digital account

Get to know the Banco Pan digital account

See how the Banco Pan digital account works and what services this free account offers. In fact, you can do salary portability and your money earns more than your savings. Check out!


Banco Pan account: digital, free and your money earns more than savings

Mas, afinal, como funciona a conta Banco Pan? Fonte: Banco Pan.
But, after all, how does the Banco Pan account work? Source: Banco Pan.

The proposal that Banco Pan offers to customers is very interesting, because, according to Pan's slogan: for the rush of life, there is a bank that runs with you. Thus, the Banco Pan digital account brings everything you need in a free account with banking services.

open rateExempt
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$2.00 per withdrawal or TED after spending minimum 30 per month
credit cardYes
BenefitsNo annual fee credit card
unlimited pix
What are the features of the account?

How to open a bank account

A free digital account with banking services without you having to leave your home. Check out!

In this sense, in this article, we will tell you a little more about how this digital account works, as well as the advantages and disadvantages. Check out!

Mulher sorrindo para um homem em um escritório

Discover the Banco Pan payroll loan

See here how Banco Pan's payroll loan works.

Main features of Banco Pan

Initially, Banco Pan is one of the main digital banks in Brazil that offers financial services such as bill payments, bank transfers, PIX, credit and debit cards and several other services without charging for them.

In this sense, the Pan digital account is an account with no monthly fees, which does not require internet, which has a card and also releases more credit when opening your account.


Who the account is for

This account is suitable for anyone looking for a free digital account with exclusive banking services, without having to go to a bank branch to make payments, transfers and other services.

What is the limit of the Banco Pan digital account?

So, the Banco Pan account limit was not informed by the institution, because it will depend on the credit analysis carried out by the bank.

In this sense, customers have Banco Pan's emergency limit, which is the account limit and can be used for various purposes, thus it is a type of loan, that is, Pan charges interest to use this emergency limit.

Then, the available amounts will appear just below the balance in the Pan account and the summed amounts are how much you can use, so if you have R$500 in your account and a limit of R$800, you will be able to make payments of a maximum of R$1,300, 00.

Is Banco Pan digital account worth it? 

Quais as vantagens da conta Banco Pan? Fonte: Canva.
What are the advantages of the Banco Pan account? Source: Canva.

Now, let's get to know the advantages and disadvantages of the account. Check out!



Among the advantages of the Banco Pan account, you pay absolutely nothing to open the account, because opening it is completely free.

And, in addition, there are services such as emergency limits in cases of unforeseen health problems, for example. Therefore, the more you use the bank's services and your credit card, for example, the higher your emergency limit will be.

Furthermore, you can count on Poupa Pan, which yields much more than savings, so you can save from R$5 and your money will pay off.

Among other advantages, you can make up to 30 free withdrawals, TEDS and bank slip deposits per month in addition to being able to carry out salary portability.


Despite having several advantages, one of Banco Pan's disadvantages is the charge for withdrawals, TEDS and deposits per bank slip, because after reaching the minimum of 30 per month, an amount of R$2.00 is charged per operation.

Furthermore, despite being very accessible, Banco Pan carries out credit analysis to approve or reject the account opening request.

How to make a Banco Pan account?

Como abrir a conta? Fonte: Canva.
How to open the account? Source: Canva.

To make the account, you must install the application on your cell phone, follow the recommendations and start registering your free account at Banco Pan. Therefore, click on the recommended content below to find out more information about it.

How to open a bank account

Find out how to open an account that you can open online, with no monthly fee and a credit card with no annual fee.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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