
Discover the Fiat consortium

The Fiat consortium offers diversified models, an interest-free payment plan that fits in your pocket. Check here all the advantages of hiring your consortium and drive a new car.


Fiat Consortium: up to 100 months to pay for your brand new car

O consórcio Fiat é famoso e já possui milhares de veículos entregues. Fonte: Fiat.
The Fiat consortium is famous and already has thousands of vehicles delivered. Source: Fiat.

For those thinking about changing cars or even buying their first car, financing is usually one of the first purchase options. What many do not know is that there is a purchase alternative that can make you forget about the inflated installments with bank financing interest. This other alternative is the famous Fiat Consortium.

He already has thousands of products delivered, as well as satisfied customers throughout the duration of the program. Even with many clients, not everyone knows about this consortium and it is with that in mind that we have brought you this complete consortium guide. 

Stay on top of all the details and guarantee your zero car!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateExempt
Deadline to payUp to 100 months 
release periodUninformed
Consortium ValueUninformed
Do you accept negatives?Uninformed
BenefitsZero interest, mid-size car purchase, long payment terms
Consortium characteristics

How to apply for the Fiat consortium

Learn here how to purchase your Fiat car with zero interest, long payment terms and diversity of models.

How does the Fiat consortium work?

Afinal, como funciona o consórcio Fiat? Fonte: Fiat.
After all, how does the Fiat consortium work? Source: Fiat.

When you take out a loan, only you are responsible for paying for your property. The consortium is a little different, as it is based on self-financing with several people involved in the same goal: buying a common asset. In that sense, the consortium can be called a kind of shared purchase, right?

A group of consortium members start the process by buying a quota and contributing with the monthly payments of the amount agreed upon when contracting the consortium. 

With this amount, the process administrator, in this case Fiat, manages to raffle the letter of credit to one participant per month.

Thus, at the end of the term of the consortium, all participants are contemplated with the value they want to acquire their new car. 

It is worth remembering that the duration varies according to the program you join, but it is also possible to reduce it by placing a bid. The bid is when the consortium basically advances some installments to finally be contemplated before the scheduled time.

Speaking of contemplation, in the Fiat consortium it happens in two ways, which we have already explained quickly, the letter of credit or the bid.

In the first, the consortium member must wait for the draw, while in the bidding mode, the participant anticipates some payments to receive the credit faster.

What is the limit of the Fiat consortium?

Fiat does not explicitly inform the maximum amount that its consortium can reach, however it is possible to have some parameter when we analyze the list of available vehicles. 

It is worth remembering that it is not because the consortium belongs to car X that you will receive that car or you will not be able to buy another model. 

Quite the contrary, the model that appears in the Fiat consortium only serves to measure the value that will be delivered in the letter of credit. That is, you will receive, in the form of credit, the amount that the car costs. 

Fiat Advantages

In summary, the positive points that really deserve to be highlighted are:

  • This consortium does not charge interest. However, keep in mind the administration fee;
  • It gives you good conditions and possibilities to acquire a new or semi-new car without a down payment;
  • You have the alternative of advancing the monthly installments of your quota.

These and other benefits are only available in joint purchase modalities, such as the Fiat consortium.

Fiat's main features

Na Fiat é possível encontrar diversos modelos de automóveis, sendo adquiridos pela compra programada do consórcio. Fonte: Fiat.
At Fiat it is possible to find several models of cars, being acquired through the programmed purchase of the consortium. Source: Fiat.

Virtually all of the Italian automaker's most popular models are available as reference vehicles for the consortium. Models vary in engine power and other specific characteristics of each one.

In this sense, in addition to hatchback and sedan models, we even have medium-sized vehicles such as the Doblô and Ducato.

Below we list the models that Fiat makes available in its consortium plans:

  • Ducato;
  • bull;
  • Doblo;
  • Fiorino;
  • Argo;
  • Kronos;
  • Grand Siena;
  • Canopy;
  • one;
  • furniture;
  • Strada;
  • Weeken.

For whom the consortium is indicated

The Fiat consortium is a very strong indication for those people who don't really have the conditions to pay off the vehicle right away, that is, the majority of Brazilians.

In addition, those who are not in a hurry to have their car in the garage can also quietly opt for a more extensive consortium. Especially because, with lower installments, you can organize yourself to make a good bid and guarantee contemplation. 

I need to emphasize again that there is no need to pay any interest, just as there is no requirement to make a down payment during the process.

Adding these factors, the Fiat consortium becomes ideal for those who do not have so much accumulated capital, but still want to acquire their new car.

How to make a Fiat consortium?

The process to hire the Fiat consortium is very simple, for that, just go to the site of the automaker and consortium administrator to simulate the consortium.

Arriving at the site, performing the simulation with the amount consistent with what you can pay, you need to choose between these two plans:

  • For new cars: it is recommended for customers who want a brand new Fiat. In general, the input models are within this plan and in it you receive the most current values of the models;
  • For premium Fiat cars: this one is for those who want to upgrade their garage and buy a top-of-the-line vehicle from the automaker. You can choose from new or used cars.

After choosing the plan and filling in the registration data on the website, just wait for the company to contact you back with the most viable proposals. 

If you would like to learn more about the application process, please visit the recommended content below.

How to apply for the Fiat consortium

Learn here how to purchase your Fiat car with zero interest, long payment terms and diversity of models.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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