
Learn how to take advantage of CVC ticket offers

Check out all CVC services here, plus the step-by-step guide to buying airline tickets at the company and all the ways to save by buying at this agency.


Find out if CVC is the best place to buy a ticket

Veja como gastar pouco ao viajar com a CVC. Fonte: Freepik/CVC
See how to spend little when traveling with CVC. Source: Freepik/CVC

Buying airfare at CVC is one of the best alternatives to save money and have a smooth trip, while having a lot of fun.

The company provides several packages, where you can find the lowest ticket price and in some cases it already includes round-trip tickets.


Ticket on Sale

Check CVC offers

discounts exclusive

Access the CVC website by clicking here and see all the company's promotions.

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In addition, you have access to hotels, where you have unique offers for agency partners, managing to do everything in one place.

Keep reading. In this way, you will find out whether the CVC is reliable or not, based on a complete analysis that you find here at Senhor Panda.

How does CVC work?

Na CVC você encontra vários serviços no mesmo lugar. Fonte: Pexels
At CVC you will find several services in the same place. Source: Pexels

First, what is CVC? This company is a travel agency, which provides a wide variety of services for you.


Ticket on Sale

Search the CVC

Promotions for multiple destinations

Check the prices of CVC tickets, they are sure to fit in your pocket.

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On the company's website, you can purchase airline tickets, in addition to being able to see prices for accommodation.

Therefore, it is a company that seeks to provide a complete service. Including, with several packages, where there are extremely cheap travel opportunities that are undoubtedly worth it.


What are CVC's partner airlines?

Well, today you can buy airline tickets through CVC in several different companies, such as:

  • Goal;
  • Blue;
  • Passaredo;
  • TAM;
  • Avianca;
  • Among others.

Your destination is sure to be on one of these airlines, or on one of the institution's other partners.

How much do the tickets cost on average?

Well, an agency can provide some promotions so that customers pay cheaper on airfare.

Therefore, for domestic flights, separate approximately R$ 1,800.00. This will be the cost you will have in total, buying a round trip ticket approximately.

However, when the flight is outside Brazil, the values can vary greatly, depending on the time of year, so it can cost up to R$ 8,000.00.

It is worth remembering that when purchasing one of the CVC packages, the cost decreases a lot, saving a lot of money.

Always try to buy airfare in advance, as the value goes up a lot in the last few days.

Is it worth buying a ticket through CVC?

For sure, it ends up compensating for the purchase of airfare with CVC.

The cost is much lower than when compared to other alternatives, especially if you choose the complete packages.

In addition, there are other services provided by the company, which end up making this company help you even more.

Therefore, in Mr. Panda's opinion, it is possible to conclude that the CVC is reliable.


How to buy CVC airline ticket?

The purchase by CVC is fast, use one of the ways mentioned below.

From the site

Well, to buy on the site, you just need to search, informing:

  • Date of departure and return;
  • Number of passes;
  • Place of origin and destination,

Thus, the tickets will appear and you can choose one of the options. Then just fill in the details of the tickets and pay the price of the ticket.

by the app

Firstly, through the app you can see the CVC packages, tickets and hotels.

Therefore, everything you do through the website is also possible through the app.


Ticket on Sale

View all CVC packages

trips through best prices

Check out the travel packages that are up to 50% off.

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Therefore, the step-by-step mentioned on the website also applies in the application, and you can pay by credit card.

How to check in through CVC?

Check-in will not be done by CVC, but by the airline.

Most of them already provide this service online, but if you want, you can go to the airport on the day of the trip and do it there.

We recommend that you use online check-in as it is faster and more convenient.

How to contact the company?

The most practical way is through the company's Contact Us, where you send a message and one of the employees will answer you and solve your problem.

However, you can also call the number (11) 3003-9282 and speak with the institution.

CVC or MaxMilhas: where to find the best ticket deals?

Compare as duas das principais agências de passagens aéreas do Brasil. Fonte: Pexels.
Compare the two main airline agencies in Brazil. Source: Pexels.

Even if you already believe that CVC is reliable, there are several travel agency options available, why not make a comparison between them?

It's the best way to spend little and have an amazing trip. In the post below, see information about MaxMilhas.

Both have very similar services, but with some differences that can help your experience.

So, be sure to check out several offers with irresistible prices. Buy your ticket and enjoy the best trips.

pessoas embrcando

Get to know MaxMilhas

See which is more worthwhile. All the information you need about MaxMilhas, you can find in this post!

About the author  /  Felipe Silverio

My name is Felipe Silvério, I study Law at UniFSP, since I was very young I kept the habit of reading, that's why I found myself at work as an editor.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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