
Discover the Casas Bahia credit card

Have you heard about the Casas Bahia credit card? If not yet, take the opportunity to get to know everything about it and find out if it's worth doing yours. Check it all out in the post below.


Casas Bahia Credit Card: access exclusive discounts for customers

Conheça aqui o cartão das Casas Bahia. Fonte: Casas Bahia.
Discover the Casas Bahia card here. Source: Casas Bahia.

Casas Bahia is one of the largest retail stores in Brazil that has several offers and benefits programs for its customers, one of which is the Casas Bahia credit card.

If you need furniture, electronics, housewares and appliances, then this card, administered by Bradescard and with the Visa flag, is a great option for you!

Minimum IncomeMinimum wage
BenefitsSpecial discounts, exclusive installments, brand benefits
Main information about this card
Imagem ilustrativa do mascote das Casas Bahia segurando um cartão de crédito da marca. Ao lado, logo das Casas Bahia.

How to apply for the Casas Bahia card

The Casas Bahia card has exclusive discounts, offers and installments in stores and on the brand's website, in addition to accepting purchases anywhere. See how to order!

In addition, this card also gives access to a series of discounts on products within the site and, if necessary, you can pay for purchases in up to 24 installments.

So, want to know more about this card? If so, see the post below and find out if it's what you need for everyday life.

How does the Casas Bahia credit card work?

Afinal, como funciona o cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, how does the card work? Source: Pexels.

Well, Casas Bahia has its own credit card to speed up purchases in the store network. With it, you can shop at stores in all states of Brazil, that is, more than 720 stores, in more than 20 Brazilian states.

Therefore, you have access to furniture, electronics, housewares and appliances. This card is managed by Bradescard, linked to Bradesco bank. In addition, the card has the Visa flag, which allows you to shop elsewhere, not just at Casas Bahia.

Finally, you cannot be negative to apply for the credit card, that is, you cannot be restricted by credit protection agencies, such as SPC and Serasa. You also need to be over 18 years of age and prove an income equal to or greater than the minimum wage.


What is the limit of this card?

At first, Casas Bahia does not disclose the limit for the credit card. However, we can say that it releases a limit for purchases in general, one for ATM withdrawals and another for purchases in the store network.

Also, if you tend to pay your bills on time and have a good credit history, you may be able to get more credit when you apply for your card.

Is the Casas Bahia credit card worth it? 

Afinal, o cartão vale a pena? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, is the card worth it? Source: Pexels.

So, is the Casas Bahia credit card worth it? For regular network customers, yes. This is because, they have several advantages and discounts, even with the charge of annuity.

On the other hand, for people looking for a card with two flag options and without an annual fee, it may not be a good choice!

In addition, although the card allows the purchase of furniture and appliances, payment in up to 24 installments for selected products and access to the “Vai de Visa” program. It also has an annual fee of R$202.20.

So, it's worth analyzing all the pros and cons of applying for this card, also doing an analysis with other cards on the market, to then make the best choice for you!

How to get a Casas Bahia credit card?

So, you can apply for the Casas Bahia credit card online, as well as through the network's app.

In the recommended content below, we will teach you step by step so that you learn how to apply for this credit card.

Imagem ilustrativa do mascote das Casas Bahia segurando um cartão de crédito da marca. Ao lado, logo das Casas Bahia.

How to apply for the Casas Bahia card

With the Casas Bahia card you can shop at the store and get more discounts and installments when using your credit. See how to make your own here.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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