
Discover the Pan Mastercard Internacional credit card

Get to know the Pan Mastercard International card and have an ally when it comes to shopping anywhere in the world. In addition, you can get Clube de Escolhas discounts and also have the possibility of annuity waiver. Check out!


Pan Mastercard Internacional: access the cashback program and guarantee annuity exemption with Use+ Pague Menos

Mas, afinal, como funciona o cartão? Fonte: Banco Pan.
But, after all, how does the card work? Source: Banco Pan.

See how the Pan Mastercard Internacional credit card works and learn how it can be a great ally in your purchases through the cashback program, PAN Mais and Mastercard Surpreenda. So read on, we'll tell you all about this card.

How to apply for the Pan International Mastercard

Learn how to apply for the Pan Mastercard International card and have access to the unique conditions of the partnership between Pan bank and the Mastercard brand.

How does the Pan Mastercard Internacional credit card work? 

It is undeniable that Banco Pan has quality credit cards and financial products that value the best cost-effectiveness for the customer and, in the case of the Pan Mastercard Internacional card, this would not be different, as it was also designed to bring security and comfort to the clients.

Thus, it is a card that requires a minimum income of one minimum wage and charges an annuity of 12x R$20.00, but you can get up to 100% discount according to your expenses, that is, the more you use your card the more discounts you can get on the annuity.

In addition, the card is international with the Mastercard brand, so you can make purchases at all partner establishments of the brand anywhere in the world. Therefore, apply for your Pan bank credit card and enjoy these advantages.


What is the limit of the Pan Mastercard Internacional credit card?

Therefore, the limit of the Pan Mastercard Internacional card is not informed by the institution. But you can check this value after the credit analysis carried out by the bank.

Is the Pan Mastercard Internacional credit card worth it? 

Mas, afinal, o cartão de crédito Pan Mastercard Internacional vale a pena? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, is the Pan Mastercard Internacional credit card worth it? Source: Pexels.

So, let's get to know the advantages and disadvantages of this card. Check out!


Initially, the first advantage of the Pan Mastercard International card and the most obvious is the international coverage, because with this card you can shop anywhere in the world and have access to various discounts and Pan bank partners.

And, in addition, by owning the Mastercard brand, you also have access to the Mastercard Surprise Program and Mastercard's 24-hour assistance to discover other benefits of the brand, such as discounts with millions of partners around the world.

In addition, there is also the possibility of zeroing the annuity with the Use+ e Pague Menos program available for all Pan bank cards, so the more you use your credit card, the more discounts you get on the annuity, which can reach up to 100% off.

And, in addition, you also guarantee access to the Club of Offers in which you will have access to discounts at various online Pan bank partners, as well as to the PAN Mais program in which you can convert your purchases into points and also win amazing products and services .



Now let's look at the disadvantages of the Pan International Mastercard. Thus, although this card has several advantages, it also has some not so good points, such as the minimum income requirement of a minimum wage and the annuity charge.

This is because, in order for you to be able to have discounts on the annuity, you need to spend frequently, otherwise you will be charged. Likewise, the discount is only for the current month and not for the entire year of annuity installments.

How to make a Pan Mastercard Internacional credit card?

Mas, afinal, como fazer um cartão de crédito? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, how to make a credit card? Source: Pexels.

So, you can apply for the Pan Mastercard Internacional card through the Pan bank website. To do this, on the official website, just choose the International Mastercard option and fill out the form. So, to see the step by step of this process, click on the recommended content below.

How to apply for the Pan International Mastercard

Learn how to apply for the Pan Mastercard International card and have access to the unique conditions of the partnership between Pan bank and the Mastercard brand.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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