than professionals in the area. 

To change this scenario, AWS created this program for unemployed or underemployed people to train themselves on cloud technology and leave the program working in one of the partner companies.

To deliver this, the AWS re/Start program connects with companies from different countries to deliver the program. Here in Brazil, the partnership was made with Campinho Digital to allow the initiative to be accessed by the population.

In this way, several Brazilians will be able to take a free professional training course at Campinho Digital and, thus, have more career opportunities.

How does the program work?

Namely, the free professional training course Campinho Digital will be a program with live classes for 12 weeks, lasting 30 hours a week to teach more about cloud platforms. 

Thus, from the course, the student will learn more about Linux, Python, databases, networks and security. With this, the student is able to qualify to enter the market at a junior level. 

In addition, the program also helps participants find jobs in the industry and gain attention from recruiters.

For this, they offer classes for students to learn how to put together a good resume and behave well in job interviews.

It is worth mentioning that the program will focus on making the student achieve an AWS Cloud Partner certification, one of the most requested by the market. 

To give you an idea, the first group of the free professional training course Campinho Digital had 12 students with the certification, and of them, around 11 are already in the job market.

To become certified, it is necessary for the student to take an exam promoted by AWS itself. This exam is paid, but students who have 70% to attend the course can take the exam free of charge.

Who can apply? 

Applications for the program are currently open and will run until August 15, 2022.

For this class, 50 vacancies were released for people to specialize in cloud technology.

In this case, to participate in the free professional training course Campinho Digital, you must meet some basic requirements.

Firstly, the student must be over 18 years old, have completed high school and have time available to take classes during the 12 weeks.

You also need to be willing to enter full-time employment after completing the course.

With this completed, you can proceed by registering on the official Campinho Digital website for the program with AWS.

What are the advantages of the free professional training course Campinho Digital?

Veja o que você consegue ganhar ao fazer o curso! Fonte: Unsplash.
See what you can gain by taking the course! Source: Unsplash.

The free professional training course Campinho Digital is something that can open many doors for you and change the scenario of your life! With time and dedication, you can make a career in one of the areas with the most job opportunities.

By entering and enrolling in the program, you can access several advantages, such as those described below.

  • Finish the course and already work in the area;
  • Have training with a high demand for professionals;
  • Receive personalized guidance during your studies;
  • Train yourself for free in an area that is only growing.

Therefore, taking the free professional training course Campinho Digital is something that only adds to your life!

If you liked this course, we are sure you will want to know the courses offered by Google. So, access the recommended content below and check it out!

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About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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