Real Estate Credit

Get to know Bradesco real estate credit

With Bradesco financing, you can simulate your real estate loan quickly over the internet and without leaving your home. Check here all the advantages of this credit and decide if it is the best option for your needs.


Bradesco real estate credit: know now the advantages of this credit

Conheça todas as vantagens do crédito imobiliário Bradesco. Fonte: Bradesco.
Discover all the advantages of Bradesco real estate credit. Source: Bradesco.

Carrying out a real estate loan can be the little push that was missing for many people. Especially in the dream of finally having your own home. However, it is always important to know how to choose the right financing. Thus, considering the rates and advantages of each one, it is possible to understand which one fits in your pocket. Well, with Banco Bradesco it is now easy to apply for real estate credit.

With interest rates starting at 2,99% per annum, the bank even offers a digital 100% process. That is, much more practical and simple. In this way, it is the security of a traditional bank with the practicality of technology. However, contracting via internet banking and the app is only available to Bradesco account holders.

In this article, we'll show you every detail of Bradesco's real estate credit. Continue reading to understand!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateFrom 2,99% per year 
Deadline to payUp to 360 months
release periodUninformed
Mortgage Loan ValueUp to 80% of property value
Do you accept negatives?No
BenefitsFast contracting and choice of amortization method
But, after all, what are the characteristics of credit?

How to apply for Bradesco real estate credit

Apply for Bradesco real estate credit. The simulation is fast, as everything is done over the internet. The hiring, on the other hand, is at the agency. Here's the step by step!

How does Bradesco real estate credit work?

Firstly, it is important to point out that Bradesco real estate credit is a good option. Mainly for those looking for agility in credit pre-approval. In fact, Bradesco's financing works through the Housing Finance System, the SFH. 

In other words, this modality uses resources from the Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE). Thus, those who finance the system are the savings accounts and the Severance Indemnity Fund, the FGTS.

It is still possible to decide which way you prefer to pay off your debt. There are two options: the Constant Amortization System and the Price Table. In the first, the amortization value remains the same until the end of the installments. However, installments begin to decrease along with interest rates over time. In this way, in the second, the Price Table, all installments are equal from start to finish.

In addition, if your property is worth between one million and five hundred and five million, there is another option. For this case, the bank uses the Mortgage Portfolio or CH. The Portfolio is very similar to the Housing Finance System, the SFH. However, with this new modality it is possible to finance properties with a higher price.

Likewise, both options have some features in common. For example, Bradesco financing covers up to 80% of the property value. As well as the installments are at least 200 reais and you can commit up to 30% of your income. Finally, another important feature is that you can use your FGTS at the entrance.

What is the Bradesco real estate credit limit?

Above all, Bradesco's real estate credit limit will depend a lot on your credit analysis. However, the bank finances up to 80% of the value of your property, with installments of at least R$200.00.

Bradesco Advantages

O financiamento imobiliário Bradesco oferece 30 anos para pagar. Fonte: Pexels.
Bradesco real estate financing offers 30 years to repay. Source: Pexels.

Well, now see the advantages of Bradesco real estate financing:

  • Evaluation of the proposal in up to 1 hour;
  • 30 years to pay;
  • Finance up to 80% of the property;
  • Digital simulation and practice;
  • You can use FGTS.

Main characteristics of Bradesco

As well as knowing the advantages, you also need to know each feature of this financing. That way, you can actually decide if it's the best option for you.

Firstly, the types of credit available are the Housing Finance System (SFH) and the Housing Portfolio (CH). The choice between the two depends a lot on the value of your property. In addition, Bradesco finances up to 80% of the value of your property. For this you can commit up to 30% of your income. That way, you can pay the installments from R$200.00.

At the same time, when we talk about interest, the rates start at 2.99% per year. It is still possible to insert the remuneration of savings into this. Another important thing to remember: to carry out any real estate financing, you must have up-to-date Housing Insurance.

For whom real estate credit is indicated

Thus, Bradesco real estate credit is indicated for those who want agility in contracting. If you need to finance a property and have little time to secure financing, this may be a good option. Especially since it is possible to adjust most of the details over the internet. In order to negotiate and settle the rates, it is necessary to talk to one of Bradesco's managers.

How to take out a Bradesco real estate loan?

Afinal, como fazer o financiamento? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, how to finance? Source: Pexels.

Making your Bradesco real estate loan has become simple. First, you need to do your simulation online. Then receive your reply within an hour. After that, it is necessary to do the hiring and negotiation at the agency. In the article recommended below, we detail the step-by-step process for you to buy your property with Bradesco. Check out!

How to apply for Bradesco real estate credit

Apply for Bradesco real estate credit. The simulation is fast, as everything is done over the internet. The hiring, on the other hand, is at the agency. Here's the step by step!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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