
Free typing course Prime Cursos: learn how to do it!

Want to learn how to type fast and increase your productivity? Get to know the Prime Cursos typing course, the best course for those who work a lot on the computer.


Learn to type faster and increase your productivity with this course

Conheça o melhor curso para aprender digitação. Fonte: Freepik
Discover the best course to learn typing. Source: Freepik

Those who work on the computer know the importance of being productive. Well, the best way to do this is to take a professional typing course.

The typing course is online and recommended mainly for professionals who are programmers, lawyers, copywriters, among other areas that need to type fast.



learn to type fast

Online course Free

Access the typing course and discover the techniques to type fast.

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Mister Panda presents everything this typing course has to offer. Remembering that he is certified and follows MEC standards.

If you want to learn how to subscribe to it, we recommend that you continue reading and see if it really meets your expectations.

How does the typing course work?

O curso de digitação é importante por isso. Fonte: Freepik
The typing course is important for this. Source: Freepik

The typing course is free, and brings training that will help you write on the keyboard faster and more effectively.

Offering training for people who work with computers, for example, copywriters, civil servants, accountants, lawyers, among others.

Most people don't know how to use the keyboard the right way. The aim of the course is to teach you how to do this, starting with hand placement.

Together we'll show you some techniques you can use to make typing more productive, for example the 10 finger technique where you learn to type using all your fingers.

Undoubtedly, after taking this course and securing your certificate, you will be able to increase your productivity at work.

Now that you've figured out how the course works, keep reading to understand more about it.



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learn at home Practicality

Enroll in the typing course and be more productive.

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Who can take this course?

First of all, the online typing course can be taken by anyone, it doesn't matter if you are in high school, or you are a college graduate.

That's because it helps you have high productivity regardless of what you do.

Mister Panda recommends that if you are a journalist, typist, programmer or any other profession where you spend a lot of time at the computer, you should take this professional course.

What is the course load?

Invest in your professional future with the course and get your certificate. With a workload of 35 hours that will transform your typing skill and complete your career.

During that time, you will learn typing techniques and what to do to put this knowledge into practice.

Good to see everything that is taught in the free typing course, check out the next topic.

What is the syllabus of the course?

Develop your typing skills with the online course, which offers a complete curriculum with the following disciplines:

  • The computer;
  • The Keyboard;
  • Tips for hand ergonomics;
  • Programs to test your typing;
  • Training on copying documents;
  • Exercise module for training;
  • Typing words;
  • Construction of words, phrases and sentences;
  • Paragraphs and texts;
  • Advanced exercises;
  • Numeric keyboards.

In this way, in a short time you will be typing very fast, especially if you apply all the knowledge you get through the professional typing course.


Does the Prime Cursos free typing course have a certificate?

Secure your professional typing certification and increase your chances in the job market with this course.

For an affordable price, you will have access to complete and up-to-date content, in addition to receiving a recognized certificate that will make a difference in your career.

The course is of high quality and full of essential knowledge for your training. Despite not yet having recognition from the Ministry of Education, it is committed to providing excellent content that will prepare you for the job market.

However, the fact that it is not recognized by the MEC is not so important, since the course focuses on increasing your productivity.

How do I enroll in the typing course?

Registration is done in a very simple way. Access the Prime Cursos website and click on “Take this course”. Or by clicking the button below you will be accessing the course directly.

Using your Google account, you can register and start the free typing course right now.



learn to type fast

Qualification type correct

Increase your productivity through typing course.

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Why take the typing course at Prime Cursos?

The advantage of those who take this free course is the increase in productivity, since in services performed by the computer, this is very important.

With that, it can even be promoted, due to being able to deliver more results to customers.

Mr. Panda recommends this course to all people who at some point intend to use a computer for work.

Typing course or senior caregiver course: which is the best training option?

Veja outros cursos que vão te pagar muito bem. Fonte: Freepik
See other courses that will pay you very well. Source: Freepik

Now that you've learned a little about the typing course, don't miss the chance to conquer a stable and well-paid career.

With the senior caregiver course, you will not only become more productive, but you will also be able to land jobs with wages between R$1,500.00 and R$2,000.00.

So, taking the senior caregiver course can be a good alternative and maybe it will help you more than the typing course. Check the details about it by clicking the button below. Invest in your future right now and build a successful career!

pessoa cuidando de idosa

Earn up to 2000 reais being a caregiver for the elderly

Take the senior caregiver course and be able to work with a perfection that has been paying its professionals very well, see what you get out of it.

About the author  /  Felipe Silverio

My name is Felipe Silvério, I study Law at UniFSP, since I was very young I kept the habit of reading, that's why I found myself at work as an editor.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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