Government Aid

Discover the Social Water Tariff benefit

Have you heard of the Social Water Tariff? With it, low-income Brazilians can get up to 60% discount on their water bill. Check out everything about the benefit here!


See how to reduce the value of your water bill by up to 60%!

Saiba tudo sobre a Tarifa Social da Água e como se cadastrar no benefício! Fonte: Canva.
Find out everything about the Social Water Tariff and how to register for the benefit! Source: Canva.

Thinking about low-income families, the government started to offer social tariffs on some basic accounts. In this way, today it is possible to obtain the benefit of the Social Water Tariff.


Government aid

Social Water Tariff

CadÚnico High discounts

Check out how to register for the Social Water Tariff and receive discounts of up to 60%!

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Discounts can reach up to 60% of the bill value depending on the State. However, it depends on the income of each family and also on the water distributor in the region.

But low-income families are not the only ones covered by the Social Water Tariff benefit. Want to know more about the program? So continue reading and we’ll tell you everything about it.

What is the Social Water Tariff?

The Social Water Tariff is a discount offered to low-income family groups. This way, this portion of the population has access to drinking water and sewage collection at a reduced price on the bill.

Therefore, families with a per capita income of up to half the minimum wage are entitled to the benefit. Unemployed or sick people who need water for treatment can also request it.

However, it is worth highlighting that this benefit is not given by the Federal Government, but by each state.

Therefore, to check if your region is part of the program, you need to contact the water concessionaire that supplies your State.


Government aid

Social Water Tariff

CadÚnico High discounts

Check out how to register for the Social Water Tariff and receive discounts of up to 60%!

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What are the benefits of the Social Water Tariff?

Conheça mais sobre as vantagens oferecidas pelo benefício! Fonte: Canva.
Find out more about the advantages offered by the benefit! Source: Canva.

Firstly, the main benefit of the Social Water Tariff is the discount on the monthly bill. In other words, those who register may have a lower amount to pay each month.

In this sense, the discount is cumulative and works as follows:

  • 40% discount for 10 cubic meters of consumption per month;
  • Consumption of 10 to 15 cubic meters offers a discount of 30% per month;
  • 20% discount for 15 to 20 cubic meters of water per month.

However, in some States, discounts can reach up to 60% of the bill value. Therefore, the Tariff helps low-income families to have access to drinking water at a fair price.

Furthermore, as a large part of these families depend on government aid, the benefit helps even more with the reduction of monthly expenses.

Who is entitled to assistance?

To access the Social Water Tariff, the family must be registered with CadÚnico. In addition, you must also present a monthly family income less than or equal to half the minimum wage per person.

Anyone who has a monthly income of up to three minimum wages and is disabled can also request the rate.

Furthermore, anyone who needs medical treatment at home is also entitled to the Social Water Tariff.

But to receive the discount, you must contact the dealership in each state. This is because the benefit is guaranteed by the State, and not by the Federal Government.

How do you know if you will receive the Social Water Tariff?

Finally, if you have already registered for the Social Water Tariff, simply contact the company that supplies water in your region.

Normally the results are published online. But they can also be consulted by telephone.

But, if you are not yet part of the program and would like to register, we will help you! Check out the content below to learn the step-by-step process. Let's go?


Government aid

Social Water Tariff

CadÚnico High discounts

Check out how to register for the Social Water Tariff and receive discounts of up to 60%!

You will remain in the same website

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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