
How to apply for the Lendico microentrepreneur loan

The Lendico micro-entrepreneur loan checks your CPF and your MEI income at the time of credit approval. It is ideal for those who want to invest in business. See here how to order yours.


Lendico: quick loan with low interest rates

Afinal, como solicitar? Fonte: Lendico.
After all, how to apply? Source: Lendico.

First, if you have a business, the Lendico micro-entrepreneur loan may be essential for you. In this sense, Lendico offers advantages, such as reduced interest rates and fully online service. That is, everything to facilitate credit for those who are MEI.

So, are you interested and want to apply for your loan right now? Keep reading and check out the step-by-step process. Let's go!




low interest great deadline

Credit of up to R$ 50 thousand with an interest rate from 1,98% per month.

You will be redirected to another website

Order online

Veja como solicitar online. Fonte: Pexels.
See how to apply online. Source: Pexels.

Well, the Lendico loan is very practical and you can make the simulation and request entirely online and safely. To do so, simply access Lendico's official website and select the personal loan tab.

As this line of credit does not use the CNPJ number, you must fill out the form as if it were a personal loan. However, the difference will be when presenting proof of income. Thus, you can include your income as MEI. By the way, it is important to say that this process can increase your chances of approval.

So, the pre-analysis process takes about a few minutes. Meanwhile, the complete review of submitted documentation may take up to 2 business days. Thus, if you are approved, you must sign the contract and wait for the amount to be released, which can be on the same day or on the next business day.


Request via phone

In this sense, it is not possible to apply for the Lendico micro-entrepreneur loan over the phone. However, if you have any questions, you can contact the finance company by phone: (11) 3230-3332.

Request by app

So, the entire Lendico loan application process must be done online. That is, there is no application that you can use to make the request.

However, you can use your smartphone to access the official website and apply for your loan.

microentrepreneur loan finmatch or Lendico microentrepreneur loan: which one to choose?

Well, are you still in doubt if the Lendico loan is right for you? So, check out this suggestion that we leave below. See their main features and compare them:

 finmatch MEIlegendary MEI
Minimum IncomeAbove R$ 4,000.00 per monthnot informed
Interest rateFrom 2,49% to 14,59% per monthFrom 1,98% per month
Deadline to payUp to 36 monthsUp to 36 months
Where to use the creditAs you wishAs you wish
BenefitsProcedure 100% online
Extended payment period
Procedure 100% online
Reduced interest rates
See the main characteristics of the loans

How to apply for the Finmatch MEI loan

Applying for your Finmatch MEI loan is much easier than you might think! Read our text and understand more about this request process.

About the author  /  Aline Barbosa

Writer and producer of content for various subjects, she is passionate about writing and the new. Always in search of knowledge, it aims to transmit what it has learned in a light and uncomplicated way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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