
GINEAD free mason course: learn how to do it!

Check out everything about the GINEAD mason course. Also, see what you will learn in the course, how to register and all other information about it.


Check out how to find a job with this course

Descubra o que é ensinado no curso de pedreiro. Fonte: Freepik
Find out what is taught in the mason course. Source: Freepik

Enroll now in the free online bricklayer course offered by GINEAD and be one step ahead in the search for job opportunities.

Mister Panda presents you with all the details of the course. Helping to understand whether it is worth doing it now.



Study to be a mason

Qualification learn easy

Go to the GINEAD website and take the free bricklayer course online.

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You are just a few steps away from discovering everything you need to know about the mason course. See the full programmatic content and the course load offered right now.

Be prepared for a successful career in construction. Don't waste any more time, check it out now!

How does the mason course work?

O curso de pedreiro vai te ensinar tudo isso. Fonte: Freepik
The mason course will teach you all of this. Source: Freepik

Despite being one of the oldest professions, the mason's work remains highly valued and well paid.

Find out right now how this career can transform your financial life and sign up for the free online course.

The pursuit of other careers creates a great opportunity for those who choose to become masons.

With the high demand in civil construction, this profession offers potential for growth and financial stability.

So enjoy and take the course online and free. Being the first step to start your career.

Already knowing a little of what it's like to be a mason, something excellent for those who haven't gotten an opportunity yet.



See how to be a mason

free course with certificate

Take the first step towards becoming a skilled mason.

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Who can take this course?

People who want to be a bricklayer need to keep in mind that it is a manual job.

This free mason course can be taken by anyone. But Mr. Panda recommends doing it if you're interested in civil construction.

Therefore, if you are looking for a job, enroll in the course. In the topic below, find out exactly the workload of the same.

What is the course load?

Once you are considering taking the course, it is important to know more or less how much time you need to invest to complete it.

In this sense, GINEAD (the company that provides the training) offers the 60-hour online mason course.

So how long does it take to complete? Well, it depends on how much time you have available, assuming you study for 2 hours, in 30 days you finish it.

Remembering that, if you want to finish it faster, just dedicate a few more hours a day to the course. It is possible to complete and obtain the certificate in 7 days if you study well.

What is the syllabus of the course?

In order to give you the knowledge to be a construction professional, this free online mason course has these subjects:

  • The history of the mason's profession;
  • Knowledge about the professional occupation;
  • Tools that the mason needs to have;
  • Learn to read a project;
  • How to organize the work environment;
  • Foundations;
  • How to erect house walls;
  • How to make cladding and subfloor;
  • Fashion in buildings;
  • Work relationship;
  • Employment Opportunities.

All of this is learned in the free course, having the necessary theoretical basis to get a job in civil construction.


Does the free masonry course at GINEAD have a certificate?

Absolutely! The certificate is extremely important for students, being proof of graduation.

Although the course is free, to obtain the certificate it is necessary to pay a fee of R$ 39.70, required by GINEAD.

The receipt of the same is done in your email, right after paying the amount.

How to enroll in the bricklayer course?

The registration process for the mason course is extremely simple and fast. Just access the GINEAD website and do a search for “mason course”.

However, if you don't want to take this job, you just need to click on the button below and you'll be taken straight to the enrollment page.

Soon after, fill in the registration, informing your name, email and other data.

Okay, you're enrolled in the online masonry course, now you just have to dedicate yourself to your studies.


mason course

Register here!

Free Online

If you want to take the course, just click here to enroll quickly

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Why take the mason course at GINEAD?

Primarily, this is a job of great importance and it finds employment quickly.

In fact, they pay very well and depending on your experience, you can receive more than R$2,000.00.

In addition, the free mason course is also an advantage to consider. Yeah, there are courses with high values on the market.

Finally, when taking the mason course, you have a differential to put on your resume when looking for a job.

Bricklayer course or painter course: which is the best training option?

Veja vários cursos que pode fazer para se qualificar. Fonte: Freepik
See several courses you can take to qualify. Source: Freepik

The professions of painter and mason have many similarities and common trades are often used together in the works.

So maybe this is the ideal profession. Senhor Panda shows you the details of the painter course in the post below, where he understands the entire curriculum and the duration of it.

balde de tinta azul

See how the painter course is

The painter course is one of the best courses you can take to qualify for the job market, see everything about it by clicking here.

About the author  /  Felipe Silverio

My name is Felipe Silvério, I study Law at UniFSP, since I was very young I kept the habit of reading, that's why I found myself at work as an editor.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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