
Discover the Nubank Ultraviolet credit card

The new Nubank Ultravioleta credit card offers an exclusive cashback program and many other advantages. Know more!


Nubank Ultraviolet Credit Card

Conheça o cartão de crédito Nubank Ultravioleta. Fonte: Nubank.
Meet the Nubank Ultravioleta credit card. Source: Nubank.

The Nubank Ultravioleta credit card is the newest launch from the digital bank Nubank.

Thus, the financial product is a premium option for the bank's customers, who can enjoy several benefits.

That’s why we’ve brought you the pros and cons of the card so you can find out if it’s a good option for you. So, keep reading!

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How does the Nubank Ultravioleta credit card work?

Conheça o cartão de crédito Nubank Ultravioleta. Fonte: Nubank.
Meet the Nubank Ultravioleta credit card. Source: Nubank.

First of all, the credit card has a unique design. It features a darker shade of purple and is made of metal. The idea is to show its customers that all their achievements have weight. Interesting, right?

Furthermore, another design innovation is that account details are not recorded on the physical card, which only shows the customer's name. All other information, such as account number, expiration date and security code, are only accessed via the app.

Furthermore, the card's exclusive cashback program is another positive point. With it, you receive 1% back on every amount spent on the card. And until you redeem this money, it continues to yield 200% in CDI. An incredible opportunity, don't you think?

Finally, the card has a monthly fee of R$49.00. However, there are two ways to be exempt from this amount: if you have an average spend of R$5,000 on the card in the last 3 months. Or, if you have R$150,000 saved or invested in Nubank or Easynvest.


What is the limit on the Nubank Ultravioleta credit card?

Well, the credit limit is not the same for everyone. Although the bank does not require a minimum income to apply for its product, you will have to go through a credit analysis to be approved.

Thus, your limit will be defined according to this assessment.

Is the Nubank Ultraviolet credit card worth it? 

Conheça o cartão de crédito Nubank Ultravioleta. Fonte: Nubank.
Meet the Nubank Ultravioleta credit card. Source: Nubank.

So, the Nubank Ultravioleta card offers several benefits to its users. But if you still don't know if it's worth it, don't worry! We'll show you the pros and cons of the card so you can make a decision with peace of mind.


First, let's talk about its advantages. Below we have put together a list of the card's main positive points. So, let's get to it!

  • Exclusive cashback program, which returns 1% of the value of purchases on the card
  • Greater security, as data is only available in the bank app
  • Card made of metal with a modern and sophisticated design
  • Mastercard Black Flag
  • Debit and credit function
  • National and international purchases

It is worth mentioning that the card brand offers several exclusive benefits, such as access to the VIP lounge at Guarulhos airport, travel health insurance and baggage insurance, among many others.



However, let's also look at the negative aspects of the card so you can be sure you're making the right choice.

Initially, one of the disadvantages is the monthly fee of R$49.00. Although it is possible to have this amount waived, not everyone can meet its requirements, which end up being quite expensive. Therefore, the product is not accessible to everyone.

Additionally, you need to undergo a credit analysis and have your profile approved to get your card. Therefore, those with a low score may not be able to get the card.

Finally, the new product is still limited and you need to sign up for the interest list before you can get your card.

How to get a Nubank Ultraviolet credit card?

So, if you want to purchase the new Nubank card, you must sign up for the interest list.

As we mentioned, you will undergo a credit analysis. If approved, the bank will send you a communication with the necessary information. If you want to know more details about the application process, access the recommended content below. Check it out!

How to apply for a Nubank Ultraviolet card

The Nubank Ultravioleta card has international coverage and offers an exclusive cashback program. Check here how to order yours!

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