
Get to know the Mercado Pago personal loan

Leverage the future of your business with the Mercado Pago loan. With it, it is possible to obtain credit of up to R$ 500 thousand. Read this article and learn all about this credit option.


Mercado Pago loan: three types of credit to choose from

O empréstimo é pensado especialmente para os vendedores. Fonte: Mercado Pago.
The loan is specially designed for sellers. Source: Mercado Pago.

Starting a new business requires a lot of effort, study and money. Usually, that last part is the hardest to get. Therefore, in today's article we are going to show you the Mercado Pago personal loan. An online 100% credit that, once approved, is immediately credited to the account.

In addition, Mercado Pago works with several modalities. They are fixed installments, percentage of sales and express money. The loan amount can reach up to R$500,000. Do you want to know everything about the Mercado Pago loan? So, read on!

Minimum IncomeNot informed, but it is necessary to sell more than R$ 100.00 in the last two months in Mercado Pago or Livre
Interest rateDepends on each offer
Deadline to payUp to 24 months
release periodMoney falls in time
loan amountUp to R$500,000
Do you accept negatives?No
BenefitsCash release on time;
Process 100% online;
Three loan options.
Loan features

How to apply for a Mercado Pago loan

The Mercado Pago loan offers three types of credit. In this article, we will show you how to apply for yours. Learn more here!

How does the Mercado Pago personal loan work?

First, you need to know if you can apply for a loan on Mercado Pago. This can be done through your account. If there is an offer available in the app, it is because there is credit available. This offer is valid for up to one month. After that date, the bank performs a new historical analysis and offers a new value. 

As soon as you receive an offer, you will also receive all amounts and interest rates. By the way, there is no charge for any extra fees or administrative expenses. The process is 100% transparent and online.

It is worth noting that only Mercado Livre or Mercado Pago sellers can apply for this loan. And, still, you have to meet the requirements, that is, you must have sold more than R$ 100.00 in a minimum period of two months, have a good reputation on the platform and a good financial history in the market.

If you meet these requirements, you can access the three types of credit offered: credit in fixed installments, credit by percentage of sales and express money. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. For example, with credit in fixed installments you can get up to R$ 500 thousand to pay in up to 24 months.


What is the limit of the Mercado Pago personal loan?

The amount of the loan limit depends on the type of credit contracted. Look:

  • Credit in fixed installments: up to R$500,000;
  • Credit per percentage of sales: up to R$500,000;
  • Cash Express: up to R$50,000.

Mercado Pago Advantages

Uma das principais vantagens são as taxas de juros menores para quem vende na plataforma. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
One of the main advantages is the lower interest rates for those who sell on the platform. Source: Adobe Stock.

If you already sell through Mercado Pago, taking out the loan through the same institution may be interesting. Because you will already have a more solid relationship with the institution. That way, interest rates can get even lower.

In addition, it is possible to opt for three types of credit that can offer up to R$ 500 thousand and, still, have the money on time after the loan is approved.

Main features of Mercado Pago

Mercado Pago offers three types of loans, see each one below.


Credit in fixed installments

In this modality, the platform lends up to R$500,000 and you choose the value of the fixed installments. It's a good strategy for anyone who already has some other type of income coming in.

Credit per percentage of sales

Now, if you are still in the beginning and want to grow at your own pace, this option is safer. In this type of credit, you enter the amount you need and choose the percentage of sales. Then just go selling normally. The debt is debited from each of your sales. 

It's a good one not to worry about installments or due date. However, it is good to have a certain consistency of sales in this modality. 

Another important thing, in credit by percentage of sales, Mercado Pago lends you up to R$500,000.

Cash Express

Cash Express is more for emergencies. Borrowing up to R$50,000, Mercado Pago asks for the money back within 21 days. Once paid, you can only request it again if your sales flow remains constant.

Who the loan is for

Quem pode solicitar o empréstimo? Fonte: Pexels.
Who can apply for the loan? Source: Pexels.

The Mercado Pago loan is indicated for those who are already customers of the platform. To apply for a loan, you must have been selling on the site for at least two months. In addition, you must meet certain requirements:

  • Have a good payment history;
  • Have a good reputation in the Free Market;
  • Sell more than R$100.00 in Mercado Livre and Mercado Pago;
  • You have completed the Mercado Pago identity verification process.

How to get a Mercado Pago personal loan?

To take out a loan at Mercado Pago, you need to have your account. Then just wait to receive an offer. Once your offer is in the app, you can hire. 

See how to apply for your Mercado Pago loan in the content recommended below.

How to apply for a Mercado Pago loan

The Mercado Pago loan offers three types of credit. In this article, we will show you how to apply for yours. Learn more here!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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