
Get to know the Itaú consortium

With the Itaú consortium, you have access to credit to buy your property without paying a down payment or interest. Check here the main features and advantages of this financial product from one of the largest Brazilian banks.


Itaú Consortium: simulate and realize the dream of home ownership

Simule e realize o sonho da casa própria. Fonte: Banco Itaú.
Simulate and realize the dream of home ownership. Source: Banco Itaú.

The Itaú consortium came to make life easier for people who want to realize their dream of home ownership. That's because with the consortium, you pay the interest-free installments and don't need to enter. In this way, good becomes much more accessible.

In addition, consortium draws take place monthly. That way, you can also place extra bids to try your luck and see if you get closer to your dream.

In this sense, continue reading and find out more about how the Itaú consortium works!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateExempt
Deadline to payUninformed
release periodDepends on the draw or bid
Consortium ValueUninformed
Do you accept negatives?No
BenefitsYou can bid in the month to shorten the waiting time
Consortium characteristics

How to apply for the Itaú real estate consortium

Discover the step-by-step guide to participating in the Itaú consortium!

How does the Itaú Consortium work?

First, it is important to explain how a consortium works. In short, a consortium is made up of people who want a common good. For example, a group that wants to buy a house.

All these people get together, and monthly pay the installments of the house. All this without having to register or pay interest on the installments. Therefore, every month a raffle is held and someone is drawn. That person can have your good.

In short, this is how a consortium works. In other words, the Itaú consortium is very similar to this process. However, the biggest benefit of Itaú is that the bank provides many letters of credit and bidding opportunities. 

In this way, the waiting time for the good can be much shorter than in other financial institutions. In addition, with the Itaú consortium you can place monthly bids to reduce the waiting time for your dream to come true.

What is the Itaú Consortium limit?

In summary, the Itaú consortium analyzes each person's credit and, based on that, establishes a limit. Therefore, you need to go to an Itaú branch to understand how your specific case works.

Itaú advantages

The Itaú consortium has several advantages. At first, the consortium itself already has some advantages for those who are looking to buy a good with a high value. For example, with the consortium you don't need to enter or pay interest.

In addition, among the financial institutions, the Itaú consortium has the shortest waiting time. This is because the bank provides many letters of credit and opportunities for monthly bids during meetings.

Another factor is that you can hire your consortium directly over the internet. Therefore, Itaú allows the request through the application. Instead, you can go to an agency and speak to experts about your case.

Itau main features

O Itaú oferece o consórcio para algumas marcas de carro. Confira! Fonte: Adobe Stock
Itaú offers the consortium for some car brands. Check out! Source: Adobe Stock

In this sense, it is worth noting that Itaú offers three types of consortium to its customers. The consortium of real estate and the consortium of vehicles, heavy vehicles and motorcycles. Among the consortium of vehicles, there are some models included in the consortium. 

Therefore, Itaú accepts vehicles from brands such as Hyundai, Toyota, Fiat, Chevrolet, Ford and Renault. Incidentally, for each brand the value of the consortium changes. As well as specifications and rules. 

In addition, at the Real Estate Consortium you can use your FGTS balance to bid on assemblies. In this way, the expected time to have your home can be much shorter. 

Who is the Consortium for?

In summary, the consortium is mainly indicated for those who are not in a hurry to acquire a good. This is because the waiting time may or may not be long.

As already mentioned, the consortium works through raffles. Therefore, monthly you have to be lucky to be drawn to guarantee your new asset. Or else, in the case of Itaú, make a big bid. 

In this way, we indicate the consortium for those who want to acquire a vehicle or property, who are not in a hurry and do not have a lot of money to give down.

How to make an Itaú Consortium?

Finally, if you are interested in the Itaú Consortium, please know that it is very simple to apply. In this sense, all you have to do is request it through the application, or in person at one of the Itaú branches.

In the next article, we will explain all the details on how to apply for your Itaú consortium. Continue reading and find out more!

How to apply for the Itaú real estate consortium

Discover the step-by-step guide to participating in the Itaú consortium!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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