
Discover the C6 Rainbow credit card

Learn more about the C6 Rainbow credit card and enjoy an international financial product with no annual fee. In addition, he is a supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and prints the plastic with the social name.


C6 Rainbow Card: representation and respect in a free card

Um cartão que apoia financeiramente causas importantes. Fonte: C6 Bank.
A card that financially supports important causes. Source: C6 Bank.

Among all the options on the financial market, the C6 Rainbow credit card demonstrates explicit support for the LGBTQIA+ community. However, there is not only support, but also effective actions.

That is, customers of this card can help support institutions, such as Instituto +Diversidade. In addition, they enjoy the traditional benefits of C6 Bank, such as zero annuity, free account and international coverage of the Mastercard brand. 

There is also the Átomo program, where each purchase becomes points that can be exchanged or donated. Also, click to apply for this card. So show support and respect for this important and meaningful community.

How to apply for the C6 Rainbow card

Apply for this free credit card and support institutes that change the lives of LGBTQIA+ people!

How does the C6 Rainbow credit card work?

Mas, afinal, como o cartão funciona? Fonte: C6 Bank.
But, after all, how does the card work? Source: C6 Bank.

To clarify, the C6 Rainbow credit card offers colors and the opportunity for your corporate name to be everywhere. That is, the characteristics of the traditional C6 card remain.

So, it's a debit and credit card with a digital account. So make transfers, payments and withdrawals. In addition, the movement is entirely done by the C6 application.

If you choose the basic version, you won't pay an annual fee and you will also accumulate Atoms points with each purchase, for example. Therefore, it works like any other C6 Bank credit card.


What is the C6 Rainbow credit card limit?

Firstly, if you already have a C6 Bank card credit limit, it will remain the same. On the other hand, when the application is new, you will undergo a credit analysis. That is, the bank does not standardize a pre-approved credit limit. So, each one has their own based on the assessment of their monthly income and financial history.

Is the C6 Rainbow credit card worth it?

First, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of this card to know if it's worth it. Then follow the information below.


  • No annuity in the basic version;
  • Átomos Program, with the exchange of points for products or donations;
  • Approximation payment;
  • Benefits of the Mastercard Surprise program;
  • Social name and color card;
  • Support for LGBTQIA+ causes;
  • Moving 100% online.

There is also the effective commitment to the community that it proposed with:

  • financial aid to Instituto +Diversidade;
  • sponsorship of the Diver S/A Fair;
  • support for the LGBTQIA+ Business and Rights Forum;
  • partnership with the clothing line Insider.


Although it is cheaper and accessible, it has the disadvantage of requiring a credit analysis. Therefore, those who have negative credits can hardly get a credit limit, for example.

In addition, the Átomos program is more basic for those who do not pay for plans. That is, paying ten reais per month, you accumulate 0.28 points, much more than in the Basic C6 plan.

Finally, there is a charge of twenty reais to switch from the regular C6 card to the Rainbow. Certainly an expensive fee for a simple change!

How to make a C6 Rainbow credit card?

A solicitação é feita por aplicativo. Fonte: Pexels.
The request is made per application. Source: Pexels.

In short, you must first open the digital account through the application. That is, it will be a traditional C6 digital account. 

With the account open, request the Rainbow credit card through the application. So, it is also through the cell phone that the invoice control, the accumulation of points and the available limit are done.

Also, if you want to know more details about the application process, read our recommended content.

How to apply for the C6 Rainbow card

Apply for this credit card and enter your corporate name to enjoy benefits such as zero annuity and international coverage. Also, help the LGBTQIA+ cause!

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