digital account

Which digital account yields more than savings?

Do you know that some digital accounts yield much more than savings? Even, in addition to basic services, in some cases they also offer other services such as credit card and special limit for their customers. Read more in this article and find out which accounts yield more than savings!


Find out here how your money will yield more than savings

Descubra quais as melhores opções de conta digital com rendimento. Fonte: Pexels
Discover the best income-earning digital account options. Source: Pexels

Currently, there are many options for those who want a digital account that yields more than savings. This is because digital banks have invested in quality financial services that facilitate people's daily lives.

Therefore, having your checking account and your investments together in the same place is a great option to organize yourself financially. That way, planning is centralized and you can manage your money much better.

Furthermore, choosing the ideal digital account for you depends on many factors. That's why, in today's article, we're going to give you some digital account options that yield more than savings.

7 digital account options that yield more than savings

In principle, most digital accounts have investment options available. As well as some even have automatic income. That is, just leaving the money in the account he already starts to have gains.

Thinking about it, we will show you digital accounts with both options. Read on to see top examples:


Digi+ bank account 

Conheça mais a conta digital Digi+ com rendimento automático. Fonte: Digi+
Find out more about the Digi+ digital account with automatic income. Source: Digi+

First, we have the Digi+ bank, with a completely free account. In addition to also offering a credit card with available cashback. Speaking of income, the account has good investment options for its clients.

Investment options are varied, and you can start investing with just R$100. In this sense, Digi+ offers fixed income investments with low risk.

But with the digital account you can choose where your money will be applied. For example, Pre and Post-fixed Fixed Income and Investment Fund. To decide which is the best investment, it is very important to understand your reality.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesFree withdrawals and transfers
credit cardinternational and contactless
income lineCBD
BenefitsVarious types of investments
unlimited transfers

BV account

O Banco BV tem uma ótima opção de rendimento, confira! Fonte: BV
Banco BV has a great income option, check it out! Source: BV

With the BV account your financial life can be much easier. Because the main objective of the bank is to offer a service that is practical and efficient. Including, almost all of these functions offered by the bank are free.

In terms of yield, the BV account line is the CDI. In this way, by leaving your money invested in the account, it yields up to 100% of the CDI, much more than the savings. Furthermore, with the account you also have access to a credit card with no annual fee.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesFree withdrawals and transfers
credit cardNo annual fee or with cashback
income lineCDI
Benefitsunlimited withdrawals
Credit card with cashback

How to open BV account

See here how you can easily open a BV account!

PagBank income account

Veja como funciona a conta com rendimento automático Pagbank. Fonte: Pagbank
See how the Pagbank automatic income account works. Source: Pagbank

A popular option when it comes to digital accounts with income is the PagBank income account. That's because it has a configuration very similar to savings, but it yields up to 100% of the CDI.

Therefore, the application is automatic, but it is necessary to leave the amount in the account for 30 days. That is, you also need to complete that monthly birthday. Incidentally, when the money is deposited on the 30th or 31st, it earns on the 1st.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesWithout portability or investment in the CDB, the withdrawal is R$7.50
credit cardInternational and free
income lineCDI
BenefitsYields up to 30% more than savings
Application to monitor the account

How to open PagBank account

We will show you more about the Pagbank income account and also what you need to do when opening it. Check out!


C6 Bank account

Confira tudo sobre os rendimentos oferecidos pelo C6 Bank. Fonte: C6 Bank
Check out all about the yields offered by C6 Bank. Source: C6 Bank

In summary, C6 Bank's objective is to insert investments in a simpler way in the lives of its customers. That way, in addition to having the option of earnings with CBD, you also have access to specialists in the area.

With this, you have help if you are starting in this area and more information if you already have an idea about investments.

In addition, the C6 account offers a credit card with a free annual fee and a points program. In fact, the Atoms scoring program is exclusive to C6 Bank. Therefore, with it you can exchange points for cashback in your account or discount on products.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesno fees
credit cardNo annuity
income lineCBD
BenefitsC6 Tag
salary portability

How to open C6 Bank account

See now how it works to open a C6 Bank account with great income options!

Original Bank Account

Se você quer saber mais sobre a conta digital do Banco Original, leia abaixo. Fonte: Banco Original
If you want to know more about the Banco Original digital account, read below. Source: Original Bank

If you are looking for a digital account that yields more than savings, Banco Original may be a good option. In short, the income line is the CDB, that is, fixed income. 

In this sense, it is possible to invest in the Daily Liquidity CDB, just keeping your money in the account. The value that remains there will yield daily. You just need to be aware that the minimum investment value is R$100

Also, the original account is free but also has the paid version. For R$24.90 per month, some services such as transfers and statement consultation are unlimited during the month.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$ 24.90 monthly
credit cardNo annual fee and with cashback
income lineCBD
Benefitscash deposits
Exclusive scoring program

Mercado Pago Account

Conheça os detalhes da conta digital Mercado Pago Fonte: Mercado Pago
Get to know the details of the Mercado Pago digital account Source: Mercado Pago

If you already sell through the Mercado Pago platform, the digital account with income can be a good choice. That's because it has automatic application, yields 100% of the CDI with daily liquidity.

That is, just leave your money in the account, being able to make movements whenever you want, and the value will not stop yielding. This is an advantage for those who need to make frequent transfers, but don't want to lose income.

In addition, with the Mercado Pago account, transfers are unlimited, as well as Pix. The only fee charged is for withdrawals. In this case, the value is R$5.90 to carry out the operations.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$5.90 to withdraw
credit cardNo annuity
income lineCDI
BenefitsSimulate your income
Invest directly through the app

Nubank account

O Nubank oferece serviço de qualidade e transparência. Fonte: Nubank
Nubank offers a quality and transparent service. Source: Nubank

Finally, we have the Nubank digital account. This was one of the first to be a digital account that yielded more than savings. And mainly, a pioneer among Brazilian users. Probably because of the efficient and easy-to-use service.

Therefore, with the Nubank account your money automatically yields 100% of the CDI. In addition to being able to leave the money stored for a determined time. In that case, the income value increases proportionally to the duration it will be saved.

In addition, the Nubank account also offers a credit card with no annual fee. And it also has an application to monitor purchases and statement that works very well and has great usability.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesWithdrawal fee of R$6.50
credit cardNo annuity 
income lineCDI
Benefitsgreat app
Black card with cashback

So now you know some digital account options that yield much more than savings. It is worth mentioning that this happens because most of these accounts yield according to the CDI or CDB. 

Meanwhile, the savings account yields based on the Selic rate and the Referential Rate, but this amount is very limited. Mainly because the Referential Rate is currently zero.

Therefore, it can be very advantageous to invest in a digital account. But if you're curious, see in this post how much 50,000 is earned in savings!

How much does 50 thousand yield in Savings?

If you want to start seeing your money pay off, maybe savings could be an option. In this article, we'll show you how much 50,000 you earn in savings. Check out!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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