
How to prepare for higher level contests?

Higher-level competitions tend to have more difficult tests and full of pranks. Find out here how to study for them and find out about the competitions planned for this year.


Have a solid and stable career right after finishing college

Saiba como se preparar para esses concursos! Fonte: Pexels.
Learn how to prepare for these contests! Source: Pexels.

Higher level public tenders are a great opportunity for those who have already graduated to get a stable job with a high salary.

From it, you guarantee that all the effort, both time and money made during your undergraduate course, result in a good public job that offers more comfort in your life.

How to study for exams?

Learn the best way to study and reconcile practice with your work!

But, to be able to achieve all this, it is necessary to put in a little more effort, since higher-level public tenders can be competitive and have more difficult tests.

Therefore, to help you prepare, we have separated in this article some essential tips to know how to prepare in the best way for a higher level competition.

What to study for public tender higher level?

Conheça as principais disciplinas que caem na prova. Fonte: Pexels.
Know the main disciplines that fall in the test. Source: Pexels.

In short, higher level public tender exams usually have a higher difficulty.

Thus, it is common to find tests with longer questions, texts to interpret and a more formal language that makes the student need to have a better level of vocabulary and understanding.

In addition, these tests are usually full of pranks, especially in relation to the Portuguese language. Thus, it is easy to find questions that play with simple terms in the field.

And in addition to objective questions, it is common for higher-level contests to have discursive questions to better attest your knowledge in the area.

This all makes it necessary to prepare more for this test. In this sense, it may be interesting for you to know the subjects that are usually included in most tests, such as:

  • Interpretation of text and semantics;
  • Orthography;
  • Nominal and verbal regency;
  • Syntax;
  • crasis;
  • Percentage and financial mathematics;
  • Proportion;
  • Arithmetic and geometric progression;
  • Notions of probability and statistics;
  • Policy;
  • Current affairs;
  • Computing;
  • Right (depending on the position).

Thus, when knowing the disciplines that fall the most, it is better to prepare for the test, since waiting for the public notice to be published is not always a good idea because it can be released only a few months before the tests.

Imagem de um celular ao lado de um teclado repousado em uma superficie de madeira. O celular mostra a logo da receita federal.

How to prepare for IRS exams

See how to study for this contest that can have positions that earn more than R$ 20 thousand!


What are the mid-level contests for 2022?

Conheça os concursos previstos para o ano! Fonte: Pexels.
Discover the competitions planned for the year! Source: Pexels.

The year 2022 began with several contests being launched, both at fundamental and medium level, as well as higher.

Thus, this has become a good year for those seeking to start a public career and thus achieve better job opportunities.

Therefore, the higher level competitions launched or planned for 2022 were:

  • Anatel, with a request for more than 300 vacancies;
  • ANEEL, with an estimate for 184 vacancies;
  • Banco do Brasil for the technology area;
  • Cagece, with selection for 262 vacancies;
  • Municipal council of several cities;
  • Crefito, with salaries of up to R$ 4 thousand.
  • Among other opportunities.

But, if you are thinking about taking public exams next year, you can check out the Unified TSE competition, which is expected to release vacancies in 2023.

Generally, as it is a more competitive contest, its tests are very difficult, so it might be a good idea to already know the subjects that fall in order to start preparing.

For this, you can check in the following post the main information already released about this contest.

Mulher de cabelos cacheados olhando o notebook sentada em uma mesa

Unified TSE Contest

Learn all about the competition and how to prepare for the exams!

What are the requirements for taking higher level contests?

Saiba se você pode realizar o concurso. Fonte: Pexels.
Find out if you can hold the contest. Source: Pexels.

In short, to participate in any public tender in Brazil, it is necessary to meet some basic requirements.

At first, these requirements are disclosed in the tender notice, with more details as to how they will be proven.

But, although each contest has its requirements, most of them follow some basic criteria, such as:

  • Have Brazilian nationality;
  • Be over 18 years of age;
  • Have discharged your military obligations
  • Having discharged the electoral obligations;
  • Possess the required level of education;
  • Be physically and mentally fit for the job.

Of all these requirements, it is important to pay special attention to the level of education. This is because nowadays there are several different types of diplomas.

In this way, even if you graduate, you may end up not meeting the requirements if the modality of your diploma is different from the one added in the public notice.

Namely, public notices usually add four different categories of diplomas, namely:

  1. Higher Level: for degree, baccalaureate, technologist or sequential course of specific training;
  2. Higher level graduation: accepts degree, bachelor's degree and technologist;
  3. Higher-level graduation, bachelor's degree: only accepts bachelors;
  4. Higher-level graduation, licenciatura: only accepts graduates.

Therefore, by meeting these requirements, it is almost certain that you will be able to participate in the higher level contests that are launched.

On the other hand, if you want to know the main contests of 2022, access the recommended content below.

List of competitions for 2022

Find out about all the contests that will take place in the year for all levels of schooling!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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