
Discover Pride Bank Prepaid

Meet the first digital bank aimed at the LGBT community that brings several advantages such as the inclusion of the social name on the card! Check out!


How does Pride Bank Prepaid work?

Conheça o Pride Bank Pré-Pago Imagem: Senhor Finanças
Get to know Pride Bank Pre-Paid Image: Senhor Finance

Initially, Pride Bank Pré-Pago is a card formed in partnership with Weligth, which develops tools that ensure the proper use of resources with security and transparency. Furthermore, this card works linked to a digital account and is considered the first LGBTI+ digital bank in the world!

Well, this one is modern, simple and not rechargeable. That's because, it works with whatever balance is available in your Prime Bank account. That is, it brings more convenience to your purchases in online stores, as well as in physical stores.

So, Prime Bank Pré-Pago is a great option for those looking for a life with more practicality, security and comfort, as well as the speed and transparency you need in all your financial transactions!

Therefore, see below a table with the characteristics of this card and learn a little more about this great news:

Minimum Incomethere is no mention
Benefitsdigital account
Annuity Exemption
National and international coverage
No need to reload
super modern design
Mastercard Surprise Program

How to apply for Pride Bank Prepaid

See how you can apply for Pride Bank Prepaid, Pride Bank digital bank card, the world's first LGBT digital bank!

What are the advantages of the Pride Bank Prepaid Card?

Conheça Pride Bank Pré-Pago Imagem: Pride Bank
Get to know Pride Bank Prepaid Image: Pride Bank

So, let's get to know the advantages of Pride Bank:

  1. Initially, the first advantage is the absence of annuity, as well as the low maintenance fees of this card;
  2. Another advantage is the national and international coverage, that is, you can use it in physical and online stores all over the world;
  3. And besides, this card does not need to be recharged. This is because, it uses the balance of your own Pride Bank account (that is, you need to have a balance in the digital account);
  4. For card users, there is also the Mastercard Surprise program, a Mastercard program full of exclusive benefits for users;
  5. Another advantage is the super modern design of the card, which also has the possibility to put your name the way you want;
  6. Also, a percentage of all Pride Bank revenue goes to Instituto Prime's social causes, as well as to Culture, Entertainment and several other programs that aim to bring improvements to the entire LGBT community.

Therefore, this card also has several benefits, it also supports LGBTI+ causes, leaving its mark and inclusion in society, as well as being the first LGBT digital account in the world! It's too much isn't it?


What are the downsides?

Well, one of the disadvantages of Pride Bank Prepaid is the fees charged. This is because it charges a prepaid card maintenance fee of R$3 (monthly), as well as a card issue fee of R$19.90.

Is Pride Bank Prepaid worth it?

Conheça o Pride Bank Pré-Pago Imagem: Utua
Get to know Pride Bank Prepaid Image: Utua

Well, one of the card's most interesting features is its modern, personality-filled design. However, what really stands out is the possibility of inserting your social name into it. This is because, in this way, it would avoid embarrassment for transvestites and transsexuals, for example.

Furthermore, another differential of Pride Bank is its support to social entities, converting around 5% of its total gross revenue to NGOs and other LGBT entities. Furthermore, the bank also invests in Culture, Entertainment and Sports for the LGBT community.

So, Pride Bank is an inclusive digital bank aimed at all consumers, not just the LGBT community, which has a card with no annual fee and does not carry out a credit analysis. That is, another option for people who are negative.

Another advantage is that in the application of your digital account, you can have access to all your financial transactions, being able to manage your expenses in a safe and practical way. Not to mention, on the super personalized card, the way you always wanted!

So, from what we've found, it's worth having Pride Bank prepaid, even if it has acquisition and maintenance fees.

How to make Pride Bank Prepaid?

So, first of all, you need to have a Pride Bank digital account, in order to apply for your Pride Bank Prepaid card and thus enjoy all the exclusive advantages that this card offers.

Therefore, to make the Pride Bank Prepaid card, we will show you the steps you need to follow.

How to apply for Pride Bank Prepaid

See how you can apply for Pride Bank Prepaid, Pride Bank digital bank card, the world's first LGBT digital bank!

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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