Government Aid
Learn about the Amazonas State Aid benefit
Do you know the Amazonas State Aid benefit? In short, the government has made aid installments available to help families that belong to the state of Amazonas and meet the prerequisites. In today's article we will explain all the details of how it works.
See how to receive the Amazonas State Aid
The Amazonas State Aid benefit was created by the state government of Amazonas as a project to assist its population. Incidentally, the program started in the pandemic and has already become permanent in the state.
In this way, it is considered the largest assistance program for the Amazonian population in history. In this sense, many families that previously had nothing to eat will now be assured.
Therefore, in today's article we will show you all the details of the Amazonas State Aid benefit. Continue reading and find out more!
What is Amazonas State Aid?
First of all, as already mentioned, the Amazonas State Aid is a state government income transfer program. Therefore, the main objective is to guarantee food security and the dignity of low-income families.
In addition, the program seeks to emancipate these families and, consequently, boost the state's economy. Basically, the proposal is very similar to other grants, such as Auxílio Brasil.
However, as it is state aid, it caters to more specific groups and demands in each region.
Therefore, the benefit will be paid through cards, which have been delivered to the population since February. In fact, a total of 300,000 families will receive the Amazonas State Aid benefit.
What are the benefits of Amazonas State Aid?
In short, the Amazonas State Aid is an income transfer program. In this way, the target population receives a monthly amount to help with everyday life. Mainly, to ensure basics such as food and hygiene products.
In this sense, the aid will be paid in the monthly amount of R$150. All this to be distributed on the card offered to the population. Incidentally, no one needs to attend the municipal CRAS, the cards are being delivered at home.
Who is entitled to assistance?
In short, 300,000 families will receive the State aid from Amazonas. Therefore, the state government carried out the selection based on the Single Registry for Social Programs, the CadÚnico.
By the way, normally, most of the social aids use the CadÚnico. This is because this platform unifies all socioeconomic information of families in one place.
In this sense, the selected families are those that fall into a situation of poverty and extreme poverty. In addition, it was also verified whether the person responsible for the group was over 18 years old.
In addition, the government gave priority to families with more than 4 members and also to those who already receive the Auxílio Brasil. Together, having pregnant women at home was also one of the tiebreakers.
How do you know if you will receive Amazonas State Aid?
In summary, finding out if you are going to receive the Amazonas State Aid is very simple. Basically, the state government will provide an online platform for data consultation.
That is, you can enter the website, inform your CPF and date of birth and already check whether or not you will receive the aid. In addition, as already mentioned, the Amazonas State Aid will be paid by means of a card.
In this sense, with the portal provided by the government, you can also check in which establishments you can use the card. Incidentally, the card will work as a food voucher. That is, you can only buy food, hygiene and cleaning products.
Finally, you learned a little more about the Amazonas State Aid. In this way, this program will help several families to overcome food insecurity and bring dignity to their daily lives.
Therefore, if you want to know in detail how it works to apply for the Amazonas State Aid benefit, we will explain it to you. In this other article, see the step by step to make the request!
About the author / Leticia Maia
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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