Discover Coursera's free courses
Coursera is a large online course platform that offers both paid and free options. In this article you will learn about the advantages of taking the free courses. Check out!
Access over 2,600 free courses
Coursera is an online platform that offers courses in different areas for you to specialize. But what makes Coursera's free courses famous is that they are taught by major companies and universities.
That way, when entering the platform you can see options for courses taught by Microsoft, Yale University, Stanford and even Google.
This allows you to take any of Coursera's free courses and access a quality education that will be recognized by the market.
Therefore, in the following post you will learn more about Coursera's free courses and what advantages they can offer.
What are the free Coursera courses like?
Coursera's free courses are offered in several different categories where you can find options from Performing Arts to Technology. So, you can browse through different options and study what attracts you the most.
Namely, all courses offered by Coursera are divided into modules that contain one or more videos teaching about that lesson. In most courses, you can find lessons and tests to deepen your knowledge.
In addition, Coursera's free courses have a digital certificate that is easily shareable across different channels.
And on the page of each course, you can find the evaluation of former students to see if that option has quality.
Finally, Coursera courses have different durations. There you will find options with less than 2 hours up to 6 months duration. But, the vast majority of them have a duration of 1 to 3 months.
What courses are available?
Namely, Coursera offers courses in several different categories so that everyone can find the knowledge they need. Therefore, you can find courses in the areas of:
- Arts and humanities;
- Data Science;
- Computer Science;
- Business;
- Health;
- Information Technology;
- Languages;
- Mathematics and Logic;
- Personal development;
- physical science and engineering;
- Social Sciences.
Thus, within these categories you can find free courses at a basic, intermediate, advanced level and even mixed options.
What are the benefits of the courses?
In addition to being free, Coursera courses also offer several unmissable advantages for you to enjoy learning even more!
Below, we separate the main benefits that you can access with free Coursera courses.
- Courses recognized by the market;
- Offer shareable certification;
- They are taught by well-known companies and universities;
- They offer flexible deadlines for you to study on your own time.
Who are Coursera's free courses for?
In summary, Coursera's free courses are aimed at anyone who wants to acquire more knowledge, either to delve deeper into a topic or to update their CV.
In addition, the platform does not require any of its students to follow criteria to take the courses. That way, anyone can enter and start studying for free on the portal.
How to sign up for Coursera?
If you liked what you've learned so far about Coursera and want to register on the platform, just check the content below for a complete step-by-step on how registration is done!
About the author / Leticia Jordan
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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