digital account

Which digital account with the highest yield?

Are you looking for the digital account with the highest available income? With so many options for automatic income accounts, it can be difficult to understand which is the best option. Therefore, in today's article we will show you how to choose one. Keep reading!


See your money yield with these digital account options

Descubra a melhor opção de conta digital para você. Fonte: Pexels
Discover the best digital account option for you. Source: Pexels

Currently, most digital accounts offer automatic applications. But which is the digital account with the highest income? This depends a lot on your goals and how much you're going to invest in the account.

For example, some accounts have different income lines than others. They can yield according to the CDB or the CDI. This varies and will affect the final yield. Also, there are cases where money can be moved and other accounts cannot.

Therefore, in today's article, we will give you 5 digital account options with the highest yield. With this, you will be able to decide which is the best choice for your financial reality.

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5 digital account options with the highest yield in 2022


Nubank account

O Nubank oferece um serviço transparente e de qualidade. Fonte: Nubank
Nubank offers a transparent and quality service. Source: Nubank

To begin with, let's talk about the Nubank account. One of the first digital accounts to become popular among users in Brazil. Including one of the pioneers when we talk about money yielding more than savings.

The Nubank account has a complete and efficient application, which offers its customers a simple experience when dealing with their financial life. Even in terms of income, your money yields 100% of the CDI.

In addition, it is also possible to leave the money stored for a longer period of time. In this case, the values yield even more than 100%, depending on the duration in which the time is saved.

In addition, the Nubank account offers a credit card with no annual fee and virtually all basic services free of charge. Withdrawal alone has a fee of R$6.50.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesWithdrawal fee of R$6.50
credit cardNo annuity 
income lineCDI
Benefitsgreat app
Black card with cashback

PagBank income account

Saiba como funciona a conta PagBank com rendimento automático. Fonte: PagBank
Find out how the PagBank account with automatic income works. Source: PagBank

PagBank offers a great automatic income account option. In this sense, the PagBank income account has a configuration that is more similar to the traditional savings account. The difference is that it yields according to the CDI.

With the PagBank income account, you need to leave the amount of money in your account for at least 30 days. Just like in savings. In addition, if by chance the anniversary of the value is on the 30th or 31st, it yields on the 1st normally.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesWithout portability or investment in the CDB, the withdrawal is R$7.50
credit cardInternational and free
income lineCDI
BenefitsYields up to 30% more than savings
Application to monitor the account

How to open PagBank account

The PagBank account is a great option for anyone looking for free services and automatic income!

C6 Bank account

O C6 Bank tem uma conta com várias opções de investimento. Fonte: C6 Bank
C6 Bank has an account with several investment options. Source: C6 Bank

C6 Bank has a great account option for anyone looking to start investing. That's because the bank offers experts to help you make the best decisions. In addition to having an account with automatic income according to the CDB.

In addition, the C6 Bank account has a credit card with no annual fee and an exclusive scoring program, Átomos. With it, you can exchange points for discounts on products or cashback on your invoice.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesno fees
credit cardNo annuity
income lineCBD
BenefitsC6 Tag
salary portability

How to open C6 Bank account

See now how you can open your C6 Bank account with automatic income!


Mercado Pago Account

Veja os detalhes da conta digital Mercado Pago. Fonte: Mercado Pago
See the details of the Mercado Pago digital account. Source: Mercado Pago

At first, the Mercado Pago digital account is a good one for those who already sell through the platform. Because the services are already all integrated. This account has automatic application, with yield of up to 100% of the CDI and daily liquidity. 

For example, when making your sales over there, as soon as the money drops, it will start earning. And you can move any amount without compromising income. Therefore, an advantage for those who need to make a lot of transfers but don't want to lose their earnings.

Moreover, Mercado Pago has an account with free basic services. In this sense, you can make transfers, pay and consult your statement without paying anything for it.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$5.90 to withdraw
credit cardNo annuity
income lineCDI
BenefitsSimulate your incomeInvest directly through the app

Original Bank Account

O Banco Original tem rendimento a partir do CDB. Fonte: Original
Banco Original has income from the CDB. Source: Original

Finally, we have Banco Original with a digital account that yields more than savings. Incidentally, the money also yields according to the CDB and has daily liquidity. That is, every day you have a gain by leaving your money in the account.

However, unlike other accounts, at Banco Original it is necessary to invest at least R$100 to see the money yielding. Also, some services in the account are exclusive to the paid version. Like unlimited transfers and extract consultation.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$ 24.90 monthly
credit cardNo annual fee and with cashback
income lineCBD
Benefitscash deposits
Exclusive scoring program

How to choose the digital account with the highest income that is right for you?

Choosing the digital account with the highest yield depends a lot on your financial reality. For example, with the digital account, the money needs to stand still for at least 30 days to yield.

In other accounts, the amount can be moved without compromising earnings. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect your priorities and needs in relation to the use of the account. In addition to also checking the income line of each account.

In this article, we mention CBD a lot. A fixed income line is very safe for those who don't want to risk too much. If you want to know one more option to invest in CDB, see in this other article everything about CDB PicPay!

CDB PicPay: one of the best yields on the market

Get to know all the details of Picpay's CDB, a great option to let your money earn automatically.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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