
What are the advantages of the Casas Bahia credit card?

Do you want to make installment purchases but don't have a credit card? Check here the advantages of taking out the Casas Bahia credit card and make your purchases without a card!


See how to pay your purchases in store without having a credit card

Conheça mais sobre essa modalidade de pagamento que a rede permite. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Learn more about this payment method that the network allows. Source: Adobe Stock.

The Casas Bahia credit card is a payment option that the store offers its users. From it, you can pay for your purchases without using your credit card.

In this way, this modality can greatly benefit users who do not want to compromise the limit of their card. But it can also be put to good use by those who don't have a credit card.

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However, many people may be confused by this way of paying for their purchases, as it is no longer used.

Therefore, in this post, we separate the main information about the Casas Bahia credit card so you know how to use it and take advantage of its advantages.

unlimited credit card

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How does the Casas Bahia credit card work?

Saiba como essa opção funciona na prática. Fonte: Unsplash.
Find out how this option works in practice. Source: Unsplash.

Basically, the Casas Bahia credit card is a form of payment that the store allows when completing your purchases. In this way, its operation is actually quite simple.

Therefore, when making a purchase, the user can choose to pay for it using an installment plan. By doing so, the store will inform you of the amount of credit that you can release to be paid in installments from a credit card.

That way, if the amount is less than your purchase, it is possible to give a down payment and pay the rest in installments through the credit card.

So, with everything settled between the establishment, you can go home with your credit card and pay the installments every month from your cell phone.

What are the advantages of the Casas Bahia credit card?

In summary, paying for your purchases using credit cards can offer you several benefits.

The fact of not using the credit card helps to avoid further debts on the card. But, it also allows people who don't have a card to make their purchases in installments.

And a very interesting fact is that nowadays, the Casas Bahia credit card also exists in the digital version, where it is possible to use this payment in online purchases. This modality also has its advantages that you can see in detail below.

Does not have annuity 

One of the main differences and advantages between a credit card and an installment plan is the fact that the installment plan has no annual fee.

In this way, the user can carry out his purchases calmly knowing that the amount to be paid will only be for the product and the interest applied.

differentiated installment plan

By using Casas Bahia's digital credit card, users can pay their purchases in up to 12 installments.

In addition, interest is applied based on the amount of installments made, but they can be much lower than credit card.

online payment

Another great advantage of Casas Bahia's digital credit card is the fact that the payment of installments made in the booklet can be made online.

Therefore, to do this, it is only necessary to read the barcode of the booklet in your banking application.

Casas Bahia card is reliable

Check here if the Casas Bahia card is really reliable.

How to make the credit?

Veja como é fácil fazer um crediário Casas Bahia. Fonte: Unsplash.
See how easy it is to make a Casas Bahia credit card. Source: Unsplash.

If you liked the Casas Bahia credit card and want to know how to make your own, just check the step by step below to find out how it is possible to make a credit card.

Currently, the process of opening a Casas Bahia credit card is very simple. However, the holder of the credit card must be over 18 years old.  

In addition, in the process it will be necessary to prove that he has an income that allows him to pay the amount of the installment plan.

Therefore, when meeting these requirements, it is necessary to go to a network store to carry out the opening process. When attending the venue, it is important that you have the following documents with you:

  • Identification document and CPF;
  • Updated proof of income;
  • Proof of updated address;
  • Two phone numbers to contact. 

Thus, with these documents in hand, the Casas Bahia attendant will register and analyze your credit profile. In case of approval, it will be possible to issue credit cards for your purchases.

Now that you know everything about the Casas Bahia installment plan, how about checking out another type of installment plan? Then, read our recommended content below.

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See how to finance services and goods from Banco do Brasil.

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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