digital account

5 digital account options with automatic application

Did you know that now there are digital accounts with automatic application? That is, you don't have to do anything for your money to yield. Just leave the money in the account and he will already have a monthly income. See 5 options in this article!


With these accounts your money earns without having to do anything!

Descubra as melhores contas digitais com aplicação automática. Fonte: Pexels
Discover the best digital accounts with automatic application. Source: Pexels

It is increasingly common to invest in a digital account with automatic application. That's because most digital accounts currently offer this service. That is, you don't actually need to make an investment, the value only yields.

In this sense, in some cases, it is necessary to leave the money at a standstill for a certain period of time. In other cases, you don't have to wait. Just leave the money there and it can still be handled smoothly.

So, continue reading and discover 5 digital account options with automatic application!

Which digital accounts have automatic income?

In principle, nowadays many accounts offer this automatic income service. But each one has a specificity. That is, sometimes it is necessary to leave the money for a month, and in others this is not necessary.

In short, digital accounts are a great option. Especially because, in addition to automatic income, they also offer other services. For example, unlimited transfers, transparency in services.

That way, you can have everything you had in a savings account, in a much easier way. In addition, digital accounts can even offer more than savings. Because many accounts even have credit cards or personal loans.

Discover the following 5 options:


BV account

O Banco BV possui ótimas opções de rendimento. Fonte: Banco BV
Banco BV has great income options. Source: Banco BV

In short, the BV account seeks to simplify people's financial lives. Therefore, the bank focuses on offering a practical and quality service. In addition, almost all services are practically free, with no maintenance fee. 

And when we talk about income, the BV account yields 100% of the CDI. That is, much more than savings. Together with the BV account you also have access to a credit card with no annual fee. But, to get cashback on the card, you have to pay the annuity.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesFree withdrawals and transfers
credit cardNo annual fee or with cashback
income lineCDI
Benefitsunlimited withdrawals
Credit card with cashback

How to open BV account

Find out how to get your BV account!

Nubank account


Nubank was one of the first to offer the automatic income service. That's because it was one of the first digital banks to become popular among Brazilians. Therefore, it has an efficient and transparent service.

In this way, the income is automatic and your money yields up to 100% of the CDI. In this sense, in 30 days it is possible to earn 0.85 for every R$100. 

In addition, the account has a credit card with the possibility to advance installments and obtain discounts. In conjunction with personal loan options.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesWithdrawal fee of R$6.50
credit cardNo annuity
income lineCDI
Benefitsgreat app
Black card with cashback

PagBank account

Conheça a conta Rendeira PagBank. Fonte: Pagbank
Discover the Rendeira PagBank account. Source: Pagbank

The PagBank income account has an income of 100% from the CDI and yields more than savings. However, in this case, the yield increases if you leave it idle for 30 days. That is, it is not just putting the money.

The ideal is not to make any transactions until the value completes its monthly anniversary. In this way, it yields the integral value 100%. Also, if you deposited your money on the 30th or 31st, it earns on the 1st normally. So you don't lose a day of your income.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesWithout portability or investment in the CDB, the withdrawal is R$7.50
credit cardInternational and free
income lineCDI
BenefitsYields up to 30% more than savings
Application to monitor the account

How to open PagBank account

See the step by step to open the PagBank account!


PicPay account

O PicPay tem uma carteira digital com rendimento automático. Fonte: PicPay
PicPay has a digital wallet with automatic income. Source: PicPay

The PicPay account is the payment account for the platform that is already known for paying slips and bills in general. Therefore, the account is a kind of digital wallet. By the way, this wallet yields up to 105% of the CDI.

In the case of the PicPay account, the income is daily liquidity. That is, you can make moves quietly without losing any profit. But remember it's not 7 days a week, yields are only on weekdays.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesInstallment interest rates
credit cardHas the PicPay Card
income linedaily liquidity CDI
BenefitsIt's just a digital wallet

Mercado Pago Account

Veja como funciona o rendimento da conta do Mercado Pago. Fonte: Mercado Pago
See how the income from the Mercado Pago account works. Source: Mercado Pago

MercadoPago is a great account option for those who already sell through the platform. In addition, when we talk about income, Mercado Pago also has automatic application. In short, your money yields 100% of the CDI with daily liquidity.

That way, you can move money the way you want, and your money doesn't stop earning. In addition, the digital account offers a free credit card with no annual fee.

Therefore, with the Mercado Pago digital account you can make transfers, Pix and it is even possible to withdraw money. However, to make withdrawals, you must pay a fee of R$5.90.

open ratefree
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$5.90 to withdraw
credit cardNo annuity
income lineCDI
BenefitsSimulate your incomeInvest directly through the app

Why opt for a digital account with automatic income?

Now that you already know some digital account options with automatic income, you must ask yourself: why choose this one and not a traditional savings account?

In short, savings will have a much lower yield. For example, for accounts that yield 100% of the CDI, you can have a monthly profit of 0.85 if you invest R$100. Already in savings, the profit is only 0.50.

As much as the difference is cents, when the amount invested increases, those cents make a lot of difference. In this sense, it is also worth choosing digital accounts because of the other services they offer.

In the case of the savings account, you can even make transfers and withdrawals, but ideally you don't. Because the passbook does not have daily liquidity, that is, your money must remain stationary for as long as possible.

In this way, it is much better to invest in a daily liquidity account. In addition, you can also have a credit card with no annual fee on most digital accounts. In this sense, combining the services of a current account with a savings account.

How to Open a Savings Account in 2022

Want to know how to open a savings account in 2022? Check out our tips below.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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