
Discover the Disal consortium

Disal is one of the largest consortium administrators for light vehicles. With the Disal consortium, you buy your car without paying interest and with installments that fit in your pocket. It is economical and safe. Learn more here!


Disal Consortium: more than R$35 thousand to buy your dream car

Conquiste seu carro novo, sem financiamento, sem juros e com parcelas reduzidas. Fonte: Disal.
Conquer your new car, without financing, without interest and with reduced installments. Source: Disal.

For some time now, the consortium has been the smartest option for those who want to buy their new car. In this context, Disal Administradora de Consórcios is ahead of several competitors in the market because it has some exclusive advantages, such as the fact that it caters to all brands in the automotive sector. 

If you need a new car, whether 0 km or used, Disal will help you with unmissable and accessible conditions. It was thinking of you that we created this article, which will pass on all the details of operation and other important information about Disal. 

Understand once and for all how the Disal consortium works!

Minimum Incomenot informed
Interest rateExempt
Deadline to payUp to 84 months
release periodUninformed
Consortium ValueFrom R$ 35 thousand
Do you accept negatives?Uninformed
BenefitsFlexibility of payments, possibility of plans, high credit values
Consortium characteristics

How to apply for the Disal consortium

The Disal consortium offers payment flexibility, possibility of plans and high credit values. Learn how to apply here.

How does the Disal consortium work?

Ande de carro novo com o consórcio Disal. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
Ride a new car with the Disal consortium. Source: Adobe Stock.

The big problem for many people who choose consortium financing is that many do not know how this second purchase option works. For this reason, it is important to detail how the Disal consortium works. 

In short, this is a form of joint purchase. In the consortium, a group of people get together to buy the same product, in this case, a car. For this, all consortium members need to pay a certain amount monthly. 

Every month, Disal Administrator of Consortia collects payments and draws the famous letter of credit for one of the participants in the consortium. 

In possession of the credit, the recipient can use the money to buy any model, as long as it is a car. 

It is important to remember that this is one of the rules of the consortium: if your consortium is a car, you can only buy a car and so on. 

In other words, there is no way to enter the car consortium and want to buy a house with the credit. 

In the case of the Disal consortium, there are two plans available:

  • Integral Plan: those who know the consortium already know how this option works. In it, you are entitled to the full amount of the credit and your installments are also with the full amount. According to the value of the reference good, it is possible to opt for up to 80 monthly payments;
  • Simple Plan: in this plan, the consortium member has the option of paying only 75% of the value of the letter of credit at first. However, the remaining percentage needs to be paid after contemplating the consortium.

Now that you already have an overview of how the consortium works, let's focus on other questions and then go into more detail about this issue of plans.

What is the limit of the Disal consortium?

The available limit is certainly a differential here, as there are few consortium administrators who manage to release such high values for the purchase of cars. 

Well, without further ado, Disal has a limit of R$ 35 thousand for members who are able to pay. By the way, your hiring can be based on the credit value itself or even on the car model you want. 

Disal Advantages

For more than 20 years, Disal has been operating in the management of consortiums in the market. Taking into account its operating time, the company presents totally relevant numbers, with more than 1 million members in the national territory.

The Disal customer is entitled to several benefits, among which it is possible to highlight the following:

  • Consortium without entry and without interest; 
  • Payments that fit in your pocket;
  • Plans for all financial profiles;
  • Planning when hiring.

In this way, the Disal customer is within a highly qualified service, which you can check on the company's portal.

Disal main features

Disal has access to all brands and models of cars on the market and in this regard there really is no limit other than the credit amount. 

Therefore, any car that costs from R$ 35 thousand on the market is within the models available for purchase with the Disal consortium.

It is worth remembering the issue of the Simple Plan that we mentioned at the beginning of the article. 

In this case, remember that there is a charge of only 75% of the total amount until contemplation, but after that, the payment of 25% can occur in the following ways:

  • If contemplation is by drawing lots: the 25% are diluted in the remaining payments;
  • If contemplation is by bid: if the bid is greater than 25%, there is automatic discharge and discount on the rest; if it is equal to 25% there is only discharge and if it is lower, there is discharge of a part and dilution of the remaining amount.

For whom the consortium is indicated

The Disal consortium is very interesting for most people who do not have the opportunity to earn a good income and thus cannot buy a car in cash. 

In addition, it is much smarter to join a consortium and plan a future bid to purchase the car that you finance and pay very high interest rates each month.

How to make a Disal consortium?

Afinal, como fazer o consórcio? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, how to make the consortium? Source: Adobe Stock.

The first step necessary to acquire a quota in the Disal car consortium is to talk to the sector responsible for the company's sales. In addition, interested parties should also clarify all their doubts before closing the deal, in order not to be surprised.

It is worth noting that experts recommend attention when reading the contract to avoid possible future surprises in the budget. In addition, check out our recommended content below and see in detail how to apply for the consortium.

How to apply for the Disal consortium

The Disal consortium offers payment flexibility, possibility of plans and high credit values. Learn how to apply here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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