
Discover the BV Visa Gold credit card

The Bv Visa Gold credit card is another option for you to make purchases and payments with economy and ease. Learn more about its benefits.


BV Visa Gold credit card

Cartão de Crédito BV Visa Gold. Imagem: BV
BV Visa Gold Credit Card. Image: BV

The BV Visa Gold credit card is another product of Banco Votorantim, one of the largest financial institutions in the country. The company offers several services, with advantages developed especially for the profile and needs of each consumer.

The BV Visa Gold card, for example, was created for customers who earn more than R$2,500 and travel frequently. After all, all the services offered by the credit card aim to provide more conveniences for the life of this specific public.

So, check below for more details about this credit card, including the advantages and disadvantages it presents. Know more.

How to apply for the BV Visa Gold card

Check out the step-by-step guide on how to apply for the BV Visa Gold card quickly and without bureaucracy.

minimum incomeR$ 2,500
Annuity3x R$ 11.99 or R$179.49
BenefitsPoints program at BV Merece
annuity discounts
Invoice installments in up to installments
BV personal credit

How does the BV Visa Gold credit card work?

Como Funciona o Cartão de Crédito BV Visa Gold. Imagem: BV
How the BV Visa Gold Credit Card Works. Image: BV

The BV Visa Gold credit card is undoubtedly a good option for anyone with an income of at least R$2,500. Because, in addition to the functions of a common card, it has international coverage and allows participation in programs of the flag that manages it.

In addition, with this credit card, users can make purchases and pay in installments. However, it also has other interesting features such as 24-hour emergency assistance and free rental car insurance.

Thus, due to these characteristics, the card is a great alternative for travelers. Both for those who like to explore new places and for people traveling for work. So keep reading to know more details about this credit card.


What are the advantages of the BV Visa Gold credit card?

The BV Visa Gold card is intended for people with a minimum income of more than one minimum wage. Therefore, it offers specific advantages for this consumer profile. Check out what they are below:

  1. Visa Checkout;
  2. Original extended warranty;
  3. Price and purchase protection;
  4. Accumulation of miles and points;
  5. Emergency withdrawal service;
  6. travel and vehicle insurance;
  7. Insurance for leasing vehicles;
  8. Travel medical insurance: Masterassist Plus;
  9. 24-hour service for emergencies;
  10. Accepted in national and international establishments.

So, the BV Visa Gold card presents a range of benefits for customers. However, it's important that you consider each one of them to assess whether this option really meets your needs.

What are the downsides?

Considering that several card models on the market do not require a minimum income, one of the major disadvantages of the BV Visa Gold card is the need for proof of income. After all, customers must earn a minimum of R$2,500 to access this card.

In addition, customers must pay the card's annual fee, the installment of which is 3x R$ 11.99 or R$179.49 in cash. Therefore, before opting for this model to make your purchases, consider these aspects so as not to have unpleasant surprises in the future.

Is the BV Visa Gold credit card worth it? 

Overall, the BV Visa Gold card is worth it. After all, you can use it to shop in physical stores and national and international websites without any problem due to its flag.

In addition, despite having an annual fee, customers who use this credit card have access to discounts and even complete exemption from this maintenance fee. This is subject to the range of expenses on the card bill, as the more you use this payment method, the lower the fees charged.

These functions, associated with points programs and special discounts, make it an excellent alternative for those who travel a lot and shop frequently using their credit card.


How to apply for the BV Visa Gold Card?

Como fazer o Cartão de crédito BV Visa Gold?
How to apply for a BV Visa Gold Credit Card?

To apply for the BV Visa Gold card, you need to provide your personal data and provide proof of residence and income equal to or greater than R$2,500. In addition, you cannot have your name negative in credit protection bodies such as SPC and Serasa.

After sending your data, the bank will carry out a credit analysis to determine whether or not the credit card is available for your profile. To learn more about this process, click the button below!

How to apply for the BV Visa Gold card

Check out the step-by-step guide on how to apply for the BV Visa Gold card quickly and without bureaucracy.

About the author  /  Lays Brandão

An administrator, passionate about digital marketing and writing. I work in the production of relevant content in the areas of finance, economics, tourism and service recommendation.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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