
Get to know the loan with vehicle guarantee Bradesco

The loan with Bradesco vehicle guarantee allows you to access up to 60% of the value of your car on credit and pay in up to 50 months. Learn more about him here!


Use your vehicle to access more credit

Saiba como esse empréstimo funciona! Fonte: Bradesco.
Find out how this loan works! Source: Bradesco.

Do you have a car in your name and need to access a high loan amount, but want to pay it off in a longer period? Then, the loan with vehicle guarantee from Bradesco bank may be a good option for you.

With this loan, you can transform up to 60% of the value of your car or motorcycle into credit for you and, thus, receive it in your bank account in a short time.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratenot informed
Deadline to payUp to 50 months
release periodUninformed
loan amountUp to 60% of your vehicle's value
Do you accept negatives?Yes
BenefitsUp to 59 days to start paying
Installments from R$ 20.00
Know the main characteristics of the loan

How to apply for a loan with a Bradesco guarantee

Find out here how the car loan application process works to enjoy all the benefits.

In addition, when taking out the Bradesco loan, you can continue using your vehicle normally on a daily basis and still have access to good credit.

Do you want to know how this loan works, what are its advantages and how can you apply for it? So, stay with us because in this post we will clarify everything for you.

How does the loan with Bradesco vehicle guarantee work?

In short, Bradesco bank has a financial service called Credfácil. From it, it is possible to access the loan with vehicle guarantee that the bank offers.

Therefore, this loan works in a very simple way. You contact the bank and perform the simulation to find out the amount you can borrow and how much your installments would be.

By doing this, you can already pass on your personal data and your vehicle so that the bank can analyze it and decide whether or not to approve your request.

If so, just sign the loan agreement, where the fiduciary alienation of the vehicle will be signed. This disposal is used to transfer an asset securely for a specified period of time.

As the loan is secured by the vehicle, this means that, if you are unable to pay the installments, the bank will be able to take the car as payment.

Because of this, while the loan lasts, your vehicle will be the property of the bank until it is paid off. Thus, at the end of the loan payment, the good will return to your name.

However, good will remain with you to use in your day to day and carry out your activities normally.


What is the loan limit?

Confira o valor que você consegue acessar! Fonte: Unsplash.
Check out the value you can access! Source: Unsplash.

When taking out a loan, the most important information to be consulted is in relation to the credit amount.

After all, we need to know how much we can borrow to better organize our finances.

Therefore, the loan with vehicle guarantee from Bradesco bank allows you to borrow up to 60% of the value of the asset.

Advantages of the loan with vehicle guarantee Bradesco

The Bradesco loan has many interesting advantages that you need to know about. Starting with the fact that it is possible to take out the loan even if you have an outstanding debt or have a dirty name.

In addition, Bradesco always seeks to make your financial life easier, which is why your loan has installments starting at just R$ 20.00.

Finally, when taking out a loan with a vehicle guarantee from Bradesco bank, you can use a car or motorcycle as collateral and you can continue using the vehicle until it is paid off.

Main features of the loan

Now, let's take a look at the numbers that exist on the Bradesco secured vehicle loan.

Therefore, those who choose to apply for it can pay the loan in up to 50 months. And here it is also important to know that the bank offers 15 to 59 days to start paying the first installment.

Regarding the installment, as we saw above, Bradesco is one of the few banks that manages to offer an installment value from R$ 20.00.

Therefore, when making the loan, you can afford smaller amounts to pay off what was borrowed.

Finally, the loan works with low interest rates compared to the personal loan.


Who the loan is for

Conheça os requisitos para acessar o empréstimo! Fonte: Unsplash.
Know the requirements to access the loan! Source: Unsplash.

To be able to access Bradesco vehicle loan credit, you must follow two basic requirements.

First, you must be over 18 years old, as this is the minimum age to apply for Credfácil.

And secondly, you must have a bank account at Bradesco in order to receive the loan amount.

How to take out a loan with a Bradesco vehicle guarantee?

In summary, the loan with vehicle guarantee from Bradesco is an interesting option for you to be able to access a good credit value, even if you have a negative CPF.

Therefore, if this option pleases you, in the following post you can see how the application for this loan is carried out.

How to apply for a loan with a Bradesco guarantee

Find out here how the car loan application process works to enjoy all the benefits.

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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