
Get to know the loan with vehicle guarantee Banco do Brasil

The loan with a vehicle guarantee from Banco do Brasil allows you to access a good credit value and also manage to have lower interest rates and a longer payment term compared to other modalities. Learn more below.


Loan with great term and plenty of time to pay

Veja o que você tem a ganhar com esse empréstimo! Fonte: Banco do Brasil.
See what you have to gain with this loan! Source: Bank of Brazil.

Do you have a car in your name and need access to good credit to make your dreams come true? So, the loan with vehicle guarantee from Banco do Brasil can be a very interesting option.

From it, you can transform up to 80% of your vehicle's value into credit. And the best part is that the car or motorcycle will remain in your name for the duration of the loan.

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest ratenot informed
Deadline to payUp to 60 months
release periodUninformed
loan amountUp to 80% of your vehicle's value
Do you accept negatives?Yes
BenefitsDo you still have the car in your name?
You have up to 59 days to start paying
online hiring
Know the main characteristics of the loan

How to apply for a loan with a BB guarantee

Find out here how the Banco do Brasil car loan application process works.

In addition, Banco do Brasil allows you to start paying the first installment only after 59 days of contracting, in addition to offering several other benefits.

Do you want to know more about them and check how the loan with Banco do Brasil vehicle guarantee works? So, continue with us in this post and learn all about this credit.

How does the loan with Banco do Brasil vehicle guarantee work?

Banco do Brasil works by offering several different types of loans to people, and one of them is the famous car loan.

From there, you can refinance your vehicle so that part of its value becomes credit for you. In this way, it is possible to access a higher credit value.

In addition, this type of loan is known to offer a lower interest rate compared to the personal loan.

This happens because in this modality, the bank is more secure in making the loan, since the chances of receiving the money back are greater with the vehicle being added as collateral.

That way, people can access more credit, with low interest rates and without losing the good, since during the loan, the vehicle remains with you and can be used normally, without restrictions!


What is the loan limit?

Saiba o valor que você consegue emprestar! Fonte: Pexels.
Know the amount you can borrow! Source: Pexels.

In summary, when looking for a good loan, the main information to be researched is about the amount of credit you can access with it.

Therefore, in the case of a loan with a vehicle guarantee from Banco do Brasil, it is possible to access a credit of up to 80% of the value of your vehicle.

Thus, after completing the contract, you can have this amount deposited in your account. 

Advantages of the loan with vehicle guarantee Banco do Brasil

Namely, Banco do Brasil offers several advantages to people on their car loan. Starting with the payment term, where the bank allows you to settle the loan in up to 60 months.

In addition, you also have more flexibility to pay for the loan, where you have up to 59 to start paying.

Finally, despite Banco do Brasil being a very traditional Brazilian institution, it still allows you to carry out the entire loan contract through its online channels.

Main features of the loan

In short, the Banco do Brasil loan allows you to access a credit equivalent to 80% of the value of your vehicle where you have the availability to pay it in up to 60 months.

Namely, the deadline to start paying up to 59 days is part of a program that Banco do Brasil created at the beginning of the pandemic. From it, it was possible to give a longer grace period for the payment of the first installment.

And the best part is that this additional grace period does not change the terms of secured vehicle loans.

Therefore, you can keep the same conditions that were made at the time of taking out the loan, including the interest rate.

In this way, the only condition of the loan that changes is the maturity date of the same, which is increased to offer the additional grace period.


Who the loan is for

Veja se você cumpre os requisitos! Fonte: Pexels.
See if you meet the requirements! Source: Pexels.

In fact, to take out a loan with a vehicle guarantee from Banco do Brasil, you must meet some basic requirements, such as those described below.

  • Have a bank account at Banco do Brasil;
  • Receive approval on the loan proposal;
  • Have your own vehicle paid off and onus;
  • The vehicle must be up to 10 years old.

That way, by meeting these requirements, you can take out the loan with a car guarantee offered by Banco do Brasil.

How to take out a loan with Banco do Brasil vehicle guarantee?

In short, the Banco do Brasil car loan can offer interesting advantages for you to access a good credit value.

That way, if you liked this option and want to know how to apply for a loan from Banco do Brasil, just access the post below and learn how the process works.

How to apply for a loan with a BB guarantee

Find out here how the Banco do Brasil car loan application process works.

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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