
Get to know the Minha Casa Melhor card

Did you purchase your property through the Minha Casa Minha Vida program, but now you don't know how to furnish your home? Don't worry! Learn about the Minha Casa Melhor card and see how it can help you.


Minha Casa Melhor Card: find out all the benefits and how to apply

Conheça todos as vantagens do cartão Minha Casa Melhor e realize a compra da sua mobília e eletrodomésticos novinhos. Fonte: Gov.
Discover all the advantages of the Minha Casa Melhor card and buy your new furniture and appliances. Source: Gov.

The Minha Casa Melhor card is another benefit for low-income families. In other words, the card is available to families who have purchased a property through the Minha Casa Minha Vida program. With the card, these families have the possibility of furnishing their homes with the available limit.

Therefore, in this post, Mr. Panda will show you the main features of this card and why it is worth applying for. Keep reading and find out more!

Annuitynot informed
minimum incomenot informed
Flagno flag
BenefitsReduced interest, payment term of up to 48 months.
card features

How to apply for the Minha Casa Melhor card

Furnish your home with reduced interest rates and extended payment terms. To do this, see how to apply for the card here.

Main features of My Better Home

O cartão Minha Casa Melhor é um benefício Caixa e Governo Federal, oferecendo juros reduzidos e amplo prazo de pagamento. Fonte: Adobe Stock.
The Minha Casa Melhor card is a benefit from Caixa and the Federal Government, offering reduced interest rates and a long payment term. Source: Adobe Stock.

Firstly, the card is exclusive to families who purchase property through the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program. In this sense, the card is a kind of complement to the Caixa program. To apply for the card, no minimum income is required.

In addition, the limit is variable and can reach R$1,095,000. With it, you can buy furniture and appliances for the property you have purchased. However, it is worth noting that this limit is established according to a credit analysis carried out by Caixa.

Remember that the card has its own brand, as it is exclusive to beneficiaries of Caixa Econômica programs in partnership with the federal government.


Who the card is for

The Minha Casa Melhor card is directly linked to the Minha Casa Minha Vida program. Therefore, only beneficiaries of this program can apply for the card.

Furthermore, they must be registered with CadÚnico, have their registration updated and meet the requirements that already include them in the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program.

Is the Minha Casa Melhor credit card worth it?

As already mentioned, the card limit is a maximum of R$1,950,000.00. In addition, it is exclusively intended for low-income families who purchase properties through the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program. Therefore, to save as much as possible and take advantage of the program's benefits, it is worth applying.

So, now let’s look at some of the card’s advantages to prove its viability.


Afinal, quais as vantagens do cartão? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, what are the advantages of the card? Source: Adobe Stock.

With the Minha Casa Melhor card, the user is entitled to a payment term of up to 48 months to pay the credit installments that were made at the time of purchase of household appliances and furniture.

In addition, users have a credit limit of up to R$1,000.00 to make purchases. And the interest rate is lower, that is, around R$5,000.00 per year for cardholders.



The card is not available to everyone. Therefore, only beneficiaries of the Minha Casa Minha Vida program from Caixa Econômica Federal can apply for the card.

Remembering that the card does not have a Visa, Mastercard or any other brand that we know of. Therefore, the card is a charitable program for participants in the Caixa program.

How to get a Minha Casa Melhor credit card?

The card request must be made at the Caixa branch closest to your home. In addition, you can use Caixa's call center to contact the branch, request the card in advance and have it shipped. Then, after requesting it, the Minha Casa Melhor card will arrive at the registered address within a few days.

See how easy it is? Check out our recommended content below and see in detail how to apply for your Minha Casa Melhor card and enjoy all its benefits.

How to apply for the Minha Casa Melhor card

Furnish your home with reduced interest rates and extended payment terms. To do this, see how to apply for the card here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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