
Discover the free courses Kultivi

Do you know the free Kultivi courses? From this platform, it is possible to take free courses in 6 different categories, including languages, Enem, contests and OAB. Read this post and learn more!


Get ready for the main exams and learn a new language for free

Aprenda mais de forma online! Fonte: Kultivi.
Learn more online! Source: Kultivi.

Do you want to prepare for the Enem? Or maybe you're going to take the OAB exam or a contest and don't know where to prepare? If that's your case, you need to know the free Kultivi courses.

This teaching platform offers several online courses for you to prepare for the main tests.

How to enroll in Kultivi courses

See how you can access these free courses!

But, it manages to go far beyond that and also allows you to learn up to five different languages to leverage your career.

In the following post, you will learn more about this platform and see what it can offer.

What are the free Kultivi courses like?

A Kultivi oferece cursos em 6 modalidades de forma totalmente gratuita e online! Fonte: Pexels.
Kultivi offers courses in 6 modalities completely free and online! Source: Pexels.

In short, Kultivi free courses work very simply. When accessing the platform, you can find several courses separated by different categories.

Namely, all courses are divided into modules, which help you to have the knowledge you need in the order that will allow you to better understand the subject.

In each module, you access several videos that help you learn the content better, in addition to having access to support materials to complement your studies.

At Kultivi, students can also do exercises that help to better fix knowledge. That way, you don't just stay in theory and can see in practice how what you learned works.

At first, all courses offered by the platform are free and offer a certificate at the end.

Also, when you sign up for courses, you get access to them forever, even after you've completed them.

That way, you can always come back to the platform to access the knowledge you need, or to resume your studies.


What courses are available?

Namely, Kultivi offers its courses in 6 different categories. Thus, in each of them, students can access a series of different courses, from complete preparation for the Enem to Criminal Law.

In summary, the main categories of courses available on the Kultivi platform are:

  • Languages;
  • Contests;
  • And either;
  • OAB;
  • Career and business;
  • Health.

Thus, in the language section you can learn English, Spanish, Italian, Korean and French at basic, intermediate and advanced levels.

In the contests category, you can access courses on the main subjects covered in public tenders. So, there you will find options such as Civil Law, Portuguese, Logical Reasoning, IT and many others.

In the Enem category you will find a complete course and several small courses on each subject. At OAB, you have course options to prepare for the first and second phase of the test.

Finally, in the business category you will find courses that range from digital marketing to coaching, and in health there is an option that teaches you about SUS and Collective Health. 

What are the benefits of the courses?

Among the main advantages of Kultivi free courses, we highlight the unlimited access you have to them. That way, when you enroll in any course, you can access it forever.

In addition, the free Kultivi courses are very complete and taught by competent teachers who manage to give a quality class so you can always learn more and better.

Finally, there is also the fact that the platform offers complementary materials, which helps you to deepen your knowledge.

Who are the free Kultivi courses for?

Namely, the free Kultivi courses are intended for the entire population who would like to study more online, easily and practically.

The platform does not add any special requirements to access the courses, so everyone can sign up and start studying.


How to apply to Kultivi?

Saiba como acessar esses cursos gratuitos de qualidade! Fonte: Pexels.
Learn how to access these free quality courses! Source: Pexels.

Now that you know more about this platform, it's time to learn how to sign up to access free Kultivi courses.

To do this, just check the following post that shows all the information you need to know to take the free Kultivi courses!

How to enroll in Kultivi courses

Signing up is completely online and only takes a few minutes! Learn more in this post.

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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