
Discover the PlanCred loan

The PlanCred loan can release up to R$ 20,000 of credit, in addition to lower interest rates and a payment period of up to 24 months. Learn more about this option in this post!


Get credit of up to R$20 thousand with up to 24 months to pay

Veja como o empréstimo pessoal PlanCred funciona! Fonte: PlanCred.
See how the PlanCred personal loan works! Source: PlanCred.

The PlanCred loan came to bring more versatility to the lives of people who need access to credit. In this way, it is possible to take out a loan of up to R$20,000.00 and pay it in up to 24 months! 

Minimum Incomewas not informed
Interest ratewas not informed
Deadline to payFrom 6 to 24 months
release periodwas not informed
loan amountFrom R$500.00 to R$20,000.00
Do you accept negatives?was not informed
BenefitsIt is not necessary to justify how you will use the money
It has lower interest rates than other options
Up to 45 days to start paying
Loan features

How to apply for the PlanCred loan

The PlanCred loan offers up to R$ 20K credit. Check here the complete step by step to make the request!

Also, the best part is that the amount of the installment can be paid by check, direct debit or booklet! Next, you will learn more about the loan and how to apply for it.

Mulhere segurando um leque de notas de dinheiro na mão.

7 best loans for negatives

Check here the best loan options for negative in Brazil.

How does the PlanCred personal loan work?

In summary, the personal loan works in a very simple way. The entire process takes place online, where the consumer can directly access your website to apply for the loan.

That way, when you access the site, just send your data and the loan amount along with the number of installments you will make the payment.

Therefore, when doing so, PlanCred will look for the banks and financial institutions that offer the best rates for your request. When you find an attractive offer, you can notify the institution that will prepare the contract with the partner bank.

That way, the institution will send the contract for you to sign. With everything ready, just wait for the money to fall into your account!


What is the PlanCred personal loan limit?

Basically, just like any other type of loan, to apply for PlanCred's personal credit, it is necessary for the user to pay attention to the maximum amounts that the institution works with.

In this way, when applying for your PlanCred personal loan, you can access up to R$20,000.00 of credit.

PlanCred Advantages

Confira seus principais pontos positivos! Fonte: Pexels.
Check out its main strengths! Source: Pexels.

PlanCred's personal loan can offer several advantages to users who apply for it, among which we highlight the benefits below.

  • You can choose how you will pay;
  • The first payment can occur within 45 days;
  • The installments are fixed and can be paid in up to 24 months.

Main features of PlanCred

PlanCred is a company that emerged with the objective of facilitating the customer's access to credit and, thus, helping them to fulfill their dreams or solve their financial problems.

Thus, to do this, they provide an online 100% environment to apply for a loan. In addition, they look for the best offer for you, where you can access attractive interest rates.


Who the loan is for

In summary, the PlanCred loan is suitable for anyone who needs extra money to carry out a project or resolve financial issues with an amount that fits in their pocket and without presenting a guarantee of an asset.

That way, when hiring PlanCred, you can access great offers and, thus, take out a loan that you can pay off without any problems.

How to get a PlanCred personal loan?

Therefore, if you liked the PlanCred personal loan and would like to apply for it, in the following post we have prepared a complete step-by-step for you to apply online!

How to apply for a PlanCred loan

The PlanCred loan offers up to R$ 20K credit. Check here the complete step by step to make the request!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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